I, Uzumaki Naruto, Can Become Stronger By Pretending

Chapter 191 The Village Was Destroyed? Enraged Senju Tobirama!

I can feel that you are very strong now.

"Hey, it's okay."

Second Generation said directly:

"So, what is the purpose of resurrecting us?"

After speaking, he shook his fingers.

In an instant, Naruto and the others felt heavy coercion, was it a temptation from the Second Generation?

It seems that it is 100% strength resurrection.

Looking at the uncomfortable Orochimaru, Naruto said to First Generation:

"I hope to be able to fuse First Generation cells with the help of First Generation.

Unexpectedly, Naruto would cut straight to the point, and Orochimaru was a little nervous.

Sasuke is also closely watching "Seven Eight Three" First Generation, and the answer of First Generation is also related to his future.

Senju Hashirama looked into Naruto's eyes quietly, he seemed to be able to see something for a long time.


Senju Hashirama agreed so readily.

This made everyone feel incredible.

Naruto also looked at Senju Hashirama solemnly, and the direct atmosphere between the two of them was somewhat dignified.

Who knows, I don't know who started it first.

Or maybe at the same time, both of them burst out laughing.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that you are very suitable for me. Your name is Naruto, right? You belong to the Uzumaki family?"

"Or Nine Tails Jinchūriki? Not bad, really good, young people are very good!"

Senju Hashirama patted Naruto on the shoulder, then glanced at Senju Tobirama.

The cruel Second Hokage obediently stopped releasing the coercion immediately.

Naruto felt the warmth and strength of Senju Hashirama's palm, and he felt something else, heavier.

"Naruto, are you sure?"

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen understands the danger of cell fusion.

Orochimaru did so many experiments, and in the end, only Yamato survived.

"Don't worry, Lord Third Generation, I believe Naruto will be fine."

Namikaze Minato looked at Naruto with a smile, his son grew up really well.

Now, both Kushina and herself can smile at Jiuquan.

"Who are you?"

Senju Hashirama looked at Minato suspiciously.

"As you can see."

Minato turned his back, showing the large characters on the Hokage robe.

"I am Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and Naruto's father."

"It's just that I was younger when I died, hehe."

"Oh! Is there a Fourth Generation already?"

"It seems that Konoha has developed very well! Now? What era is it?"

"Now is the time of the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade, your granddaughter."

Orochimaru explained.

"What? Little Tsunade?!"

In Senju Hashirama's mind, the little girl holding money over his head and domineering could not help but feel a little speechless.

"Really? Is Tsunade Hime a Hokage? I hope Konoha is okay."

"Unfortunately, Shodai, Konoha has been destroyed."


Senju Tobirama exclaimed and was about to go mad, but Hashirama held his shoulder.

"Calm down, room."

"He is right, I can sense that in the original village, there are very few chakras with the characteristics of life forms.

"Tsunade's Chakra is among them, and it's the biggest one."

"What's going on here, Orochimaru, please clarify!"

The village is the lifeblood of the Third Generation, he couldn't believe that Konoha was suddenly destroyed one day......

Moreover, how did Konoha with so many strong people get destroyed?!

"It's Uchiha Madara, no one is a match for Uchiha Madara."


Everyone here is shocked.

"Uchiha Madara has been revived by the Rinne Tensei Technique."

"And merged with First Generation cells, awakened Rinnegan, and now he is invincible in the world.

Listening to Naruto's evaluation of Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama nodded.

"Now that he has returned to his prime and has mastered Wood Style and Rinnegan, I am afraid that even the current me is no longer his opponent."

"What the hell is Uchiha Madara plotting?!"

Senju Tobirama gritted his teeth:

"Brother, I have said long ago that the Uchiha clan is a scourge, a scourge left behind for thousands of years!"

"Even after we've been dead for so many years, they're still endangering the world!"

Sasuke couldn't listen anymore, Sharingan spun rapidly, staring at 0.7 Senju Tobirama coldly.

"Unexpectedly, there is also a kid from the Uchiha family here."

"Tobirama, I've been dead for so many years, please be merciful, future generations will settle the matter."

"Solve it, how to solve it, the sleepy leaves are gone!"

Senju Tobirama doesn't like the Uchiha clan from the bottom of his heart.


Seeing that the eldest brother was a little angry, Senju Tobirama finally reluctantly shut his mouth.

Naruto snapped back directly.

"Second Hokage, I don't know what kind of grudge you have with Uchiha Madara."

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