I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1156

Zerg Kagami felt that Sogo Tokiwa might be crazy, how could a normal person say such a thing!

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Zerg Kaga Meixin looked crazy, "I intend to use this method to replace all the people you know well, and let you kill one of them!"

Tokiwa Sogo knew the other party's purpose, but still shook his head and said:

"But since they have become human due to the correction of history, it is up to them to make their own choices.

I may not be able to accept their existence at first, but if they are willing to live as a real human being in the following time, then I will not stop it, but if they still want to bring despair to human beings, then Whether they're humans or zerg, I'll take them down. "

These words made everyone stunned, especially the people in Zect headquarters.

They will never forget the despair that the Zerg once brought to this world.

The meaning of Zect's existence is to completely eradicate such monsters from the earth.

But in the past, they never thought that the Zerg would become human one day. Once this happened, how should they choose?

As experts in dealing with Zerg, their heads were confused, but as a 'victim', Sougo Tokiwa gave his own answer.

"I can't decide other people's opinions, but if it were me, I think I can give them a chance."

Tokiwa Sogo remembered what Shijima had just said to him before. Although the situation is different now, it is like what he said in his own mouth.

"You said that they are no longer zerg, so as ordinary people, whether they plan to integrate into human society is their own business. If they commit crimes, they will be punished by law, and the most important thing is..."

Tokiwa Sogo raised his head and stared at the zerg Kaga Meixin.

"If you let them reappear as humans, then they will definitely not be under your control."


Zerg Kagami felt this was ridiculous!

How can you accept such beautiful words from them? When normal people see another relative or friend turned from a monster appear, they will definitely go crazy and want to find the real individual, and then kill the other one!


"Not under my control? What stupid things are you talking about!" Zerg Kaga Meixin showed a crazy smile again, and said, "They even have their own lives under my control! How could they not be controlled by me?" control! I will completely bring this world under my control!"

"Then you can try it."

The person who said this was Kaga Meixin, who had also lost his ability to transform, was also slowly walking towards this side, and subconsciously glanced at the head of Tiandao.

Before the head of Tiandao handed Kabuto to him when he was going to the universe, and asked him to turn Kabuto into a driving watch at the agreed moment.

He had to, because only then would the alien Kabuto appear.

Sure enough, as expected by the head of Tiandao, a different kind of Kabuto appeared, not only took away Kabuto's driving head, but also said that he was going to bring the world under his control, but...

"Don't underestimate humans, Zerg."

"Don't underestimate humans, the other me." Zerg Kaga Meixin grinned, and then black energy surged on his body, condensing into twisted armor.

[Kabuto! 】

The blue compound eyes light up, making the zerg-like alien Kabuto look even weirder, but this is just the beginning!

The Kabuto driving watch obtained from the Tendou Souji was activated, and then the Zerg Kaga Meixin was stuffed into the body.

In the next second, black energy began to surge on the body of Zerg Kagamixin again, but this time it turned his ferocious body into a red armor full of technological style, with the elements of a unicorn fairy .

[Kabuto! 】

Power, this is power!

Zerg Kaga Meixin felt the surging power in his body, and the face under the visor became even crazier.

The next moment, the sun was covered by the meteorite again, and the Zerg Kaga Meixin sneered at Kaga Meixin: "How does it feel to see this scene? Kaga Mixin, you who were once rejected by Kabuto, now You should be very jealous of me, recklessly trying to stop the meteorite, and then make Tiandao have to surrender his power to save you."

Flaming meteorites continue to fall from the sky, and it looks like the world is coming to an end.

While laughing, the zerg Kagami Shin waved.

The next moment, another Meikoin Gates appeared behind the Zerg Kagami Shin. Having successfully controlled the history of Kabuto, he was able to make these subordinates appear in this world as humans.

However, just when Zerg Kaga Meixin was about to let this one of the most easily identifiable subordinates torture Tokiwa Shogo, the words of the head of heaven made him stunned.

"Sure enough, the interrupted fusion started again, and you who got the Kabuto driving watch can only reproduce some things that happened before."

The calm tone made the zerg Kagami frowned slightly, and then said sarcastically:

"At this time, you are still so arrogant, God."

With Kagami's new memory, he can be said to know Tiandao Shoji very well, and he couldn't help but sneer at this moment: "How? Do you want to become my subordinate? I remember your sister is also a protozoa, right? This choice should be very easy for you to do."

The Director of Heavenly Dao shook his head, then slowly raised his right hand upwards, pointing at the huge meteorite that blocked the sun.

"Grandma once said that as long as I wish, fate will definitely be on my side."

Obviously he has lost the ability to transform into Kamen Rider Kabuto, but the expression on Tendo Souji's face is still confident at this moment.

And in such a confident expression, the huge meteorite that covered the sun began to shatter, turning into a large number of small meteorites.

Although the dense meteorites still make one's scalp tingle, at this moment, the sun's brilliance is projected on the earth again.

In this scene, even the zerg Kaga Meixin had an unbelievable expression on his face.

How can it be? !

Obviously this guy has lost all his power!

Zerg Kaga Meixin couldn't believe that the meteorite carrying a large number of Zergs was broken like this!

The dappled sunlight passed through the gaps in the meteorite group, dispelling the darkness in the sky, and in this sunlight, there seemed to be a colorful streamer mixed with it.

"Grandma also said that my evolution is faster than the speed of light, and no one in the universe can match my evolution speed." The plan was a success!

When Kaga Meixin saw the huge meteorite in the sky shattered, allowing the sun to shine on the ground again, he heaved a sigh of relief, and then clenched his fists excitedly.

If the Director of Heavenly Dao does not surrender his power, then unless Jon takes action, they will absolutely be unable to stop the fall of the huge meteorite.

And once Kabuto is allowed to control the watch head and let Kabuto of a different kind get it, then this kind of history will be reproduced again!

So Tiandao Director-General formulated such a plan.

Changji Tendo transformed into a Hyper form and brought the meteorite back to the past, while Kagami Shin, who stayed on the earth, turned Kabuto into a driving meter at the moment the meteorite disappeared, and then handed it over to the computer for historical corrections. The role returned from the universe to the Tendo Chief Director of the Zect headquarters, creating a scene where the Tendo General Director had to surrender his power because of Kagami Shin's reckless actions.

And the secret to success is...

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