I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1142

A little ahead, but not critical.

He could sense that what accompanied the meteorite was not Ginga's pure energy, but creatures called Zerg.

Kamen Rider Kabuto's timeline also intersects this chaotic time and space, but in a very different way than before.

If the strange knights did not appear in the era corresponding to the birth of the Kamen Riders, then naturally the history of the Kamen Riders would not be taken away, and the enemies of the Kamen Riders would not disappear.

And in this way, when two different timelines intersect, the history of the zerg will appear in this world.

It's a pretty bad thing.

However, according to the information obtained from Men Yashi, it should be that White Watts and Swaruz have reached some agreements without other people knowing.

Support the resurrected Gates as the new king? Jon probably understood the other party's plan.

After telling himself to join the game, Jon looked as if he had noticed the unexpected situation, and gave up the idea of ​​controlling the meter on Quiz, and he didn't do anything to the future notebook in Woz's hands, but showed a meaning Deep smile.

"It seems that something interesting has happened, so this time I will give up first."

After speaking, Jon disappeared in place.

Appearing suddenly and disappearing suddenly, it feels very strange to people.

White Watts breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and looked at Meiguangyuan Gates, waiting for him to make a choice, but Meiguangyuan Gates shook his head.

"Woz, if I let you restore the memory of Tang Anzhushui's father, what would you do?"

"In order to lead you to become the savior, I will refuse." White Watts smiled.

"Then what if I want you to write in that book that Tang Anzhushui's mother will not notice her husband's abnormality for a while?"

This sentence made White Woz startled, and then couldn't help laughing.

"As expected of my savior, you can actually come up with such a method." Bai Watts spread his hands, looking surprised, and said: "Continuously rejecting the savior's request seems to increase your trust in me Lower it, I will promise you such a request."

White Watts opened the Future Notebook and wrote down the requirements of Gates of the Meiguang Institute on it.

Immediately, such words turned into reality again, and Bai Watts bowed to Gates of Meiguangyuan again.

"It seems that you, the savior, don't want to take advantage of Quiz's state to seize his power, so I look forward to your good news."

After speaking, White Watts also disappeared in place.

The crisis was temporarily lifted, but everyone including Tang An Zhushui remained silent.

In the end, it was Meiguangyuan Gates who broke the silence first.

"Zi-O, don't forget what you promised me."

After saying this to Tokiwa Sogo, Meikoin Gates was about to go back.

He didn't completely trust White Watts because of what he said, he just used this method to test the attitude of the other party.

This performance made Tokiwa Shogo heave a sigh of relief.

But then, to their astonishment, another flash of red light flashed above their heads, and it fell towards the distance

A few seconds later, they felt a slight tremor coming from the ground.

what happened?

Two meteorites appeared in one day?

The abnormal phenomenon made Tokiwa Shogo and his team realize that something was wrong, and as they rushed to the meteorite to land, they saw a large number of combatants wearing black uniforms and heavily armed to evacuate ordinary people, and stopped them from approaching the scene the behavior of.

The reason is that signs of the presence of Zerg were found in the place where the meteorite landed.

"Insects?" Sogo Tokiwa was a little confused after hearing this address, but Heyworth's face changed slightly after hearing this sentence, and then he pulled the corner of Sogo Tokiwa's clothes cryptically, signaling him to go back first.

Although Shogo Tokiwa was a little confused about this, he still followed Heywards's wishes and returned to the nine-to-five class. After returning, he couldn't wait to ask Heywards what was going on.

"It's recorded in this book..." Heyworth opened the calendar of encounters with demons, and explained: "The creature named Zerg is a monster that fought against Kamen Rider Kabuto."

"Kamen Rider Kabuto?" Tokiwa Sogo repeated the name, then realized the difference from before.

When collecting driving meters before, he dealt with strange knights, not the monsters that existed in the original Kamen Rider history!

In addition to the Zerg in Woz's mouth, the only thing he has seen is the monster named Striker that appeared in 2017 due to an accident for the first time, and was rescued by Kiryu War Rabbit and Wanzhang Ryuga .

But before that he had no memory of the Skywall and the Slammer at all, and now the monster named Zerg suddenly appeared again.

Obviously, such monsters did not exist in this world before today, but at the same time as them, special fighters appeared. Judging from their skilled actions, it is obvious that they have dealt with monsters like Zerg a lot.

Gates of Mingguangyuan was also aware of this problem, but he sat aside, frowning tightly and did not speak.

He is waiting for news from Yuedu.

Soon after, Yuedu came back and told everyone a news.

The time axis of this space-time has become more and more chaotic, even if you use the time magic machine, you can't go to the future world.

Meiguangyuan Gates subconsciously felt that the appearance of the zerg might be related to this phenomenon, and at the same time he felt that Jon had already expected this to happen when the first meteorite appeared.

"Blood, you know what's going on, don't you?"

Meikoin Gates asked towards the air beside him.

He didn't know if Jon was really here, but judging from the fact that they would suddenly appear when they called each other's names, it was obvious that the other party had been observing them.

But this time it was not Jon who answered their questions, but Men Yashi.

"Probably the time and space of this world is becoming more and more distorted."

The aurora curtain appeared, and Men Yashi walked out of it, looked at the decoration of the nine-to-five hall again, and greeted everyone.

"Since the Kamen Riders of the future can appear in this era, isn't it normal for the enemies that Kamen Riders dealt with in the past to appear?"

After sitting down chicly, Mon Yashi picked up the teapot on the table and made himself a cup of tea.

"The 2006 timeline of another time and space is intertwined with the 2019 timeline of this time and space. Do you understand me when I explain this?" At the same time, the Zect headquarters.

"Manager, are you saying that two different worlds merged together because of the fake Kabuto?"

Kaga Meixin, who has already taken the position of director of Zect, was surprised by Jon's sudden appearance in his world, not to mention getting the explosive news from Jon now.

Wearing a suit, he stood up and walked to the window to have a look.

"No wonder... I was still wondering how the Shibuya area, which entered the rebuilding phase after sweeping out the Zerg, would become prosperous in a short period of time, if that's the case..."

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