I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1023

"Then Wanzhang, what do you understand? You are so excited all of a sudden."

Wanzhanglong, I have a holy face.

"I have understood Bucciarati's will."

Ryuga closed his eyes, stood up from his seat with his hands open, and then slowly faced Kiryu Sentu and the others.

"Resisting fate is not just to change your own unfortunate ending, but to transform the suffering you have experienced into hope and pass it on to others."

After finishing speaking, Wanzhanglong I quietly opened my eyes, observing the reactions of Kiryu Zhantu and others.

"Do you understand?"

No one answered Wanzhanglong, I was doing my own thing, which made Wanzhanglong's expression a little uneasy, and then subconsciously looked at Men Yashi.

"Is it wrong?"

It wasn't Men Yashi or Jon who answered his question, but President E.

"How could it be wrong..." Mr. E seemed unable to rest for a moment. After wiping the table, he began to wipe the cup again, and replied at the same time:

"While passing on hope to others, isn't it also changing the fate of others?"

While speaking, President E put down the teacup in his hand, then opened his hands and drew an invisible circle from bottom to top in the air in front of him, and then closed his hands in front of himself.

"If it is said that human beings formed a closed loop of destiny in that new world, then looking at it from another perspective, the destiny of all of us is actually closely connected, forming a closed loop."

In Jon's voice, 'You started again? ’, Mr. E said earnestly and earnestly: "For example, Wanzhang, you resisted fate, and then transformed the suffering you experienced into words of hope to pass on to others..."

Mr. E's right hand begins to return along the previously drawn track in a clockwise direction.

"This hope will continue to be passed on, and eventually..."

Mr. E's right hand and left hand that did not move came together again in opposite positions.

"Eventually that hope will be passed back to yourself."

Wanzhanglong, I was moved, as if I had penetrated the truth of the world.

Jon didn't expose Mr. E's thoughts, or that Mr. E took action until now has surprised him.

Without disturbing the communication between Wanzhanglong I and Mr. E, Jon and Men Yashi ignored Wanzhanglong and I shouted behind me, "I must help, Mr. Wanzhang's reputation depends on you!" ’ words, and left the coffee shop.

And just as he stepped out of the coffee shop, the corners of Katoyashi's mouth curled up slightly.

"Are you sure that guy will do what you want?"

"Of course." Jon said confidently.

"Now Kiryu Zhantu and the others have reached the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower. From the current point of view, the fifth floor will be the most difficult one for them to cross."

Mon Yashi looked like he wanted to say, 'Do you also admit what the muscular orangutan said before? ’, but in the end he didn’t say it, waiting for Jon to continue.

"They will be blocked in this layer temporarily, wake up from the previous illusion that they can easily break through each layer, and then..."

"They will notice the anomalies on the first floor, right?" Menyashi interrupted Jon with a smile, "Every floor of Pandora Tower has a special meaning, but so far they don't know The meaning of the first level, I don’t know why Mr. Saitama stopped the store manager Ishidong in their eyes alone.”

"Because this is the meaning of the existence of the first layer, helping them to block the despair, Evolto will never want to be exposed before getting the white metal plate." Jon replied calmly.

"So everything is still in my calculations."

Saitama is special in Pandora Tower, and it is also special to him!


Meanwhile, in the coffee shop.

After cleaning the cup left by Mon Yashi, Mr. E clapped his hands and smiled at the others.

"It's been really hard for everyone today, do you want to try the new coffee I figured out while waiting for you to come back?"

This sentence made the faces of others change suddenly, and then they changed the subject one after another.

"Drinking coffee at night is too weird!" Wanzhanglong I complained, and then dug out my own protein powder, "I'd better drink this."

But after opening the jar, I was taken aback by Wanzhanglong.

It's empty inside, gone!

"What an impolite guy, he hasn't even agreed to help me yet, by the way..." Wanzhanglong I shook the jar, trying to shake some out, and then said, "Don't you guys feel like all the work is done by that guy?" Did Mr. Assistant finish it? The stinky special reporter seems to have been standing in that cool posture all the time."

Wanzhanglong, I felt something was wrong, but the others obviously didn't care about it, but continued to think about how to clear the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower.

On the fifth floor, what they need to face seems to be a battle, but the strength of the Kamen Rider who transformed into a dangerous rabbit tank has obviously far surpassed them, even Manjo Ryuga and Kiryu Sentu cannot defeat them other side.


Is it really?

Kiryu Zhantu frowned slightly, he felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but before he could come up with a result, he was interrupted by President E.

"War Rabbit, remember what I said after seeing the disaster that happened in another world?"

Long ago guess?

Kiryu Zhantu was taken aback for a moment, and then understood the meaning of Mr. E's words.

It is the proposal of whether to use the Evol drive if they encounter a crisis that they cannot resist.

"Boss, do you mean to let this stupid orangutan use the Evol drive?" Kiryu Sentu showed a surprised expression.

This sentence also attracted the attention of Wanzhanglong, and then he showed a strange expression.

"Evol drive? Isn't this the drive the store manager is using? I don't need to use this."

"No, the store manager meant the real Evol drive." Kiryu Sentu replied.

According to his speculation, the Wanzhanglong I with the Evolto genetic factor can theoretically use the real Evol drive, but if they want to truly exert the power of the Evol drive, they still lack an evolution bottle!

Mr. E certainly doesn't mind letting Wanzhanglong I use the Evol drive, because now he still has one in his hand!

When starting the "Enigma" system, he copied an Evol drive, which was part of his original plan, but he didn't expect that this thing would eventually be handed over to Wanzhanglongwo.

However, although Wanzhanglong I have his genetic factors, he still needs some hands and feet to use the real Evol drive, just like he once used the Evol drive as bait to use Yineng Xingang.

Kiryu Zhantu didn't know what Mr. E was thinking at the moment, but was thinking about the possibility.

"But the only evolution bottle in our hands is the great dragon evolution bottle, and we have tried it before. Even the Cross-Z dragon component impregnated with the dragon self genetic factor cannot be used on such a drive, but obviously Yi Nengxian can do it just now, maybe because of the special status of the other party?"

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