I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1033

"I thought you guys had given up."

While walking towards Wanzhanglongwo, Utsumi Chengzhang seemed to have just finished talking on the phone and closed the folder in his hand.

"Anyway, you Namba Heavy Industries are just trying to sell cloned sluggers and the idea of ​​obtaining data." Wanzhanglong said disdainfully, "Then let me tell you now, how wrong such an idea is!"

Utsumi Chengzhang did not refute, but acted as if he had completed his plan, and manipulated the last few remaining clone sluggers to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Since you are so confident, then I will leave it to you."

Utsumi Chengzhang's cooperative behavior was somewhat beyond people's expectations, but they didn't doubt too much, because it is absolutely impossible to defeat this dark Kamen Rider with the strength of the clone slugger alone, and even support such an attack in front of the opponent. It has far exceeded their expectations for a long time.

"Then watch it carefully!"

Wanzhang Longwo clenched his fists in front of his chest, and one of his fists still held the knight system bottle tightly.

"Look carefully! Sometimes the power from faith far exceeds these scraps of metal!"

I regained my self-confidence.

He felt that the clues he found with the help of Mr. Assistant was the key to pass the fifth floor of Pandora Tower!

What matters is belief!

It's like Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter risking their lives to help them!

This sentence is not only the voice of Wanzhanglong, but also the voice of the vast majority of people who saw this scene!

The existence of the wall of the sky and the nebula gas has brought too much harm to this world, which is why all those who have seen the true face of Namba Heavy Industries are subconsciously disgusted, even if they know that their opinions are irrelevant to Namba Heavy Industries The same is true!

Clone slammer should not continue to exist in this world!

What this unfortunate world needs are Kamen Riders!

Looking at the Wanzhang Longwo, Saruto Kazukai and Ice Room Magic Virtue in the picture, many people are proud of them.

Although one person is missing now, they believe that Kiryu Zhantu must be fighting in a battlefield that others cannot see!

The hope they bring to mankind is beyond the reach of these cold machines!

That's the thought that popped into people's minds when Jon's camera turned to the already battered Clone Slammer.

At this moment, they hated the existence of Namba Heavy Industries extremely! Especially after knowing that the little girl standing on the sand dune in the distance appeared here because she regarded Kamen Rider as everything to her, they even regarded Namba Heavy Industries as a human cancer.

They even want to smash those clone sluggers to pieces if they can!

"In the final analysis, such things cannot bring hope to people. Machines will stop working, but human will will not. As long as we don't stop, the road will continue to extend forward, and the flowers of hope will continue to grow." The ground is blooming." When Jon pointed the camera at the tattered clone slugger, he said this sentence that others agreed with very much.

"That's right! That's it."

【Bottle Burn! 】

Manzhanglong I put the Cross-Z Lava Fist in the driver again and responded:

"Hope, but it is created by human beings themselves! Am I right? Mr. Assistant."

The joystick of the Build driver started to rotate, but what puzzled Wanzhanglong and me was that his words did not get a response from Jon.

"Mr. Assistant?"

Wanzhanglong, I subconsciously called out again, then turned my head suspiciously, but the scene I saw immediately made him so frightened that he even stopped turning the joystick.


He saw the scene where Mr. Assistant, who had accompanied them all the way to the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, was pierced through his chest by a flying clone slugger with only one arm left! "Great!"

When seeing this scene on the screen, Mr. E clapped his hands happily, then looked at Shigesaburo Namba standing aside, and said with a smile:

"It's just an ordinary person, but he dares to stand in front of Namba Heavy Industries. He deserves to be dealt with, but I think you have prepared your speech, right?"

"It's enough to declare that the assistant's stupid behavior triggered the hostility of the clone slugger in combat mode." Shigesaburo Namba said lightly, even if such a thing happened, it would definitely not have any impact on his plan look like.

For him and Namba Heavy Industries, it is extremely simple to kill someone quietly. Even if this Lord Evolto's request is to solve the other party in front of so many people, in the eyes of Namba Shigesaburo, it is just a little bit. Just a little bit of trouble.

"Great!" Mr. E laughed.

Naturally, it was not his sudden intention to 'kill' Jon in this way, but something that was premeditated.

Since Jon and the mysterious Monyashi appeared in front of Kiryu Sentu and the others in this capacity, they must be eliminated in the face of such an attack!

If Jon had survived that sneak attack by the clone slugger just now, it would have seemed abnormal.

In this way, he will be able to completely eliminate Jon's influence on Wanjo Ryuga and Kiryu Sentu as an 'assistant' in the next plan.

Coupled with Jon's posture when he appeared in front of Kiryu Sentu, E always felt that it was time for him to turn passive into active.


Pandora's Tower.

Mr. Assistant... dead?

When I saw the bright red blood gushing out of Jon's body and splashing on the ground with the fragments of the camera, he was stunned.

Also stunned were Saruto Kazukai and Hishiro Magic, who were also preparing to transform, and ordinary people who saw the flying clone slugger suddenly raised his claws towards the camera, and then slashed down.

The moment the flying clone slugger slashed down with his claws, the screen they saw immediately went black.

They didn't get to see the full picture, but at the end the Clone Slugger's movements made them subconsciously terrified.

In the end what happened?

They were frantically trying to find out, but what made them even more horrified was that even the channel that Namba Heavy Industries used to promote the performance of the Clone Striker was shut down!

The weird situation sent chills down their spines, and Wanzhanglong, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, was even more furious, and my anger might wash away my sanity at any time!

Even without transformation, the energy substance in the full bottle of Dragon Lava is responding to the will of Wanzhang Longwo, allowing his punch to directly tear the clone slugger who attacked Jon into pieces, but... .

It's too late!

"Neihai Cheng Zhang!!!"

The angry Wanzhanglong I gently put Jon's body back on the ground, and the eyes I looked at Chengzhang Utsumi were completely filled with anger!

He knew it, knew that the assistant and the dragging reporter were ready to face death when they chose to act with them, but he couldn't accept that the assistant died for such a reason!

I suddenly regretted Wanzhanglong. He regretted why he didn't follow Jon's idea before. Obviously, as long as Namba Heavy Industries is prevented from intervening in this matter in advance, then Mr. Assistant will never die!

It was his stupidity that killed Mr. Assistant!

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