I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1158

"Your biggest mistake..."

【Maximum Rider Power! 】

The horns of the Hyper Zecter at the waist were pressed down by Kagami, and then more violent golden tachyons began to surge on his body.

In terms of speed, the zerg Kaga Meixin is at an absolute disadvantage even if he has a different kind of head and the power to control the head, so after seeing the superluminal particles surging on Kaga Meixin, he can only bite Gritting his teeth, he pinned his hopes on the uniqueness of the heterogeneous knights.

The blue tachyons also began to surge on his body, and Kagami Shin had already stretched out his fingers to tap Gatack.

[One! 】

[Two! 】

[Three! 】

"Your biggest mistake was turning them into humans! Even the Moulting Zerg, they may be defeated by the will of humans, not to mention that they have become real humans now! Hyper Kick!!"

[Rider Kick! 】

Gatack's mandibles were closed and then opened again, and with this action, the tachyon surging on Kaga Mixin's body ushered in a further strengthening, allowing this moment to erupt from Kaga Mixin's body The light flooded everyone's sight!

"Shut up! You can't even get Kabuto to admit it!"

As if there was no longer any way to attack Kagami, the Zerg Kagami roared angrily, and then took the lead in darting towards the opponent's position.

Under the strengthening of the two gauges, the tachyon particles surging on his body should not be underestimated, and then he kicked Kagami Shin in the chest.

But in the next moment, Kagami Shin's attack also came. When two extremely powerful tachyon particles collided, the erupting movement even made the building of Zect's headquarters shake.

A single blow with the effect of atomic collapse is destroying everything they can touch.

Both the ground and the air were collapsing and disintegrating. The glare of the glare and the roar that almost tore the eardrums made others wonder what was going on where the two were fighting.


The roar sounded again, and as the strong light dissipated, people saw the defeated figure of Zerg Kaga Meixin in embarrassment.

At this moment, the streamlined Kabuto armor on his body has disappeared, and he has returned to the hideous and ugly appearance of the alien Kabuto.

And not only that, the meteorites began to disappear again, allowing golden sunlight to continuously fall on the land.

Kagami wins. Although the powerful attack in Hyper form failed to completely wipe out the Zerg Kagami, it stripped Kabuto's driving watch head from the opponent's body and grabbed it in his hands. At the same time, his armor also disappeared. not see.

But it is clear that as long as the driving meter is restarted, neither he nor Tiandao can re-transform, but Kaga Meixin did not choose to do so, but handed over the Kabuto driving meter to the disgraced Tokiwa Shogo .

"I have seen your will. Although you are not strong now, I believe that you can become the king who destroys all despair for people."

Looking at the Kabuto driving watch in his hand, Sogo Tokiwa looked astonished.

"Director Kagami."

"Call me Kagami." A smile appeared on Kagami's face, and he said, "Zect's mission has been completed, and it's your mission to eliminate the alien knights."

After finishing speaking, Kaga Meixin patted Sogo Tokiwa on the shoulder, and then said to the head of Tendo.

"Let's go, God, it's been a long time since I've been so relaxed. Let's have a drink together in the evening and call for the sword."

Obviously the battle is not completely over yet, but Kaga Meixin looks very relieved that Sogo Tokiwa can handle all this well.

But while leaving, Kaga Meixin said softly:

"Your uncle will disappear soon, at least let him know that you are no longer the child who needs to be protected before he disappears."

These words made Tokiwa Sogo wake up, looked at Tokiwa Junichiro whose body had gradually become transparent, but still looked at him worriedly, and nodded.

"I see."

【Zi-O! 】

The Zi-O driving meter was activated by Tokiwa Sogo again, followed by...

[Kabuto! 】

Although the real uncle doesn't know his identity yet, at least let him know that he no longer needs to be protected, but can protect others before this uncle disappears due to the correction of history!


[Rider Time! 】

The first-stage armor rotated with the phantom of the clock, and condensed on Tokiwa Sogo under the surprised gaze of Tokiwa Junichiro.

[Kamen Rider Zi-O! ! 】

Followed by...

[Armor Time! 】

The space began to distort like a vortex, and then a stream of blue particles flew out from the end of the additional armor with the unicorn element, converging on Sogo Tokiwa.

[Change Beetle! 】

[Kabuto! ! 】

"It failed." Monyashi looked at Sogo Tokiwa, who had transformed into Kabuto's armored form, with a vague smile on his face, and then looked at Swaruz who was walking towards this side.

"Should I say your plan was a success, or a failure?"

"Either way of saying is correct." Swaruz folded his arms and said calmly: "The plan to torture Sogo Tokiwa failed, but the plan to let the other party get Kabuto's driving watch succeeded."

This answer made Monyashi raise his eyebrows.

"It seems that you don't intend to hide your real purpose anymore, so why did you find me?"

"Of course because our goals are the same." Swaruz chuckled, "As a destroyer of the world, you want to gain stronger power, and I am the same, instead of continuing to hide it and causing Menyashi Your excellent partner has lost interest in me, you might as well say it frankly and publicly."

After using the zerg as the contractor of the alien Kabuto's head, Swaruz is ready to be seen for his purpose, or that's what he intends to do.

If there is no unexpected factor such as blood dive, he doesn't mind carrying out his plan steadily, but doing so now is not good for him.

So he designed such a play, and approached Men Yashi, and said frankly: "I need to make Ur betray us and seek refuge with Tokiwa Shogo and the others."

"What's the reason?" Men Yashi turned over his collar and asked.

"Compared to us, the blood potential has a great advantage, so Tokiwa Sogo and the others must be vigilant against the blood potential. If I say it directly, it will naturally not have any effect, so Ur is the most suitable candidate."

When he said this, Swaruz sighed.

"I sent two alien heads to Blood Submersible, and also secretly sent such information to Tokiwa Shogo and the others. The initial trust has been established, so only one fuse is needed."

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