I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1027

After confirming that the white metal plate cannot defeat Evolto, Katsuragi Shinobu knows that the only hope of defeating Evolto seems to be the Evolto from another world on the top of Pandora Tower.

He firmly believes that the belief and will of human beings can overcome the power of Evolto's genetic factors, just like what happened in another world, just like the dragon I have high hopes for.

He was even ready to be killed after being discovered by Evolto, but at the last moment this demon appeared!

And also retrieved Pandora's Box!

Katsuragi Shinobu doesn't believe in Evolto at all, even though he thinks he should have gained Evolto's trust with the achievement of losing a full bottle, he doesn't think this monster will tell him the truth.

And the current situation proves that it is indeed the case!

Before that "collision" of worlds, he didn't even know that Evolto existed in other worlds, so he was used by Evolto, foolishly thinking that he could really destroy Evolto with the white metal plate.

Judging from the current performance of Evolto, it is obvious that the other party knows the existence of the parallel world, and also has the ability to communicate with other Evoltos in the parallel world! Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the last world 'collision' event!

This kind of ability is very likely given by the white metal plate in Pandora's Box, but Evolto has been pretending not to know, and then used him to develop the lost full bottle! And he also used the reason that he thought the people on earth were very interesting, so he was not going to destroy the planet to appease him.

Thinking of the catastrophe that his stupid behavior brought to the world, Katsuragi Shinobu regretted it immensely. If he didn't still want to make amends and pin his hopes on his son, I'm afraid he really had the idea of ​​suicide!

But to Katsuragi Ren's despair, even the last remedial measures he could make were blocked!

Even when he saw Jon holding the Pandora's Box with one hand and throwing it into the arms of Kiryu Sentu, Katsuragi Shinobi couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

He knew that this son who had cast off his original shadow and gradually transformed from Katsuragi Takashi into Kiryu Sentu's son would definitely be used by Evolto!

What Katsuragi Shinobi can think of, of course Jon can also think of it. Since the general purpose of E is also a white metal plate, it is absolutely impossible to tell Katsuragi Shinobu about this in advance, and this happens to be a factor that he can use.

While Kiryu Sentu watched silently, Jon threw the Pandora's Box into his arms, and said:

"Danger level 7.0 was prepared for this purpose. I originally wanted to wait for you to take the initiative to discover the secrets of Pandora's Box, but it seems a bit too late now. Since the last world 'collision', you should have already I discovered that Pandora's Box has the power to connect to other worlds, which is why that guy was able to intervene in this world."

Jon pointed at the Pandora's Box in Kiryu Zhantu's hand, and said, "I need Kiryu Zhantu to cooperate with your father to help me find such a power. As for the reward..."

Jon suddenly appeared in the ear of Kiryu Zhantu, and said softly: "How about I let the earth go? You should also know what the consequences will be if I destroy it with all my strength..."

After finishing speaking, Jon smiled lightly and patted Kiryu Sentu on the shoulder, opening a wormhole.

"If you've made a decision, then go ahead. I've prepared all the equipment you need for your research."

Kiryu Zhantu fell silent and stood motionless on the spot.

But in the end he made a choice.

"Evolto, will you really keep your promise?"

Kiryu Zhantu knows very well that if there is no way to restrain the opponent's ability, then the power of the black hole will definitely cause disastrous consequences on the earth. The genius form may weaken the opponent's ability, but it will definitely not be able to completely prevent the opponent's destruction.

So now he has to make a choice and find a way to restrain the opponent.

While asking this question, Kiryu Sentu subconsciously looked at Pandora Tower, as if waiting for the existence at the top to appear and destroy Evolto.

But in the end, there was no change in Pandora Tower, but there was no disappointment in Kiryu Sentu's eyes either.

Jon also nodded.

"Of course, of course I will keep my word."

Kiryu Zhantu nodded, then walked towards the wormhole without looking back, followed by Shinobu Katsuragi.

After the two disappeared, Jon had a thought and made the wormhole disappear in front of him, then turned his head to look in a certain direction behind him.

"I thought you would rush to stop it."

"After all, I really want to see the growth of Zhan Tu and others, so I asked Gecheng to come and see Zhan Tu." Mr. E appeared from the darkness and smiled at Jon.

Since Jon came to this world, E has always felt that his plan has not succeeded, as if everything has been seen through, and what makes him feel even more disgusting is...

Obviously every time the plan was ruthlessly destroyed, but it always gave him an illusion that the plan could succeed!

Just like it is now, his original plan was to let Katsuragi Shinobi fight against Kiryu Sentu's will. Of course, he also knew that Katsuragi Shinobi would definitely betray him, so he also let Katsuragi Shinobi take this opportunity to pass on the Pandora's Box The meaning of the secret to Kiryu War Rabbit.

But it was stopped by Jon at the last moment.

Although letting the white metal plate appear is also his ultimate goal, the result he wants is that the metal plate can be held in his own hands, not by Jon.

Once the white metal plate and the Kiryu War Rabbit are under the control of Jon, it will be difficult for him to come back except relying on the unstable factor of Killbus.

However, in the original plan, he had not considered such a possibility, so after experiencing the initial discomfort, he accepted such a change.

after all...

He is also using Jon.

Taking advantage of Jon's desire to make up for Kiryu Sentu and save the life of Shidong Soichi.

So no matter how his plans are spoiled now, he is safe.

Of course, the necessary complaints are still indispensable.

"So, Jon, your opinion of me is too strange!" President E pretended to be blaming, and said, "I did this out of good intentions to let their father and son recognize each other, and I also wanted to make Zhantu Growing up, facing the fact that my previous trajectory was arranged by others, a false hero created, that's the only way..."

Mr. E raised a finger and shook it, and said with a smile:

"He can become a real hero who fights for "love and peace", can't he? Others don't know that Kiryu Zhantu left in the middle of the night. Even Wanzhanglong, I realized something was wrong when I woke up the next day and found that Kiryu Zhantu and Pandora's Box had disappeared, and then filled the room. The child looked for the figure of Kiryu Sentu.

but none!

Whether it was Kiryu War Rabbit or Pandora's Box, they all disappeared!

The abnormal situation has attracted the attention of others, but even with the help of Himuro Magic, they have not found the whereabouts of Kiryu Sentu, as if Kiryu Sentu completely disappeared in this world overnight.

With a bang, Wanzhanglong slammed my fist on the table.

"What the hell is Zhantu doing?!"

Wanzhanglong, I certainly don't think that Kiryu Zhantu betrayed overnight, and the same is true for other people, because in their eyes, Kiryu Zhantu is the hardest working person among them!

Anyone may betray, but Kiryu Sentu will never!

"Maybe it's just that he thinks he has no chance?" Men Yashi, who knew the cause of the incident, said sarcastic words, and then Wanzhang Longwo glared at him.

"Absolutely not! Even if I betrayed, Zhantu would never betray!"

Wanzhanglong I gave such a guarantee, and then seemed to remember something, looked at Jon suddenly, and asked: "I remember that you hadn't left before I went to bed last night, and you were chatting with Kiryu Zhantu, right?"

Jon nodded.

"Then what happened?" Wanzhanglong grabbed Jon's shoulder, shook it vigorously, and asked anxiously, "What did you say to Zhantu!"

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