"Come out!"

Naruto found the right position, turned the Nine Tails Chakra into a big hammer, and smashed it hard to the ground.

A Blue mask emerged from the ground, and his face was covered with dense cracks.


The mask exploded directly, and Kakuzu tried every means to escape, but in the end he died in Naruto's hands.

Fu smiled and said to Naruto:

"Five masks, five lives, Kakuzu-senpai relied on this to survive for so long?"

Naruto explained with a smile:

"If you encounter someone you can't beat, five lives will be wasted."

"It seems that if someone with my strength is crushed, even if he has ten lives, he will definitely die.

"But in terms of the means of living long enough, his secret technique is indeed unique!"

Fu agrees:

"This Forbidden Technique is a bit cruel to practice, as if it needs other people's heart to succeed!"

"Furthermore, after so many years in Taki Ninja Village, only Kakuzu has successfully cultivated by himself!"

"In a way, he can also be said to be the genius of our Taki Ninja Village!"

"But unfortunately--

Naruto waved his hand and said:

"There is nothing to regret. With Kakuzu's personality, even if he didn't defect, your Taki Shinobi Village will be messed up by him sooner or later."

"Okay Fu, let's go, let's go to Cloud Shinobi Village!"

Fu nodded obediently and said:


Fu asked: "Naruto, do you think the Akatsuki organization will send people over?"

"Probably not."


"Because there were not many people in the Akatsuki organization, and now I have killed three of them, and Orochimaru even defected!"

"They have no one to use right now. If I'm good, they must be recruiting members everywhere now!"

Fu nodded and asked again:

"Then the elders of Cloud Shinobi Village?"

Naruto sneered:

"Since the Xiao organization will not come over, of course I will send them all to heaven together."

"The games I played with them have been played long enough!"

Naruto sent Fu back to the hotel and came to Raikage's office alone.

Raikage looked at Naruto who suddenly appeared in surprise:

"So fast?"

Naruto looked at Fourth Raikage dissatisfied:

"Raikage are you questioning my strength or my speed!"

Naruto threw Kakuzu's ring onto Fourth Raikage's desk.

"Raikage, the person from the Akatsuki organization is indeed the ninja who fought against the First Generation. This is his identification. I have already killed him!"

Fourth Raikage looked at the ring somewhat similar to Tiandao Payne, and did not doubt Naruto's words.

Fourth Raikage asked, "Now that the fish have been caught, how many remaining elders?"

Naruto smiled and said:

"Didn't they think I would kill at night, one at a time?"

"I let them survive tonight!"

Fourth Raikage did not object, but agreed:

"It's good to kill these cancerous tumors!"

Those elders cooperated with the Akatsuki organization, and even cooperated with Rock Shinobi Village in this situation, which has completely touched his bottom line!

So even if Naruto killed those elders in front of him, he didn't have any mercy.


Fourth Raikage asked:

"Will you meet Konoha next?"

Naruto asked back: "Back to Konoha? Why do you want to go back to Konoha?"

Fourth Raikage said in a deep voice:

"Then are you going to wander around the Ninja World forever? The Ninja World War is about to begin!"

As a powerful partner, Fourth Raikage still hopes that Naruto can stand on their side and declare war on Akatsuki Organization and Rock Shinobi Village together.

Naruto smiled and said:

"I have promised Fu "I will take her to various places in the ninja world."

“After leaving Cloud Shinobi Village, I will consider visiting Rock Shinobi Village.”

"I've already killed Deidara, and now I'm just in time to witness Ohnoki's elimination of blood successor——————————Dust Escape!"

After speaking, Naruto disappeared directly in front of Fourth Raikage.

Fourth Raikage looked at the flashing red light in the distance, and sighed slightly.

During the third Ninja World War, he thought that the combination of speed and ab was invincible.

But he lost to Fourth Hokage in terms of speed, and even the ab combination he was proud of was tied with Fourth Hokage.

……… Ask for flowers………

But Fourth Hokage sealed the Nine Tails demon fox in his child's body with his own life.

Now, his child has taken charge of his own affairs and has become a strong man that even he can't match.

It is not difficult for Naruto to kill a few elders who have almost no ability to resist.

It just took a while to find someone.

After killing all the remaining elders, Naruto returned to the inn.

After washing off the bloody smell that didn't exist on her body, she quietly left Cloud Shinobi Village with Fu.

Coming out of Cloud Shinobi Village, Fu anyway Naruto asked:

"Naruto, shall we go to Rock Shinobi Village next?"

Naruto patted Fu on the head with a smile and said:

"Rock Shinobi Village, don't worry, haven't you ever been to the beach, I'll take you to see the sea view!"



Fu jumped up happily:

“You can see the sea!”

For those who have never seen the sea, the sea is mysterious and fascinating.

But for those who have seen the sea, the sea is actually that.

Naruto took Fu's hand and walked slowly:

"Let's go, we will reach the sea after walking for a while!"

Before the two of them reached the beach, a violent explosion completely attracted their attention.


Naruto and Fu hurried to the location of the explosion.

Naruto looked at the two fighting in surprise!

"This White's body is white""

"Why did he appear here!"

"As for the other person who was fighting, beheading with a big sword—is it not beheading again?"

Naruto recognized the two people fighting at a glance.

Fu looked at Naruto in surprise:

"Naruto, how do you know someone!"

Naruto chuckled, but didn't respond.

In this ninja world, there is no ninja that Naruto doesn't know if his strength can be called a name!

"How did they appear here? This is within the scope of Cloud Shinobi Village. Aren't they afraid of being discovered?"

"This White Zetsu should be a clone, and the main body should still be with Black Zetsu at this time."

"And since Bu Zhan appears here again, Shui Wu Yue Bai should also perish near here!"

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