I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 249 Song Yi is preparing to leave the modern family?

At 11 o'clock in the evening, sisters Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee pushed out a seven-layer birthday cake from the side. When Xu Zhuxian saw the one-meter-high cake, he couldn't help showing an envious expression, "Wow! Brother Song Yi's birthday cake." Is it too high?"

Song Yi walked to the cake, and sisters Jin Xiyuan helped Song Yi light the candles. Song Yi picked up a microphone and said, "Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to Dyogi Island to help me celebrate my birthday. After this twenty-ninth birthday, I will soon celebrate my birthday." Year."

"Thirty-year-old means that people begin to mature around the age of thirty, can be independent, and achieve something. I, Song Yi, can achieve something today, in fact, it is indispensable for the help of my relatives and friends, and I have always cherished this gratitude."

"In my senior year, I passed the preliminary examination, the final examination, and the president's personal interview, and finally joined New Korea Media. Many people said that New Asia Entertainment was the start of my career, but I don't agree."

"In my opinion, the starting point of my career was actually the three years I spent working at Shinhan Media. It was the most fulfilling and happiest period for me after leaving college. Because I could learn new things every day and learn to interact with people with different personalities. When dealing with clients, I also learned certain negotiation skills from my superiors.”

"When I accumulated a certain amount of capital to start a business, President Chen Zaican also supported me without reservation in establishing New Asia Advertising in China. Now New Asia Advertising is also listed on the Hong Kong stock market. Brother Chan, you are the key to my career The first noble person, let me toast you first."

Song Yi raised his glass and toasted Chen Zaican. Chen Zaican smiled brightly and clinked glasses with Song Yi from a distance, and the two of them drank the wine. Song Suying listened to Song Yi's speech, but secretly complained in her heart, "The way you thank Chen Zaican is to sleep with his wife?"

"Today's SA Group is indeed built on the basis of New Asia Entertainment. After establishing New Asia Entertainment, I met the second noble person, Tae Hee's sister Jin Xiyuan. If not for Xiyuan to help me manage SA Group I really don’t have enough energy to take care of SA Soft.”

"When New Asia Entertainment was first established, the company was very small. I remember the first artist we signed was Hye Kyo. Thanks to Hye Kyo for not dissing our small studio of New Asia Entertainment at that time, Hye Kyo is now the most popular artist in Korea. He is a popular TV drama actor, and our SA has also grown into the top 2 entertainment company in South Korea. This is also a good story of mutual achievement."

"Taking the opportunity of my birthday, I would like to say something to all the artists under SA. We, SA, will not let down the efforts of every artist. As long as you and SA are of the same mind, SA will definitely not treat you badly."

"Some people say that I want to star in Hollywood movies like Jun Ji-hyun, and I want to accept overseas endorsements like Song Hye Kyo. These are no problem. The question is when the company hands you a good script and a good role, can you do it? Grasp it?"

"Every actor wants to star in a big-budget Hollywood movie and become a world-famous movie star right away. The problem is that if your personal ability is not enough and you can't support the movie, even if I put you on the crew, you will still be there. It’s no use. If Jun Ji-hyun wasn’t the youngest winner of the Daejong Award for Best Actress, would the crew of “Kung Fu Panda” have allowed her to play the role of Qiao Xiaolong?”

"Don't focus on interpersonal relationships. Even if you become a producer or director, if I think your acting skills can't support this drama, I still won't hesitate to say no to you. Focus more on improving In terms of acting skills, actors rely on acting skills to make a living. Good looks are only temporary, but superb acting skills can benefit you for life. Acting is also a profession where you live and learn."

"Of course, with the expansion of the company, the number of movies, TV series and variety shows produced by our SA every year is growing rapidly. Now some of our SA artists have begun to be picky about their roles in movies or TV series, and they are not leading female roles. I didn’t want to star in it, nor did I want to play the villain in the movie. I received film offers from other film companies, but when I saw that the pay was not up to my expectations, I didn’t even bother to read the script.”

"You are not willing to act, but some people are willing to act. You must not think that movies, TV series and variety shows produced by SA Pictures must use your own people. This is really not necessarily the case."

"I gave SA Pictures President Jin Youze a fatal order. Starting from 2006, the film and television dramas produced by SA must use at least 30% of actors from other agencies. In 2007, this proportion must reach 40%. In 2008, This ratio should reach 50%.”

"I have two requirements for SA Films' film and television dramas. The first is to be good-looking, and the second is to be profitable. I need SA Films to produce good-looking and popular films and television works to give back to the Korean public. If SA Films' film and television dramas continue to With your own actors, no matter how good or bad the performance is, you can get so much salary, but the meat will rot in the pot anyway, so how can you have the motivation to improve your acting skills?"

"Here, I also announce a decision in advance. The heroine of ABS TV's drama "Witch Yoo Hee" in the first quarter of next year has been confirmed to be Miss Han Jiaren."

"Miss Han Jiaren is also the female lead in the action movie "Veteran" shot by SA Pictures in the first half of next year. Ms. Han's lover Yeon Jung-hoon will also star in the movie "Veteran". This is the first on-screen collaboration in a movie, so you might as well look forward to it," Song Yi said.

Gao Xianzhen, Sung Yuri, Moon Geunying and others couldn't help but look at Han Jiaren. Han Jiaren wore a black strapless dress, which fully showed off her fair skin and tall figure.

Gao Xianzhen and the others were thoughtful. Combined with what Song Yi said just now, Song Yi was obviously using Han Jiaren to beat the actors under SA.

Although Han Jiaren had received hints from Kim Hee-won before, she was still very surprised when Song Yi confirmed that she had won the lead female role in the movie "Veteran" and the TV series "Witch Yoo-hee" at the same time. She bent down and thanked the people around her for their congratulations together with Yeon Jung-hoon.

After Li Yingai heard that Song Yi said that in the future, every TV series or movie of SA Pictures would use at least 50% of artists from other agencies, she immediately decided to have more contact with Song Yi. A SA non-staff actress like her Must be reused

Song Yi raised his glass and clinked it with Jin Xiyuan, and said sincerely: "Xiyuan, SA can develop to the scale it is now, thanks to your contribution. I would like to toast you for the second glass of wine."

Jin Xiyuan was pregnant and not suitable for drinking. She looked at Song Yi affectionately and said, "We are all a family, why should we be so polite. If you thank me, you might as well thank Taixi. Although I am the elder sister and she is the younger sister. , In fact, she has always been tolerant of me."

Kim Tae Hee understood what Jin Xiyuan meant. Without Kim Tae Hee's acceptance, Jin Xiyuan would not be able to stay with Song Yi and do things.

"In addition to Brother Chan and Xiyuan, the third noble person I want to thank the most today is also here. She is Vice President Zheng Eunxuan of our SA Group."

"As we all know, our SA Group was formed by the merger of New Asia Group and Asan Group. When New Asia Entertainment was first established, Asan Group's market value exceeded one trillion won."

"When New Asia Group was first established, Asan Group also provided a lot of help to New Asia Entertainment. It can be said that without Asan, SA would not be what it is today. I would also like to thank Vice President Zheng for his trust in me, so that we can achieve this There are numerous economic cooperation projects between Xinya and Asan.”

"There is a saying in the entrepreneurial circle that you should never start a company in partnership with friends. Because in reality, it often happens that you are friends when you are in partnership, but you become enemies when you break up."

"Since ancient times, money has attracted people's hearts. No matter how good relatives or friends are, they will easily turn against each other once financial interests are involved. When doing things, I always feel that I have done too much, and when I divide the money, I always feel that I have received too little. Fortunately, Vice President Zheng and I I have never encountered this problem. After the merger of New Asia Group and Asan Group, Vice President Zheng used her life wisdom to handle the running-in problem of the two groups, making the senior management teams and employees of New Asia and Asan feel like one family. "

"I hope that in the next ten, twenty, or even fifty years, our Song and Zheng families can still stay true to their original aspirations, work hand in hand, and work together to maintain the unbreakable friendship between the two families. Vice President Zheng , I propose a toast to you! A thousand words are said in the wine, so I will do it first as a token of my respect!"

Song Yi walked up to Zheng Enxuan, filled up the wine, then held the wine glass with both hands and drank the wine in one gulp.

Song Suying and Chen Fuzhen looked a little strange when they heard Song Yi personally talking about the Song and Zheng families.

When the modern family was divided, Zhou Zhengyong followed Song Yi's advice and divided into modern families. Zhou Mengjiu's family inherited the Hyundai Motor Group, Zhou Mongzhun inherited the name of Hyundai Group and Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, and Zhou Mongxian inherited the Asan Group.

Later, Zhou Mengxian was imprisoned because of the political donation case, and the Ashan Group was handed over to Zheng Enxuan, assisted by Song Yi.

No matter how impressive Zheng Enxuan was in the Asan Group, and he was the largest individual shareholder of the Asan Group, the outside world always believed that the Asan Group was Zhou Mengxian's company, but was managed by Zheng Enxuan.

After Zhou Mengxian was released from prison, there was always a voice in the Hyundai family asking Zheng Eunxuan to abdicate in favor of others, return to the family and continue to be a full-time housewife, and return the company to Zhou Mengxian to manage.

Song Yi has always supported Zheng Enxuan in the modern family and disagreed with Zhou Mengxian's return to the management of Ashan Group. If Zhou Mengxian returns to Asan Group, he will choose to sell Asan Group shares and no longer interfere in Asan Group affairs.

Later, Zhou Mengxian was successfully elected as a member of the National Assembly and was responsible for foreign affairs with North Korea. This could be regarded as fulfilling Zhou Zhengyong's last wish, and the proposal to let Zheng Enxuan give way to Zhou Mengxian was dropped.

Song Yi emphatically thanked Zheng Enxuan at the birthday party today, saying that Zheng Enxuan was his third nobleman, but did not mention the modern family or Zhou Mengxian at all.

He just emphasized the friendship between the Song and Zheng families, rather than the friendship between the Song and Zhou families. This passage can be said to be profound. Song Yi once again used practical actions to support Zheng Enxuan and Zheng Enxuan's chosen successor Zhou Zhiyi.

Song Yi was actually shouting about the Modern Family from a distance today. The key to a good cooperative relationship between him and the Modern Family lies in Zheng Enxuan, not Zhou Mengxian.

If Zheng Eunxuan is marginalized by the Hyundai family, then SA Group will downplay its "pan-modern" color and no longer regard itself as a member of the Hyundai family.

If SA Group withdraws from the Hyundai family, then SA Group can enter the automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding manufacturing, and retail department store industries to compete with Hyundai Motor Group, Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, and Hyundai Department Store Group.

The current situation is that SA Group has formed a monopoly advantage in the two major industries of the Internet and media. Hyundai Motor and Hyundai Heavy Industries have no way to challenge SA Group's advantageous industries.

Hyundai Motor and Hyundai Heavy Industries are very worried that SA Group will enter the automobile manufacturing and shipbuilding manufacturing industries through corporate mergers and acquisitions to eat into the market share of Hyundai Motor and Hyundai Heavy Industries.

When Ssangyong Motors went bankrupt in 2004, Song Yi originally intended to take over, but was eventually dissuaded by Zhou Mengkui and Zheng Enxuan. After all, Song Yi is also a member of the Hyundai family. If he enters the automobile industry, he will definitely encounter fierce opposition from Zhou Mengjiu, and no one else in the family will support Song Yi's approach.

Song Suying said to Chen Fuzhen: "Why do I hear Song Yi's words? He seems to be preparing to leave the modern family? Are there any big moves by the SA Group that we don't know about?"

Chen Fuzhen glanced at Song Suying, "Being a member of the Modern Family is both a protection and a constraint for Song Yi. It is precisely to consider the opinions of other members of the Modern Family that SA Group's expansion path has always been relatively restrained."

"My grandfather founded Samsung and became the richest man in South Korea, and then the Samsung family came into existence. Chairman Zhou Zhengyong became the new richest man in South Korea, and then there is the current Hyundai family."

"Song Yi, who is now twenty-nine years old, is already the richest man in South Korea. He no longer needs the talisman of the Hyundai family. Now it is the Hyundai family that relies on Song Yi, not Song Yi who relies on the Hyundai family."

"In this case, why doesn't he simply leave the Hyundai Family and establish his own SA family? He can no longer tolerate some guys from the Hyundai Family who rely on their elders to influence SA's business," Chen Fuzhen said.

"You mean that Song Yi is no longer satisfied with being subordinate to the Modern Family. He hopes to be able to talk to all members of the Modern Family on an equal footing. Is that what you mean? The question is, will Zhou Xiangyong, Zhou Mengjiu, and Zhou Mengzhun agree?" Song Suying asked.

"You have to agree even if you don't agree. The combined assets of Zhou Mengjiu, Zhou Mengzhun, Zhou Xiangyong, and Zhou Menggen are not as large as Song Yi alone."

"In Korea, whoever is rich has a louder voice. Song Yi is richer than all members of the modern family, and they still want to act like their elders in front of Song Yi. Aren't they asking for trouble? Didn't you hear Song Yi talked about Vice Chairman Zheng from beginning to end today, not Aunt Enxuan. Doesn't this illustrate his attitude from the side?" Chen Fuzhen said.

Song Suying smiled, and she whispered to Chen Fuzhen, "Song Yi did it on purpose. If he continues to call Enxuan Auntie, how can he have the nerve to continue bullying Enxuan?"

"You definitely won't be able to rush back to Seoul today. Kim Tae Hee is pregnant again now, and she can't sleep with Song Yi at night. We finally came here, why don't we call Eun Xuan tonight? Why don't we have a three-hero battle with Lu Bu? , come and celebrate Song Yi’s birthday, what do you think?” Song Suying boldly suggested.

I recommend a Huayu novel "The Great Writer in the Entertainment Circle", with the heroine Liu Yifei. The writing is good, you can read it.

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