I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1224

The dial, insect feet and membranous wings that symbolize the sun are integrated into Tokiwa SouGo's body, making his body seem to turn into pure light at this moment.

[Kamen Rider Barlckxs! 】

The light began to gather again, condensing a powerful armor on the body of Tokiwa SouGo.

But it was the same feeling as when facing the enemy named Xiaxian before, even if Tokiwa SouGo has shown great strength at this moment, it still gives Tokiwa Sougo a feeling of incongruity.

The insect elements condensed by light are restrained by the power of space-time drive, just like the "light" that clearly represents hope, but at this moment it is used by Tokiwa SouGo to bring despair.

"Is that why you use me to collect Kamen Rider's power and history?" Sougo Tokiwa stared at Tokiwa SouGo while resisting the constant feeling of weakness coming from within himself.

From what the other party said just now, it can be heard that even Swaruz is just the target of the other party's use, and he also wants to create a situation where both Blood Submersible and him will suffer, and then take action to seize the fruits of victory.

There is no doubt that this person in front of him is definitely the strongest enemy he has ever encountered!

Even if White Watts hadn't handed over the power to him before he disappeared, he probably wouldn't even be able to stand up under the terrifying aura of the opponent now!

But even so, he won't give up!

"The history of Kamen Rider belongs to everyone!"

The golden energy surged on Sougo Tokiwa's body, resisting SouGo's terrifying aura, and Sougo Tokiwa swung his sword at SouGo without hesitation.

But the sharp blade seemed to have lost all its functions at this moment, and it was held in the hands of SouGo, even the surging energy on the sword began to disappear the moment it was touched by SouGo!

"In that case, I just need to grab them, King of Stand..."

Tokiwa SouGo said coldly, and then punched Sougo Tokiwa in the abdomen.


Under the punch of SouGo Tokiwa, Sougo Tokiwa was in so much pain that he was blown away, and even the strongest limit sword in his hand was dropped directly, and was caught in the palm of SouGo's hand.

Followed by Meikoin Gates.

Seeing that Sougo Tokiwa had no resistance in front of SouGo Tokiwa, he also rushed towards him, but it didn't make any sense!

After throwing away the strongest ultimate sword in his hand like trash, Tokiban SouGo put his palm on his waist with his back to Meikoin Gates.

In the next moment, "light" began to gather in the hands of Tokiwa SouGo again, and then turned into a sharp blade.

Revolving Shadow Sword!

Turn around and chop off.

The sharp blade cut off the Time Strict Ax in Meiguangin Gates' hands. Even if Meiguangin Gates hadn't dodged in time, his body might have been cut off directly, but after narrowly dodging Tokiwa SouGo's slash, The gates of Mingguangyuan heard a click, and then...

"The first...then you are useless, foolish warrior."

Reaching out to catch the driving meter that flew out of the part of the drive that was broken from Meikoin Gates' waist, Tokiwa SouGo kicked Meikoin Gates heavily on the chest. powerful!

Incomparably powerful!

This is the image left by Tokiwa SouGo in the eyes of all Kamen Riders at this moment!

Even if the other Kamen Riders chose to attack after seeing Sougo Tokiwa and Meikoin Gates being severely injured in the hands of SouGo, Tokiwa SouGo just activated another driving meter in their hands, making their attack become Useless work.

The name of this driving meter is called...

【Bio Rider! 】

In the next instant, Tokiwa SouGo's body turned into a blue liquid, allowing the Kamen Riders' attacks to pass straight through his body.

Immediately, this liquid kept flickering in the air, attacking the Kamen Riders.

"As that bastard Evolto said, the game of becoming a king is over, the king of stand-ins." Tokiwa SouGo ignored the attacks of the other Kamen Riders, and once again swept towards Sougo Tokiwa's body, and then the flowing water turned into a fist, A punch hit Tokiwa Sogo's waist.

Inside, there is the power he needs!

Carrying a punch that can invalidate the Kamen Rider's ability made the driving meter on the waist of Tokiwa Shogo unstable, and even the transformation state of Tokiwa Shogo was affected, but...

【Full Full Match Desu! 】

Colorful energy flashed on the blade of the full-bottle destroyer, and slashed towards SouGo before SouGo destroyed Zi-O's second-level driving meter.

Such power made Tokiwa SouGo frown, and then his body liquefied again, dodging Kiryu Sentu's blow.

"That's why I find you Kamen Riders irritating, obviously my power has invalidated your ability..."

"But what you invalidated was only my own ability..." Kiryu Sentu, who had transformed into a genius form, chuckled, and then stared at the full bottle destroyer in his hand.

"The power that comes from other people's beliefs is not something you can neutralize."

When his own ability was continuously suppressed and then invalidated by Tokiwa SouGo, Kiryu Sentu was the first to launch a counterattack, and the source of his energy at this moment is exactly what people expect from Kamen Rider and hope!


"The king of stand-ins?" Kiryu Zhantu glanced at the panting Tokiwa Sogo, and then asked, "Shuanggo, do you still remember what I said when I handed you the driving watch?"

"No one will be false!" Tokiwa Sogo said weakly as he stood up.

"That's right! No one will be false!" Kiryu Zhantu laughed, but was interrupted by Tokiwa SouGo in the next second.

"You are just a substitute for me!" Tokiwa SouGo's body turned into flowing water again, and rushed towards Tokiwa Sougo.

"You are just the shadow warrior I found for myself, just a stand-in for me to collect the power and history of Kamen Rider! The real Tokiwa Shogo is me!"

Responding to Chang Pan SouGo was the Holy Emblem Violent Biting Dragon, which was shrouded in extreme cold and slashed at him, and...

"It's just the same name. In my eyes, Sogo Tokiwa is much stronger than you."

Under the extreme cold, Tokiwa SouGo's liquefied body began to make the sound of freezing, forcing him to withdraw from this state.

But even so, he still possesses terrifying power.

He grabbed the axe blade of the Holy Emblem Violent Biting Dragon with one hand, and then the Spinning Shadow Sword appeared in his hand again, slashing towards Hino Eiji's body.

Even the powerful body of the Pterosaur Tyrannosaurus was easily cut into a terrifying wound by the Xuanying Sword, but just when Tokiwa SouGo was about to take this opportunity to pierce Hino Eiji's heart with a sword, dozens of crimson electric drills Locked his body firmly.

"Shogo Tokiwa in my eyes is the one who became king in order to create a better future. This is his dream. Just for this alone, he is much better than you."

Gan Qiao's figure flickered in the burst form, trying to blast the energy of the crimson electric drill into SouGo's body, but SouGo broke free.


Tokiwa SouGo roared, but...

"Stupid? What about you?" The sword in Menyashi's hand blocked the right fist that SouGo threw at Sougo, and smiled.

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