I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 75 Sensational new advertisement (4000 words)

Kim Tae Hee celebrated her birthday and it was April. Song Hye Kyo and Bae Yong Joon are cooperating in "Love Hotel", and Kim Tae Hee has also started filming a new commercial for Sam Dosu.

Song Yi originally planned to shoot a new commercial for Samduosui at Changdeokgung Palace, but later found that the results were not satisfactory. Changdeokgung Palace is too small, and Kim Tae-hee's classical dance in front of Changdeokgung Palace lacks flavor and does not fit the theme of "nobles in water, three things in water".

In the end, Song Yi decided to fly to Luosuo City to complete Sanduoshui's latest advertisement in front of the Potala Palace. Kim Tae Hee even asked Seoul National University for a week's leave, treating it as a trip to China.

Director Min Byung-cheon has been to China, but not to Luosao. Kim Tae-hee is visiting China for the first time, and everything is new to her.

The flight route this time was Seoul-Yanjing-Shudu-Luosuo, and then back the same way. Song Yi explained the precautions for traveling in snowy areas to the staff accompanying him.

Kim Tae Hee admired her boyfriend, "OPPA, haven't you been studying and working in Seoul? Why do you feel like you have been to Luosuo many times?"

Of course Song Yi couldn't say that he had been to Luosuo City many times. Before his rebirth, he would go to Luosuo City for a short period of time every year during his vacation in order to gain inner peace.

Song Yi explained, "I read other travel guides' strategies through the Tianya Forum, and then summarized them to avoid stepping into pitfalls."

At present, travel websites such as Ctrip and Tuniu have not yet emerged, and there are no grassroots websites like Xiaohongshu. Only a small number of netizens share their travel experiences to Luosuo on the Tianya Forum. In the early years, the Tianya Forum was highly readable and much more interesting than the later Zhihu.

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee discussed, "I plan to launch a similar social networking website in South Korea, but the users are mainly college students, replacing the campus BBS website. You can upload pictures and text through this website, mainly to share personal life updates. If it’s you, are you interested in registering?”

Kim Tae Hee asked her boyfriend, "Is this website real-name or non-real-name?"

Song Yi replied, "Of course it is a real-name system. There are thresholds for users of this website. He must have a university or quasi-university degree. Only after you pass the university academic ability test and are admitted to the university can you register as a user of the website."

"Because it is a real-name user, the user information includes his name, school name, and professional name. This can avoid harassment from other users." Song Yi expressed his thoughts.

Kim Tae Hee thoughtfully said, "This is actually equivalent to a larger campus BBS forum, except that this forum is open to all college students, right?"

Song Yi snapped his fingers, "bingo! These college students did not have much spending power when they were in school, but they became the main consumers after graduation. Accurate advertising and web games will also become the main source of profit for the website."

South Korea realized the popularization of higher education around 2002. The gross enrollment rate of higher education in 2002 was 60%, which has surpassed Western Europe. There are more than 300 institutions of higher learning and 3 million college students, accounting for about South Korea's population. 6%.

"In the early stage of the website, we mainly invited college students. Once the operation is stable, we will allow seniors or seniors who have graduated to register for this website. They can also use this website to learn about the activities of their former classmates." Song Yi said.

Kim Tae Hee was very happy, "Then I can follow OPPA to understand the latest news released by OPPA and know what you are doing in the company."

Song Yi scratched his head, "I don't like posting personal updates online, so I may have disappointed Taixi. But I will reply to every update you post in a timely manner."

After Song Yi completes cashing out from the B-share market, Song Yi will register New Asia Network in South Korea and mainland China at the same time. Mainland China's New Asia Network focuses on online games and represents the online game "Legend". South Korea's New Asia Network mainly focuses on the social networking site inschool, referred to as ins.

Kim Tae Hee is a top student at Seoul National University. She has outstanding looks and is extremely popular on the Korean Internet. She is undoubtedly the best spokesperson for the inschool website.

After many transfers, Song Yi and his party finally arrived in Luosuo City. Min Bingtian had altitude sickness, and Song Yi asked him to stay in the hotel and rest. He took Kim Tae Hee around the Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace to familiarize himself with the filming locations.

Kim Tae-hee is a Catholic. She can visit the Jokhang Temple, but she cannot offer incense, prostrate, ask for fortune-telling, offer sacrifices, or burn paper money. Song Yi accompanied his girlfriend to visit the Jokhang Temple and introduced her to the origin of the temple.

After Kim Tae Hee heard that Songtsen Gampo had married Princess Chizun of Nepal and Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty at the same time, she was a little confused and asked the two princesses who had a higher status.

Song Yi smiled, "Princess Wencheng is a clan daughter of the Tang Dynasty, and there is a powerful country behind her as her natal family. According to Li Shimin's character, even if he sends the clan daughter to get married, he will definitely not let the daughter of the Li family marry Songtsen Gampo. It is possible to become a concubine, even if Princess Chizun gets married earlier."

Kim Tae Hee was not very happy, "Since Songtsen Gampo has already married Princess Chizun, why did he marry Princess Wencheng? Is it because he fell in love with Princess Wencheng's generous dowry? Shouldn't there be a first-come, first-served rule in love? "

Song Yi comforted his girlfriend, "After all, ancient times and modern times are different. Princess Wencheng made outstanding contributions to the peaceful coexistence between Tang and Tibet. She is an amazing woman."

After leaving Jokhang Temple, Song Yi took his girlfriend to Potala Palace Square. Photography is not allowed inside the Potala Palace, and the check-in point for tourists is outside the square. There were not many tourists in 2001, unlike later when there were so many people outside the square that it was difficult to find a suitable photo spot.

Song Yi picked up San Duo Shui, poured it on the ground, and then put the camera on the ground. "Come, Taixi, I will take some photos for you with the Potala Palace reflected in the water." The majestic Buda in the distance The La Palace complex is connected with the Potala Palace reflected in the water, bathed in the afterglow of the sun, shining brightly and uniquely.

Kim Tae Hee opened her mouth in surprise, "OPPA, how did you think of it?" Song Yi laughed, "If the mountain doesn't come to see me, I will go to see the mountain. There is no sea in front of the Potala Palace, but as long as there is the sea in your heart , the Maldives is everywhere.”

When Song Yi finished taking photos of Kim Tae Hee, he immediately couldn't sit still. He already had the inspiration to shoot a Sanduoshui commercial.

Song Yi asked the staff to contact Min Bingtian. If the altitude sickness is not so strong, let him come to the Potala Palace now. He will tell Min Bingtian about his creativity.

Song Yi originally wanted to learn from the commercials Kim Tae Hee shot for LG. In the original advertisement, Kim Tae Hee was dressed like a Spanish dancer, wearing a black top and a long red skirt, holding a fan in her hand and dancing gracefully.

Kim Tae Hee looked back with a smile, her beautiful eyes looking forward to her, adding a touch of agility and playfulness in front of the camera, swaying in various ways, and full of charm.

The hotel Song Yi booked was near the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple, and it only took a few minutes for Min Bingtian to arrive.

Min Bingtian still felt a little uncomfortable, but it was much better than when he first landed. Min Bingtian looked at the Potala Palace under the setting sun, as if bathing in divine light. Although he had read information about the Potala Palace before coming to China, he was still amazed by this beautiful ancient building complex.

"Hua is indeed a country with a vast territory and rich resources. Compared with the Potala Palace, Changdeokgung Palace is too small." Min Bingtian sighed.

Kim Tae Hee is now applying his knowledge, "Director, Changdeokgung Palace only has a history of a few hundred years, while the Potala Palace has a history of 1,300 years."

Min Bingtian exposed her, "Taixi is not a history student. Did you just memorize it after President Song introduced it to you?"

Song Yi and Min Bingtian talked about his advertising creativity, "Taixi first wore modern clothes, took a bottle of Sanduo water, and visited the Potala Palace."

"After she walked out of the Potala Palace, she had already changed into Korean clothes and then danced a classical dance. While she was dancing, we splashed water in the square, and the reflection in the water better showed the beauty of Tae Hee's dance."

"Our camera moves from far to close, and then gives her a close-up of her looking back and smiling. Taixi holds an open fan in her right hand and puts it behind her head, which complements the red flower on her head."

"The dance is over, the square is dry, there is an extra bottle of Sanduo water standing vertically, and the Potala Palace is still in the distance. Add Taixi's narration, only his voice is heard but no one is seen, 'Nobles in the water, three "Too much water." Then the whole advertisement ended. Director Min, what do you think of the creativity of my advertisement?" Song Yi asked Min Bingtian.

After Min Bingtian looked at the photos of Kim Tae Hee in Song Yi's camera, he was silent for a while and said: "Now I understand why Director Guo Zaiyong did not continue to cooperate with President Song to shoot the new commercial of San Duoshui."

"President Song has thought up the advertising creative, and we are responsible for the execution. Although it reduces our workload, it also leaves us as directors with less room to play," Min Bingtian said.

"President Song's advertisement contains many contrasting factors, such as the contrast between Taixi's clothing, Taixi's quietness when traveling, and her agility when dancing. The Potala Palace in the distance and the Potala Palace in the water will have a long history. The combination of the Potala Palace and modern mineral water is very innovative." Min Bingtian agreed with Song Yi's idea.

Kim Tae-hee added, "It's not just that. Samduasui is produced in Jeju Island, and its main product is real natural mineral water. The source of Samduasui's water quality also comes from long-term accumulation. The water source is groundwater stored in volcanic rocks 420 meters underground."

"The Potala Palace has a history of 1,300 years, and Sanduoshui also has an extraordinary origin. Songtsen Gampo, the owner of the Potala Palace, was an aristocrat at that time. All the details of this advertisement are in line with the concept of 'Sanduoshui, a nobleman in the water'" Promote the concept,” Kim Tae Hee said.

Song Yi couldn't help but praise his girlfriend, "Hey, that's good. I'm making rapid progress. It seems like I haven't read less relevant books recently."

Min Bingtian was on hand to perfect Song Yi's creativity, "Luosuo itself is mysterious in the hearts of ordinary people, and the Potala Palace is obviously even more mysterious. So visiting the Potala Palace is a process of unraveling the mystery."

"For the sake of advertising effect, I suggested that we shoot Taixi entering the Potala Palace in the morning wearing modern clothes. Of course, we will also give a close-up shot of the Sanduo Shui in her hand."

"In the evening, we were filming Tae Hee dancing in front of the Potala Palace Square. I don't think Tae Hee's performance in classical dance would be good if she wore a Hanbok. Because the Hanbok is bulky and inflexible, it would be difficult to meet President Song's requirements. ." Min Bingtian emphasized.

Song Yi believed that Min Bingtian was right. After careful consideration, Song Yi finally decided to let Kim Tae Hee dance the Spanish fan dance. Fortunately, Jin Tae Hee had also practiced this dance under Song Yi's instruction, so there was no need to improvise.

After Song Yi and Min Bingtian reached an agreement, the commercial shooting went much smoother. With the experience of shooting an advertisement for the first time, Kim Tae Hee's camera sense for shooting the advertisement this time has become much stronger.

There are two classic scenes when Kim Tae Hee is dancing Spanish dance. One is Kim Tae Hee looking back and smiling, and the other is Kim Tae Hee covering her chin with a fan, her eyes full of affection.

Because during the filming of the commercial, Song Yi had been observing his girlfriend from behind the camera. When Kim Tae Hee looked back, she saw Song Yi for the first time, and she was able to get emotional immediately. So everyone finally finished the filming ahead of schedule.

Song Yi is also very satisfied with the effect of this advertising shoot. He is convinced that Kim Tae Hee's Sanduo Shui advertisement can cause a sensation in South Korea. If Song Hye Kyo's commercial for Sam Dosu scored 85 points, then Kim Tae Hee's commercial could get at least 95 points.

Min Bingtian said that this advertisement was the best advertisement in the Korean advertising industry in the first half of the year. Song Yi booked the gold medal of the Korean Advertising Awards in advance this year.

After everyone flew back to Yanjing, Song Yi said to all the staff: "Since we completed the shooting two days in advance, I will give you two days off. Everyone has a good two days in Yanjing, including attraction tickets, hotel accommodation, The company will reimburse everyone for meals!”

The young people in New Korea Media were very excited. Many of them had just dealt with Song Yi, but they had already heard the legend of Song Yi in the company. Less than two years after joining the company, he became the planning team leader. Less than three years after joining the company, he became the executive director of Shinhan Media and was solely responsible for Shinhan Advertising, a subsidiary of Shinhan Media in Yanjing.

Song Yi reported a tour group to Xinhan employees and Min Bingtian in Yanjing, and let them visit the Forbidden City and Badaling Great Wall with the group, while Song Yi and his girlfriend enjoyed a sweet date.

Kim Tae Hee likes to hold hands and go shopping with her boyfriend on the street. The two of them date on the street like ordinary couples.

Song Yi reminded his girlfriend, "After this commercial is aired, you must remember to wear sunglasses when you leave school, otherwise you will definitely be recognized and asked for an autograph."

Kim Tae Hee tilted her head and asked her boyfriend, "Are you so confident in your advertisement?"

Song Yi held his girlfriend's hand behind his back and said, "Wrong. It's not that I have confidence in me, but in you. I feel a little regretful when I think about it. They shouldn't let them see such a beautiful you."

Kim Tae Hee said seriously, "OPPA, if you don't want me to enter the entertainment industry as an actor, I don't have to act in the future."

Song Yi and his girlfriend clasped their fingers together, "Little fool, you are so popular and well-known, why don't you get up? Since you like filming, then we will take filming seriously. When you don't want to film, then we will do what we want to do. thing."

Jin Taixi tilted her head and leaned towards her boyfriend, "OPPA, let's have dinner with Miaomiao tonight, shall I prepare a gift for her? What does the little girl like? Buy her a Barbie doll?"

Song Yi smiled bitterly, "That's fine, but this girl Song Miao may have a bad attitude when she meets you for the first time, so please be tolerant. It will be fine once you get to know her well."

See you tomorrow, thank you all for your monthly votes

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