I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1126

【Zi-O! 】

The dial divided into two was inserted into the space-time driver by Sogo Tokiwa, and Jon chuckled at the same time.

"Don't you want to be a puppet king? Then give it a try."


As Jon's words fell, the ground he was standing on instantly collapsed, and his wild body turned into an invisible red afterimage and swept towards the position where Sogo Tokiwa was, with a look on his face. I don't plan to give Tokiwa Sogo the appearance of completing his transformation.

The tyrannical breath made Meiguangin Gates' pupils shrink suddenly, subconsciously wanting to block in front of Sogo Tokiwa, but just when he took the first step, he was shocked to find that his feet retracted to the original place!

Not that he changed his mind, but...

"Time is turned back, Gates."

Woz's excited voice sounded, causing Gates of Meikoin to look at Jon subconsciously, and then saw that the figure who was violently rushing towards Sogo Tokiwa a second ago also returned to the original place, even the broken body just now At this moment, the ground has returned to its original state!

"Only with the permission of His Majesty the Demon King, are the disrespectful people eligible to meet...all of this is recorded in this book."

Woz seemed to let go of his previous thoughts for the time being, and closed the Advent Calendar in his hand. When two transparent clock phantoms appeared behind Sogo Tokiwa, he congratulated:

"This is the triumph of the king! Let's celebrate! He is above all knights, transcends time and space, and knows the past and the future. Now he has transformed into the second order of Kamen Rider Zi-O, and a new history has begun. !"

"Hey --- is it above all the knights?" Jon also found it very interesting to watch Sougo Tokiwa turn the time-space driver on his waist, embark on the road of the devil again, and directly transform into the second-order form.

"I didn't expect to have the ability to turn back time. It seems that my ability has been restrained, but it's not a big deal..."

Putting the bone spear on the ground, Jon moved his palm and said, "After all, King Crimson's ability is just for decoration. My favorite is the fight from fist to flesh."

After the words fell, Jon once again turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, but this time, Sogo Tokiwa did not choose to turn back time, but held the strongest limit sword to block Jon's merciless blow to his head. bone spear.

The earth shattered again, and Jon's hoarse and impatient voice sounded at the same time.

"It doesn't matter what kind of king you are, just obediently go and collect the driving watch for me."

The terrible force caused Sogo Tokiwa's legs to bend continuously. Seeing this, Meikoin Gates slashed at Jon with the Time Strict Ax.

But at the same time that Meiguangyuan Gates was moving, Jon's other palm grabbed the handle on the driver.

【Violent Break! 】

Searing blood sprayed from the driver again, and this time it was a sickle-shaped weapon that Jon drew.

Even though it is protected by armor, Meiguangyuan Gates can still smell the bloody smell coming from his nostrils, and the power transmitted from the Time Strict Ax immediately made him understand what the door warrior was fighting with before. Levels of enemies to fight!

With just one blow, his body was directly smashed into the air, but the strange thing is that Sogo Tokiwa seemed to have no idea about this. At the same time that the Meikoin Gates was smashed into the air, he seized the gap and slashed at Joe with his sword. En's chest.

There was a piercing sound as if metal was being torn, and Sogo Tokiwa's blow directly tore a big hole in Jon's chest, and the red energy flashing on the blade was constantly eroding Jon's body. bio armor.

But it's not over yet!

【Zi-O Saikyo! 】

The disc on the strongest limit sword was turned, and even more powerful power emerged from the blade in the next moment!

"Not only to change the past, but also to observe the future!" The two pointers on Tokiwa Shogo's helmet were constantly turning, and he could see the scene of the torn wound on Jon's chest recovering rapidly, and he could also see Jon The scene of holding a bone spear and a bone scythe towards him, but...


【Haou Giri! (Overlord Slash)]

The blade cut off and collided with the bone spear and bone scythe in Jon's hand.

The transparent dial representing the power of time is continuously derived from the colorful energy, which makes Tokiwa Shogo change his previous decline.

This blow directly sent Jon flying, and the spreading slashes continued to explode on Jon's body with colorful energy!

This scene shocked Ur and Aura, and at the same time, their faces became extremely dignified.

They didn't expect that Sogo Tokiwa, who was still being played by the blood dive and them before, would have such a powerful power after choosing to embark on the road of becoming a king again, and even the blood dive, who had already shown terrifying power, was suppressed!

But even if it was constantly repelled by the power of the overlord's slash, the blood potential was still not defeated, but was constantly wearing down the power of slashing!

"Swaruz!" Ola reminded subconsciously, wanting to tell Swaruz not to give up such a good opportunity, but...

"Don't worry about Ola, someone has been waiting for this moment." Swaruz said confidently.

The next moment, Monyashi's voice rang in Aura's ear.

"That's right, seeing that guy in such a mess, it would be a pity if we didn't do something."

[Final Attack Ride! 】

[E-E-E-Evol! 】

The cobra-like structure on the visor glowed ominously red when Katoyashi inserted the knight card into the driver, and the next moment Katoyashi's body was enveloped by light blue nebula-like energy.

Even in the daytime, the sky is dyed the color of the nebula at this moment!

And when Katoyashi, who was entangled in the energy of the nebula, appeared behind Jon who was pushed back by Bawangzhan in an instant, and was about to cooperate with Sogo Tokiwa's attack to defeat Jon in one fell swoop, the strength he showed made Swaru A look of excitement flashed deep in Zi's eyes, which made Aura and Ur swallow their saliva even more in disbelief!

In the eyes of the latter, whether it is Sogo Tokiwa or Jon, even Menyashi has shown a strength that they cannot resist at all!

Ur even felt that Swaruz had made the worst decision!

Even if it is to get rid of the blood potential, Tokiwa Sogo shouldn't be allowed to embark on the road of the devil again!

But it was obviously too late to regret it now, and he could only pin his hope on the blow of Men Yashi to wipe out the blood submerged.

Ur thought this way, and so did Ola. The fear that made her feel so cold in her soul just now made her wish that Jon would disappear into this world in the next second.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

At the same time that Men Yashi appeared behind Jon and kicked him out, the weird feeling that the time was cut off for a moment reappeared.

Men Yashi's attack didn't work, but collided with Bawang Zhan.


The Bawangzhan, which had already consumed most of its energy by Jon, was directly shattered by the blow of Men Yashi, but the common goal of the two had disappeared in front of everyone strangely, and then...

"Huh~ It's really dangerous, it's just a little bit close to being killed."

The voice made everyone's faces ugly, and when they turned their heads, they saw Jon leaning on the bone spear and making a 'little' gesture towards everyone.

"Tsk~ Didn't you just say that you like fist-to-body fights? It really is just a guy who likes to talk big." Men Yashi mocked, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Obviously the first two times he was defeated very cooperatively, but this guy cheated when it was his turn to get back on the field.

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