I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1164

In any case, the young man named Haruto Matsuno could not recall what happened to these two particular figures, except that they had suddenly appeared in his collection.

If Kamen Rider Decade didn't really exist in this world, then Tokiwa Shogo and the others would probably think it was a DIY work of a Kamen Rider fan.

In the end, they could only choose to leave with regret, but when they were about to leave, Shotaro Sato once again focused on the photo frame he had seen before.

A very normal photo.

A woman holding a baby and a steady middle-aged man seem to be a group photo of Matsuno Haruto's family.

"Mr. Shotaro, is there something wrong with the photo?" Haruto Matsuno asked curiously.

Shotaro Sato shook his head and said, "Haruto, put the group photo in the middle of the collection, it seems that you attach great importance to your family."

Hearing this, Matsuno Haruto nodded.

"My father also likes Kamen Rider very much. I heard from my mother that when I have no memory, he hugged me to watch Kamen Rider Kuuga that just started playing."

Shotaro Sato nodded, then bid farewell to Sogo Tokiwa and the others and left.

But after leaving Matsuno Haruto's house, Shotaro Sato showed a thoughtful expression on his face again.

"What's the matter? Mr. Shotaro." Tokiwa Sogo asked.

"Shogo, did you notice that photo just now?" Zuo Shoutaro said.

"Photo, isn't it a normal photo?" Sogo Tokiwa didn't think there was anything unusual about the photo I saw in Matsuno Harukoto's room before, wasn't it a photo of Matsuno Harukoto and his parents when he was a baby?

"No, it's very wrong." Shotaro Sato shook his finger and said, "Even if the relationship becomes cold in the future, Haruto's parents were definitely very loving during the time when their son was just born. It's the same with the look on their faces."

"What did you find?" Mingguangyuan Gates couldn't help asking.

"I mean, the distance between Harukato's parents in the photo is a little too big." Shotaro Sato shared his findings.

"A picture of a baby with its parents, but the parents are separated, it looks like a picture between two strangers."

After Shotaro Sato said so, Tokiwa Sogo and Meikoin Gates also noticed that something was wrong.

The distance between Matsuno Harukoto's parents in the photo is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

"And their palms, as if they were holding something."

These words made Tokiwa Sogo's eyes widen.

"Shotaro-san, do you mean that there should be another person in the photo?"

"Maybe so." Sato Shotaro flicked the top hat in his hand, then put it on top of his head, shook his head regretfully, and said, "It's a pity that the clue was interrupted here."

"Interruption? Not necessarily, I have some good information here."

The voice suddenly sounded, making Shotaro Sato look in the direction of the voice.

"Decade?" Zuo Shoutaro showed a surprised expression on his face, and then smiled: "It's been a long time since we last worked together, I didn't expect to see you here."

Shogo Tokiwa and the others were taken aback by Shotaro Sato's words.

Before that, they thought that Shotaro Sato and Monyashi belonged to the relationship of enemies, just like they and the time robbers now, but it can be heard from the tone of Shotaro Sato at the moment.

The relationship between them seems to be very good!

What exactly is going on? !

Monyashi ignored the expressions on the faces of Tokiwa Shogo and Meikoin Gates, and explained: "I have been investigating the reason why this space-time becomes distorted, but the current situation is a bit bad, and even the singularity has been found out. "


"That's right, the singularity..."


A singularity, an existence that is extremely special just from its name.

The existence of the singularity will not be affected by historical changes. Even if someone goes back to the "past" and kills the parents of the singularity and the singularity, it will not affect the "present" singularity, but is brought from the "past" to In terms of "now", there are some problems in this chaotic time and space.

Of course, the most important thing is that the singularity has the ability to repair the destroyed history based on its own memory.

This is also the reason why Tied, the super time robber, only chose to seal the singularity instead of killing the opponent directly.

But the little girl named Mina in front of Jon is a bit special, or to be a singularity in such a distorted time and space is very special in itself.

It seemed that there was no danger in following Jon. The little girl with braids in the sky and suspenders seemed to want to vent all the fright she had received before, and kept saying:

"Is there really no need to call the police? It doesn't seem to be possible. Those people are like villains with superpowers in TV dramas. The police will definitely not be their opponents."

As she spoke, Mina leaned on her chin and fell into deep thought.

"To deal with such villains, Kamen Rider is really needed, but Kuuga will be broadcast tomorrow, and it must be too late now, big brother, are you a superpower policeman?"

Mina remembered the scene where Jon appeared with the smoke before, and asked, with some expectation in her tone.


"Liar, it was clearly true just now."

"That's not the case now." Jon said without looking back.

Mina puffed up her face.

"I want to go home."

"Where do you live?"

Mina muttered and reported the address she had mentioned before, but they had just come from there.

This made Mina's mouth twitch.


"Decade, do you mean that someone found the so-called singularity, so the history of this world will become like this?"

"Probably so." Monyashi picked up the camera and took a picture of Shotaro Sato, and then said to Sogo Tokiwa and Meikoin Gates who looked astonished.

"The singularity is probably such a thing. If you can't find that singularity and send it back to its own time and space, then history will continue to be distorted like this."

"Then, is the space-time distortion phenomenon you mentioned related to this singularity?" Gates of Meiguangyuan didn't think about whether Menyashi was an enemy or a friend at this moment, but asked this way.

"No... According to those idiots, the existence of the singularity is conducive to maintaining the stability of history." Men Yashi explained.

Just as he finished saying this, Ur appeared and brought a piece of news to Sogo Tokiwa.

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