I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1083

"But even so, the sun will not be buried by darkness." Yusuke Godai stood up again, and calmly said to the laughing Killbus.

"The sun? Huh! Do you mean the star? It's not difficult for me to destroy that kind of thing." Killbus's sarcastic voice sounded again.

But what Yusuke Godai is referring to is not the real sun!

"I mean the sun in people's hearts!" Yusuke Godai stretched out his fist towards Killbus again, and at the same time the golden seal power began to condense on him.

This answer made Killbus grab the white metal plate and pat it on the head.

"The sun is the sun, what an inexplicable creature."

"That's why I've been in this world for so long, stop wasting time Killbus." President E's voice sounded again, as if urging Killbus.

"This kind of thing doesn't need you to remind, E v o l t o~" Killbus said while holding the white metal plate in front of his face.

These words seemed to be reminding Mr. E not to talk too much, but the intoxicated tone seemed to be different, and then Killbus stabbed into the white metal plate under the stunned gaze of the others.

"Because... a mere hunt? What can an animal do~"

The white metal plate was not knocked into the air, nor was it shattered, but was directly submerged into it by Killbus' punch!

What made it even more ugly was that the second Killbus' arm sank into the white metal plate, the blue genetic factors kept pouring out of the white metal plate!

There is no doubt that Killbus is connecting the clones in all corners of the universe through the white metal plate!

The blue genetic factor was surging wildly, and then merged into Killbus' body. The Kamen Riders who had already seen something was wrong wanted to stop it, but just the invisible shock wave gushing out from Killbus stopped the knights' killing In mid-air, unable to move forward even an inch!

This is the real power of Killbus!

And when all the avatars are condensed into one body, then the most terrifying nightmare will truly befall the earth!

Kiryu Zhantu could naturally understand this, but just before he acted, a palm patted on his shoulder.

"So even so, do you want to activate the white metal plate?"

"Mr. Assistant..." Kiryu Zhantu showed a smile on his face under the visor after seeing the owner of this palm.

This time, he will not hesitate!

"If we can defeat Evolto now, then the white metal plate can bring back all those who died due to such misfortune, if we can't defeat Evolto now, then..."

"This will be the only way, right?" Jon smiled and patted Kiryu Sentu on the shoulder, then continued:

"Now that you've decided, let's do it! All of us are here in this world."

Kiryu Sentu was encouraged by Jon's words, and then he stretched out his palm to Banzhanglong, who was struggling to advance in the shock wave of Killbus, holding a lava iron fist.

"Wanzhang, give me the silver dragon bottle."

Kiryu Zhantu knows very well that even the genius form that has condensed the beliefs of so many human beings in the world is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the monster in front of him that even Evolto dare not resist!


The power of belief is not so simple to use!

This is the power that can trigger miracles!

Wanzhanglong, I don't understand what Kiryu Zhantu is going to do, but I still subconsciously throw the Silver Dragon Bottle to Kiryu Zhantu as Kiryu Zhantu said.

After taking over the Silver Dragon Bottle, Kiryu and the rabbit withdrew from the genius state, but the transmission of people's beliefs has not been interrupted.

Grabbing the full bottle of genius that has been dyed pure white by "light" and "faith", Kiryu Sentu stared at the distance and stood in place, and just released the shock wave to block the death of other knights Killbus, seriously said:

"But... the prey in your mouth has the power to cause miracles!"

"A miracle?" Killbus, who was constantly merging genetic factors, was attracted by Kiryu Sentu's words, and seemed to want to laugh at Kiryu Sentu's overreaching, but...

"That's right! The desire to live, and the longing to pray for the happiness of others will cause phenomena beyond the laws of physics! If such a force can transform Kamen Rider Mach's heavy acceleration engine, it must be able to Do what I want to do next! Let the gesture that once conveyed "love and peace" to people's hearts appear again! "

After the words fell, Kiryu Zhantu threw the genius full bottle, golden rabbit bottle and silver dragon bottle towards the sky without hesitation.

"The original miracle will be born again! The final experiment will begin!"

The golden and silver light began to burst out on the two special full-fill bottles, and what was even brighter was the flashing light of the genius full-fill bottles!

Under such light, the three began to merge into one, and then fell into the hands of Kiryu Sentu who closed his eyes tightly.

Plug it in!

【Cross-Z Build! ] Killbus is merging the genetic factors of other clones, and the attacks of the Kamen Riders are also advancing with difficulty in the shock wave created by Killbus. This scene seems to tell people that all efforts are useless in front of the monster Killbus.

But no one really thinks so, because...

A miracle has happened!

The Kamen Rider who once appeared in front of everyone when they were in despair and brought them "love and peace" appeared again!

The golden and silver energy began to extend from the Build driver on the waist of Kiryu Sentu along the transparent energy pipeline. This time, such power is not only fighting for the world they are in, but also for all human beings in the world. and fight!

And not only that, at the same time as the gold and silver power gushed out, pure white energy also began to gushes out from the Build driver, intertwining with these two powers.

This is the power of "light", as well as the power of "faith"!

Just like what Kiryu Sentu said, such power...

Enough to cause a miracle!

Even the transparent energy conduits couldn't completely restrain this force, causing them to overflow from the energy conduits and keep rushing towards where Killbus was.

Just the overflowing energy had begun to weaken Killbus' strength, allowing the knights who were frozen in mid-air by the shock wave to move on!

And the only one who failed to move forward was Wanzhang Longwo.

Because at the same time as this new force appeared, Wanzhang Ryuga's body was pulled by an invisible force, and flew towards the location where Kiryu Sentu was.

"No way! Zhan Rabbit, you want to play that again!"

Manjo Ryu, I think it is very shameful to play Fusion under the gaze of people from so many worlds, but Kiryu Sentu doesn't think so.

"What are you talking about, stupid orangutan, we are the best match."

【Are You Ready? 】

"Henshin!" I ignored Wanzhanglong and shouted, "No! ’ words, Kiryu Sentu chose to transform without hesitation.

【Rabbit! 】

[Dragon! 】

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