I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 16 Proposal

Zhou Shulan opened the door and Song Yi pushed the suitcase in. He met his niece Song Miao for the first time. The little girl was very beautiful, with a round face, thin eyebrows, and big eyes. She stood behind Zhou Shulan and looked at Song Yi curiously.

Zhou Shulan helped Song Yi carry the suitcase in, "Come in quickly and close the door, otherwise the air conditioner will come in. What is in the suitcase that is so heavy?"

Because there is heating in the house, the room temperature should be 25-6 degrees. Song Yi took off his coat while chatting with his mother, "I brought you some gifts from Seoul, including cosmetics, clothes, toys, and Korean ginseng. In addition, And some snacks.”

When Song Mingzhe heard about Korean ginseng, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Korean ginseng? How can they have any good ginseng? It's not as good as our ginseng from Changbai Mountain. What a waste of money!"

Liao Yu quickly tried to persuade her, "Dad, this is also Xiao Yi's intention. No matter where the ginseng is, there must be good and bad. The one Xiao Yi bought must be good. I also hope that you two will be healthy and live a long life!"

Song Yi knelt down and teased his little niece Song Miao, "Are you Miaomiao? How old are you this year?"

Song Miao looked back at her mother, "Mom, my uncle seems to have a bad memory and doesn't recognize me!" Song Miao's childish words made the whole family burst into laughter.

Dinner officially started. Song Yi looked at the large table of dishes prepared by his mother, including chicken stewed with mushrooms, soy sauce stick bones, elbows, braised fish with soy sauce, pork bones stewed with beans, Bingcheng red sausage, pork and sauerkraut stewed with vermicelli, and... The floor is filled with shrimps and crabs.

Song Mingzhe took a bottle of Lingta Baijiu, poured himself a glass, and said to Song Yi, "Would you like to be a little more regular?"

Song Yi took the bottle without refusing, "Okay, I'll have a drink with dad today." Song Mingzhe was a little surprised. Song Yi rarely drank at home before.

Song Mingzhe picked up the cup, took a sip first, and chatted with Song Yi, "Xiao Yi, have you developed your drinking capacity in the past two years in Seoul?"

Song Yi raised his glass, clinked it with his father, took a sip, and then replied: "I have been working in an advertising company in Seoul for the past two years. I used to only do design, but now I have to deal with clients. I always have to drink a little when socializing. I feel that I drink more than before. much better."

Zhou Shulan felt a little distressed, "You should drink less alcohol. Drinking too much can hurt people. When my father was inspected by his superiors, he drank until he vomited. It's not like he was young."

Liao Yu was peeling shrimps for Song Miao. The little girl was dancing with joy after eating. Song Yi asked Liao Yu, "Sister-in-law, Miaomiao will be six years old soon. She should go to elementary school next year, right?"

Liao Yu glanced at Song Yi, and she found that Song Yi had changed a lot this time when he returned to China. Song Yi was quite reserved in front of her before and rarely spoke, but now he would actually take the initiative to chat with her.

"Yes, you can study in first grade when you are six years old." Liao Yu answered.

Song Yi's heart moved, "Sister-in-law, have you considered sending Miaomiao to study somewhere else? For example, Yanjing?"

Zhou Shulan felt strange, "Why send Miaomiao to study in Yanjing for no reason? Isn't it good for Miaomiao to study in the primary school attached to Bianzhou University? It's convenient for me to pick her up and drop her off. Miaomiao's mother has to go to work."

Song Yi explained: "Yenjing's educational resources are much better than Ye Ji's. If Miaomiao goes to Yanjing to study, she will be able to take the college entrance examination in Yanjing, whether she is admitted to a local college in Yanjing or studies abroad. , it’s much more convenient.”

Song Mingzhe snorted, "Opportunism can only win for a while, but being down-to-earth can only last long."

Zhou Shulan said: "Your sister-in-law now has a stable job. If Miaomiao goes to Yanjing to study, who will take care of her? Should I go to Yanjing to take care of the children? And I have to rent a house every month, and I have to spend money on everything. , it’s expensive to raise a child now.”

Song Yi explained: "I know your concerns. In fact, when I came back this time, I was entrusted by the president of our company to open a subsidiary in Yanjing. I have already chosen the company address."

"The new company is also relatively short of manpower. I thought that my sister-in-law worked in the company as a financial officer before. She can go to our new company to be responsible for the financial work. Then we can also take Miaomiao over and go to school directly in Yanjing." Song Yi said Find out his plans.

Song Mingzhe heard it, "Listen to what you mean, can you speak to this new company in Yanjing?"

Song Yi organized the speech, "I will serve as the general manager of the new company established in Yanjing and report directly to our president."

Zhou Shulan understood now, "Then will you work in Yanjing from now on? Yanjing will be much closer to Ye Ji."

Song Mingzhe shook his head, "What's the difference? It's not just a round-trip flight. By the way, this year Yeji Airport opened a round-trip flight from Yeji to Seoul. You won't have to transfer in Yanjing in the future."

Zhou Shulan was still happy for her son, "One works abroad and the other works at home. Of course there is a difference. By the way, Xiaoyi, you are the general manager of the new company this time. How much salary does your boss give you?"

Song Mingzhe coughed and said, "You can't control your mouth when eating with so many dishes. Some foreign companies have very strict requirements and keep wages confidential."

Song Yi smiled, he really liked the current family atmosphere. "My dad is right. Colleagues in our company are not allowed to inquire about wages or bonuses. If you are caught, you may lose your job."

"My position has been adjusted twice this year. Now I am the company's executive director, which is equivalent to the deputy general manager of a state-owned enterprise. The annual salary plus project bonus is about 500,000 to 600,000 yuan," Song Yi said.

Zhou Shulan was particularly surprised when she heard this, "My dear, your salary for one year is almost equal to my salary for thirty years. Xiao Yi, you really didn't read this book in vain. It seems that I sent you to study in South Korea." It’s indeed the right one.”

Liao Yu was secretly dumbfounded when she heard this. Liao Yu worked in the Tobacco Bureau, and her monthly salary was just over 1,000 yuan. Including bonuses at the end of the year, it was almost 30,000 yuan.

The average annual salary of employees in northern Liaoning Province in 2000 was just over 8,000. The Tobacco Bureau where Liao Yu worked was already considered the best-welfare workplace in Yeji City. But Liao Yu's salary for one year is not as good as Song Yi's salary for one month. Are all foreign companies' treatment so good?

Song Yi explained to his parents: "I have better luck. Now I am a company executive. The salary of ordinary employees is not that high. It ranges from 2 million won to 2.5 million won a month. When converted into RMB, it is only 10,000 won." That’s a lot of money.”

Zhou Shulan sighed, "No wonder so many people in our state want to work in South Korea. Working in Seoul for one year can equal us working at home for ten years. I say rich people always like to go abroad."

Song Mingzhe disagreed, "How many years has South Korea been developing? How many years have we been developing? Their economy began to take off in the 1960s and 1970s. The president at the time, Zheng Puxi, was very capable and created the miracle of the Han River. But it was precisely because of his focus The policy of supporting conglomerates has resulted in South Korea’s economic lifeline being controlled by these large consortiums.”

Song Yi nodded, "My dad is right. All walks of life in South Korea are controlled by these large consortiums. It is too difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to get ahead. When your company grows a little bigger, the large consortiums will either acquire you or destroy you. There is no other choice. Our country’s economic potential is huge. In another twenty years, South Korea’s GDP will not be as high as that of one of our provinces. Isn’t our president optimistic about the economic development of our mainland, so he took the initiative to come to Yanjing? Company?"

Song Mingzhe now looked at Chen Zaican who was far away in Seoul, "Although most Koreans I have come into contact with are arrogant, your president is still quite discerning."

Liao Yu was naturally willing to let her daughter receive a better education environment. She asked Song Yi: "Xiao Yi, if I go to work in your advertising company, how much salary can your boss give me?"

Song Yi thought for a while, "Finance is considered a middle-level manager of an advertising company. If you are willing to come here, the monthly non-responsible basic salary is 5,000, and the year-end bonus is calculated separately. If the company's performance is good, your year-end bonus and one year's bonus may be included." The salary is about the same.”

Zhou Shulan naturally does not want her only granddaughter to stay away from her, "Xiaoyu, although the salary in foreign companies is high, it is not an iron rice bowl after all. If Xiaoyi's new company does not perform well, it will be difficult for you to return to work in the Tobacco Bureau. "

"And since you work in Yeji, we, the old couple, can also help take care of Miaomiao. If you go to Yanjing to develop, you will not be familiar with the people there, and I am afraid that you will be bullied." Zhou Shulan advised.

Song Mingzhe took a sip of wine but did not speak. "Miaomiao's study is a big deal and must be considered carefully. You and the boss are just one child, and Miaomiao has lost her father since she was a child."

"If Xiaoyu wants to take Miaomiao to study in Yanjing, I have no objection. Your mother and I still have some savings, so we can help you buy a house in Yanjing and help you get established first. Your mother-in-law has retired and can help you then. Look at your children, if I miss Miaomiao, I will go to Yanjing to see you." Song Mingzhe said.

Liao Yu quickly declined, "Dad, no, I still have money. I'm just worried that if I go to work in Yanjing, I won't be able to take care of you two."

Song Yi gave the solution, "It's okay, sister-in-law. I have already seen the house in Yanjing, and the price of the new house is less than 4,000. You can buy two adjacent houses, one for you and Miaomiao, and one for you and Miaomiao. I will leave the apartment to my parents. My parents will live in Yanjing for their retirement, isn’t that a good place?"

Two updates completed, thank you all for your votes, see you tomorrow!

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