“Eliminate … Gone! In just a split second, Kinyu and several other powerful auras disappeared! ”

“It must have been done by that brother just now, but his speed is so fast, I don’t see if he left, just like he suddenly appeared earlier.”

“Damn, who the hell? How could it be so strong? Actually killed Kinu and them in an instant, is it really a monster like Frieza? ”

Just when Lin Hao killed Kinyu and the others in an instant, Klimbergita and the others, who were also able to sense the breath, also noticed it instantly, and couldn’t help but show a shocked look, and exclaimed in disbelief.

In the end, the few people at this time, after all, are still shallow, such as Kinyu, they are already incredibly strong, and they have no possibility of defeating at all.

However, it was such a powerful existence, but in front of Lin Hao, they only dared to escape, and even if they had fled, they were easily caught up and wiped out in an instant, they really did not dare to imagine what kind of terrifying point Lin Hao’s strength had reached.


Suddenly, at this moment, a fluctuation appeared in the air, but I saw Lin Hao’s figure with two other figures, and it appeared from the air extremely abruptly.

“Huh? That guy, it’s Guldo, why wasn’t he killed? ”

This time, Vegeta did not react as fiercely as before, but only tensed his body for a moment, and then noticed the identity of one of the figures, and couldn’t help but have some doubts.

Of course, compared to Vegeta, Klin and Son Gohan are similar, but they noticed the third figure that also appeared for the first time, and they couldn’t help but exclaim: “Dandy, how could it be you?” ”

“All right! Don’t be nervous, I won’t hurt you, just want you to help make a wish. ”

“Moreover, I am also an earthling, isn’t the purpose of your rush this time to help us make a wish?” So take it easy. ”

Ignoring Sun Gohan and Klin’s exclamations, Lin Hao looked at Dandi, who was still a little confused and full of panic and fear, and finally opened his mouth to comfort and said.

However, Lin Hao, who planned to make a wish to seize Guldo’s time ability, thought that he still needed the help of a Nemesis man, so after killing Kinyu and the others, he used teleportation to pull Dandy who was in a hurry.

“Ah! It’s Gohan and Mr. Klin, you’re here! However, I am obviously still far away, why did I suddenly come to you? It’s incredible! ”

Maybe Lin Hao’s comfort played a role, or maybe Klin and Sun Gohan, two friends he knew, made him feel at ease, in short, after hearing Klin and Sun Gohan’s exclamation, the panic and fear on Dandy’s face were directly replaced by surprise, and there was also some incredible exclamation in his mouth.

“All right! Let’s talk about it later, now that the dragon balls have been gathered, and Dandy is here, then it’s time to summon the dragon and start making a wish! ”

Seeing that Dandy and Klin were very excited, and kept telling about the situation after separation, Lin Hao finally couldn’t help but interrupt them slightly and reminded.

“Ah! Make a wish! So, may I ask, what wish do you want to make? ”

Suddenly interrupted by Lin Hao, everyone present couldn’t help but look at Lin Hao, and then seemed to be hard-headed, and Klin finally couldn’t help but ask.

To be honest, Lin Hao’s origin is too weird, although he claims to be an earthling, but in terms of the terrifying strength he shows, whether it is Vegeta, Klin, or even Sun Gohan, he doesn’t believe it very much.

Therefore, Klin did not want Lin Hao to make a wish at all, and he was unwilling to give Lin Hao what should have been their wish.

It can be said that with this guarded thought, Klin, who looks stupid and is actually quite shrewd, deliberately wants to delay time when Dandy appears.

However, after all, the strength is still too low, and by Lin Hao’s direct reminder, he also had to bite the bullet and ask directly.

“Don’t worry, the Divine Dragon of Namex can fulfill three wishes at the same time, and I only need one is enough.”

“And my wish is to transfer his time suspension ability to mine.”

Easily seeing through Klin’s thoughts, Lin Hao did not blame, directly pointed to Guldo, and said.

In fact, if he wants to make a wish, Lin Hao’s own time and space, the dragon beads of Nameixing, and the dragon beads of the earth, he uses them casually, and he doesn’t need to deliberately travel through time and space to grab the wishes here.

It’s just that this time it is rare to encounter such a special existence as Guldo, and it really arouses his desire for time ability, so he changed his original idea and planned to have a willing to come over.

Of course, he was still very principled, so after a slight pause, he spoke again: “As far as I know, the Dragon Ball of Namex Star cannot resurrect multiple humans at once, if you want to resurrect your partner, then it is best to resurrect the Earth Dragon Ball first, and then find an opportunity to resurrect your partner later.” ”

“And this time, I can also give you the first chance to make a wish, and you better not refuse my second wish.”

Lin Hao’s tone was slightly serious, although there was no then breath revealed, but Klin and the others, who already knew some of Lin Hao’s strength, couldn’t help but feel cold in their hearts, and did not dare to refute at all.

“Alright! I understand! ”

Being watched by Lin Hao’s gaze, Klin swallowed slightly, and finally spoke, and then his gaze also turned to Dandy.

“Mr. Klin?”

Feeling the solemn atmosphere in the field, Dandy also seemed to sense that Lin Hao’s identity might not be as simple as he said, so he could only look at Klin’s body and shout in a somewhat hesitant tone.

“Don’t worry! Dandy, it’ll be fine, summoning the dragon next will trouble you! ”

Shaking his head slightly, Klin said in a very serious tone, and then his eyes also looked at the seven large dragon beads that had been completely collected on the ground on the side.

“Damn, the gathering of the dragon beads is also my credit, and the third wish must be given to me Vegeta.”

Seeing that Dandy had nodded and was ready to summon the legendary divine dragon, Vegeta, who had been listening on the side, and even was directly forgotten, finally couldn’t help but shout, interrupting the summoning ceremony that was about to begin.

Of course, although he was Dandy and Klin, his eyes were fixed on Lin Hao’s body, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and longing.

Obviously, in Vegeta’s heart, it was Lin Hao, a guy with great strength, who was the biggest obstacle.

Otherwise, with his strong strength far beyond Klin and the others, as long as there is no Lin Hao, he can directly force a few people to help him make a wish, and there is no need to hold back like now.


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