“Bulma, is there still no news of any artificial humans?”

In Bulma’s laboratory, Lin Hao didn’t know how many times he asked Bulma the same question, causing Bulma, who was experimenting on the side, to roll his eyes and helplessly stop his work.

“I said, can you please stop asking these same questions all the time! If I knew the android was there right now, I’d tell you the first time, and you should know it. ”

At this time, almost seven or eight days had passed since Lin Hao and Sun Wuhan returned from their practice.

However, for such a long time, the artificial man completely disappeared, and no news appeared.

And it is precisely like this, the day after coming back, after a night’s rest, adjusted his state, and was preparing to do a big job, completely ending the artificial man chaos, Lin Hao and Sun Gohan directly lost their goal and were stupid on the spot.

In the end, the goal of artificial humans is too small, plus they have no breath at all, and it is really not too difficult to find them actively.

Moreover, the earth has been ravaged by artificial humans for so long, and well-preserved cities simply do not exist, and it is impossible to use urban surveillance or developed communication facilities to find traces of artificial humans.

In fact, in the past, all their information about the disappearance of the position of artificial humans was just a warning from artificial people who began to actively attack humans, and then those who survived.

The specific way is to communicate with radio broadcasts to tell the approximate location of artificial humans, so that as many people as possible can escape the threat of artificial humans and preserve human strength.

It can be said that under the continuous ravages of artificial humans, the remaining human beings have instinctively begun to unite together, even if they have not seen each other, they are strangers to each other, but they have maintained a considerable tacit understanding.

Then, because of this, the remaining humans have much higher chances of survival, making it more and more difficult for artificial humans to catch them.

Perhaps, it is precisely in the original Dragon Ball book, when Trunks grows up, human beings can still exist and have tens of thousands of people!

Of course, in any case, as the number of human beings continues to decrease, in fact, the time for artificial humans to really do is getting less and less, and the interval is getting longer and longer, which makes the position of artificial humans less and less exposed.

Therefore, in fact, as it is now, there has been no news of artificial humans for a long time, which is the norm in today’s world.

Even, in the past, including Lin Hao himself, they thought that this was very good, after all, every time there was news of artificial humans, it basically meant that another part of the human race was caught and was about to die.

However, although he used to think so, for Lin Hao and Sun Gohan, who now have enough strength, this mood of knowing that they can completely eliminate the crisis immediately, but they have never been able to find the target, is quite bad.

Then, in the continuous waiting, a feeling of anxiety in his heart became more and more obvious, so Lin Hao kept asking Bulma, making the latter quite helpless appear.

“No way, obviously I have been preparing for so long, and I have suffered so much, but when I get to this last step, I can’t start it because I can’t find the goal, and you should know this mood.”

To Shangbulma’s speechless and rather dissatisfied gaze, Lin Hao spread his hands slightly, but he also said with some helplessness.

In fact, Lin Hao also very much did not want to do this, because it would make him appear very unstable and contrary to the reliable image he had given before.

However, perhaps it was the powerful force that made him confident, or perhaps after the situation of the first day of his return, his relationship with Bulma went further, and he also opened his heart a little and returned to some of his former nature, but he did not want to suppress himself like this anymore.

So, since you are waiting for the irritation in your heart, what’s wrong with finding someone to share and vent so that you are no longer so depressed and irritable?

As for this process, will it make Bulma dissatisfied, with their current relationship, what is it?

If only to that extent, Bulma would have been at odds with him, and he had spent so much thought to figure out the results that had been accomplished, and it would have been too fragile.

“…… Moisture… Here it is… Nijia Town… Moisture… Android…… Moisture… Boom…”

Hearing Lin Hao’s remarks, Bulma was about to complain fiercely, and also vented her depression at being bombed for so long, on the radio on the side, a chaotic, intermittent, and even mixed with explosions of the broadcast suddenly came out, but it instantly attracted all the attention of the two.

“Finally… Did it appear? ”

It was completely the first time, Lin Hao had already judged the situation, a dazzling essence flashed in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but say in his mouth, and a smile was unconsciously hooked at the corner of his mouth.

“Listening to the radio, the location seems to be in the location of Nijia Town, I will correct the map immediately.”

Also for the first time, Bulma also reacted, and then saw her with a serious face and said, her hands were flying, and she was already directly operating on the computer in front of her, and quickly unfolded a world map and found the location of Nijia Town.

Moreover, it is very fortunate that there is only one town of Nijia on the entire world map, and there is no need to do any more investigations.

“Well, thankfully! I’ll leave it to me and Gohan next! ”

The first time he remembered the specific location of Nijia Town, Lin Hao said in his mouth, and then in a moment, the whole person had disappeared silently in place, leaving only an afterimage that slowly disappeared, which was caught in the eyes of Bulma who had just turned his head.

“Come on! Haojun, the future of this world is in your hands. ”

Watching Lin Hao’s afterimage disappear completely, Bulma said softly, and a touch of worry and expectation also quietly crept into her eyes.

In fact, when she knew that Lin Hao and Sun Gohan were now absolutely sure that they could eliminate artificial humans, why was she not anxious?

During this time, it seems that Lin Hao has been urging and asking her, and she has actually secretly thought of many ways to find the traces of artificial humans.

Now, the artificial man took the initiative to appear, and Lin Hao and Sun Wuhan had also left, and the excitement in her heart was indescribable.

Of course, excitement is excitement, she also believes in Lin Hao and Sun Wuhan’s current strength, but as a woman, she is also born with some more delicate emotions.

Therefore, the worries that should have arisen in her heart still couldn’t stop rising, making her quite conflicted.


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