I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 35 Song Yi’s Certificate of Voting (please vote for monthly recommendation)

Chapter 35 Song Yi’s Certificate of Voting (please vote for me + recommendation votes)

Song Yi knew that it was impossible for Song Yuxi to believe Song Yi the first time they met. If Song Yi wanted to join Song Yuxi's camp, he must submit a letter of nomination.

Shinhan Media is an unlisted small and medium-sized advertising company. If the media company's price-to-earnings ratio is 15 to 20 times, assuming Shinhan Media's profit in 2001 was US$1 million, then Shinhan Media's maximum valuation is US$20 million.

Song Yi currently holds 10% of Xinhan Media shares, so the value of Song Yi’s shares is US$2 million.

If Song Yi follows Song Yuxi's suggestion and lends $2 million through his friends in the bank. Although there was nothing wrong with the procedure, Song Yi actually took the initiative to leave evidence of illegal transactions for Song Yuxi.

If Song Yuxi and Song Yi could get along well with each other, then of course there would be no need for evidence. But if Song Yuxi and Song Yi break up that day, then Song Yuxi can use this loan to send Song Yi to stay for a few years.

First of all, a price-to-earnings ratio of 15 to 20 times is usually a reasonable valuation by investment institutions for large listed media companies like First Plan.

Shinhan Media is just a small and medium-sized advertising company that has not been listed, with a PE valuation of 7 to 10 times at most.

According to Song Yi's estimate, Xinhan Media's profit in 2001 will be between US$1 million and US$1.5 million. Then US$10 million is the reasonable valuation of Xinhan Media, then the value of Song Yi’s shares is US$1 million.

And just because your shares are worth US$1 million, doesn’t mean you can borrow US$1 million from the bank. Banks usually give a half discount for pledges of shares in unlisted companies.

Therefore, after the bank evaluates Song Yi's equity in Shinhan Media, the apartment in Ziyangdong, and the Mercedes-Benz, it is of course no problem to lend Song Yi US$500,000.

Song Yi certainly has a way to increase his loan limit. If he also pledges the equity of Yanjing Xinhan Advertising Company to Hana Bank, Hana Bank can increase the loan limit, but Song Yi is unwilling to do so.

For Song Yi, Xinhan Advertising is Song Yi's backing and a guarantee he left to the Song family. If something happens to Song Yi in South Korea, he can at least leave some money to his parents, mother and daughter Liao Yu, so that they can have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

Of course Song Yi wants to borrow more money from the bank. With $500,000, he can make a profit of $1 million from the B-share market. If his start-up capital becomes US$2 million, Song Yi can make a profit of at least US$5 million.

What was the concept of $5 million in 2001? In January 2000, when Li Yanhong returned to China with the patent of "hyperlink analysis" to found Baidu, he only had US$1.2 million from venture capital investors. Of course, nine months later, Baidu received a second venture capital investment of US$1.2 million. $10 million. Of course, Li Yanhong's technical strength and Silicon Valley background are the keys to his entrepreneurial success. Baidu's development path before going public has always been smooth.

With this 5 million US dollars, Song Yi can not only obtain the mainland agency rights for Wemade's online game "Legend", he can also create an Internet company. After all, the Internet markets in both the Mainland and South Korea are in the ascendant.

Of course, Song Yi could not directly refuse Song Yuxi's suggestion. If Song Yi did not take out this $2 million loan, he would not be able to get a ticket to the Korean power circle.

"Okay, Congressman Song, when I go back after drinking tea, I will contact your friend immediately." Song Yi promised.

Song Yuxi nodded with satisfaction. The advantage of talking to smart people is that you don't have to talk nonsense.

After talking about the official business, Song Yuxi began to make daily arrangements, "Actually speaking, Director Song and I are originally from the same family. According to my family's genealogy, my original place is the Song family in Gwangju, and my ancestral home is the Song family in Pujiang, China. My ancestors served as ministers of the Joseon Dynasty. A high-ranking official, and finally spread his branches in Gwangju."

Song Yi secretly laughed in his heart. Song Yuxi's lover was a wealthy family in the village. His father-in-law's family actually looked down on Song Yuxi, who was from a peasant family. It wasn't until Song Yuxi passed the judicial examination and became a judge that things changed.

Therefore, Song Yuxi was very concerned about his origin, so he claimed to the outside world that he came from a famous family, and he always wanted to go to Pujiang to worship his ancestors.

Of course Song Yi knew this and pretended to be surprised, "Really? That's a coincidence. Our family is also a branch of the Song family in Pujiang. There is a genealogy to prove it. We are descendants of Song Lian, a great scholar in the Ming Dynasty. When I was a child, I recited the text I was particularly proud when I sent "Preface to Ma Sheng in Dongyang"."

When Song Yuxi heard this, he immediately became interested. Song Yi immediately gave Song Yuxi a general introduction to the Pujiang Song family's genealogy and the living conditions of each branch.

Song Yi said that Song Lian was implicated in the Hu Weiyong case in the early Ming Dynasty and was almost executed. In the end, Prince Zhu Biao interceded and was exiled to Maozhou. Through simple research, Song Yi said that Song Yuxi's descendants should have moved to Guangzhou on the Korean Peninsula in order to avoid court disputes after Song Lian was exiled to Maozhou. This is the origin of the Guangzhou Song family.

When Song Yuxi heard this, he was very happy. He rubbed his palms with excitement and said, "So, Executive Officer Song is a relative of our country. I didn't expect that Executive Officer Song is so young and knows our history very well."

Of course, Song Yi would not give up such an opportunity to get closer. “My father is a professor of history at Byeonju University, and he was a visiting scholar at Yonsei University in the 1980s.”

"Congressman Song and now President Zhong Xiaotong are both outstanding representatives of the anti-authoritarian military government. During his years as a lawyer, Congressman Song's experience in litigating cases for civilians and students has enabled him to realize the ideal of 'if you are poor, you can benefit yourself, and if you are prosperous, you can help the world.'" , very amazing. My father thinks Congressman Song is a very amazing and outstanding person!" Song Yi output a rainbow fart.

Song Yuxi was so flattered by Song Yi, and felt secretly happy, "You are right, since we are all relatives, it would be too unfamiliar to call you Song Special Agent. Song Yi, what year is your father from?"

"My father is 46 years old." Song Yi replied.

Song Yuxi was very happy, "He is the same age as me. It is passed down from father to son. Your father can cultivate such an outstanding son like you. It is indeed a family tradition."

"I have a son named Jianhao. Next time you come to my house as a guest, I will introduce you to each other. You are about the same age, so we should be able to chat. Don't call me Congressman Song. Just call me Uncle Song." Song Yuxi Offer.

Song Yi heard what Song Yuxi said and said, "Okay, Uncle Song."

Song Yuxi and his lover Quan Shuliang had a son, Song Jianhao. Song Yuxi was later exposed as a briber.

Song Woo-seok's lover and niece-in-law were revealed to have received $6 million in funds from a businessman named Park twice. The media said that Song Woo-seok's son Song Jianhao was also involved. Later, Song Jianhao lived in China for a long time.

Song Yi was wary. After Song Yuxi introduced Song Jianhao to him, he wouldn't stumble by accident.

Song Yuxi and Song Yi have established an uncle-nephew relationship. Song Yi's purpose of visiting Song Yuxi today has been achieved, and he bid farewell to Song Yuxi wisely.

Song Yi drove back to the apartment. As soon as he got home, Song Yi first called Song Yuxi's friend in the bank.

As soon as the call was dialed, a deep voice came from the other side, "Hello, I am Lee Jae-yong, who are you?"

Song Yi confirmed the phone number and after making sure he dialed the right number, "Hello, I'm Song Yi from New Korea Media."

There was silence for a while on the other side of the phone. Maybe someone reminded him, but he immediately became enthusiastic and said, "It turns out to be Special Agent Song, hello, hello!"

"I would like to apply for a loan of US$2 million from your bank, using the equity I hold in Shinhan Media as collateral. When will it be convenient for me to submit the application materials?" Song Yi asked.

Li Zaiyong was very happy, "No problem, you can do it at any time. Just come to our bank and see me with the materials." Li Zaiyong reported his work location and working hours.

After Song Yi simply wrote down the address and bank name with a pen, he smiled. By coincidence, the bank where Lee Jae-yong worked happened to be the Korea Exchange Bank.

Lee Jae-yong obviously has a high position in Korea Exchange Bank, but I wonder if Song Yi will meet Vice President Li Jiangyun when he goes to do business?

Song Yi knew that the inside story of Lone Star Fund's successful purchase of a majority stake in Korea Exchange Bank was not that simple, but he didn't know what role Lee Jae-yong played in the Lone Star case?

Song Yi considered whether to ask Song Hye Kyo out for a meal alone and give Li Jiangyun a break through Song Hye Kyo. If Vice President Li Jiangyun came forward to prevent Song Yi from applying for a $2 million loan, saying that his materials and qualifications were inconsistent, Song Yuxi couldn't blame him, right?

There are no recommendations this week. I hope everyone can vote enthusiastically to help me rank higher on the new book list in the urban category and increase my exposure. Thank you all. There will be another chapter later.

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