I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1248

Perhaps those magical girls who have not yet grown up still retain their innocence, but what about the future?

With powerful power, there are no monsters like witches that need them to deal with.

Magical girls are human too, and the human heart is the most difficult thing to figure out, so Jon is a little worried about the situation in this world, or the world itself, not just magical girls. This is why he clearly has the ability to uproot QB, but There is no reason to directly shoot because I want to see the QB's purpose.

To put it simply, it is like the mentality of an old father who is worried that his child will go astray.

"A miracle requires a price, and maybe this is what I have to pay." Jon shook his head helplessly, and complained: "I always feel that I have a tendency to change towards Douzhen."

Although Ba Mamei was surprised by this answer, she was not too surprised.

She didn't think that Jon was the kind who broke all magical girl fantasies just for his own interest.

If it still depends on Jon to solve the QB this time, then the ending may look very good on the bright side, but no one knows what direction it will develop in the future.

Perhaps at this time, let other magical girls understand that miracles and powers are not free, so that they can keep this beauty forever.

Ba Mami understood, but Mitsuki Felicia did not.

Looking at the two people who seemed to be playing charades, Shenyue Felicia said dissatisfied: "Hey! Say something that Felicia can understand! Don't be some strange riddle!"

In this regard, Jon and Ba Mamei just looked at each other and smiled.

At the same time, Momoko, who had left, was already preparing to inform her two companions and other magical girls in Kamihama City of the information she had just received.

As Jon expected, although they became slack because of the disappearance of the witch, they still quickly started to act after learning the information about the 'Yao' from the mouth of Ten Gui Taozi.

This met Jon's expectations.

Since QB is planning something in the dark, the vigilance of the magical girls will naturally let him show some flaws, maybe he will continue to deceive, maybe he will reveal his terrifying true face hidden under the appearance, of course...

"The most likely purpose should be to target me." After returning to the hotel, Jon sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and said calmly.

"After all, for a QB, there shouldn't be much difference between me now and me at that time."

Although he has obtained powerful power through wishing, it does not mean that QB cannot think of any countermeasures.

The stronger the power, the more mana it consumes. Coupled with Jon's special wish at the time, if it were another person, he might turn into a witch on the spot.

The existence of the contract is known to QB. They have no emotions and are absolutely rational. They will definitely start to calculate this matter after the disappearance of Witch Night, and even...

"Is it even possible that your arrival, Jon, was planned by the other party?" Ba Mamei asked with a sullen look on her face.

Jon nodded, and then saw a petite figure appearing in front of him.

It's Deep Moon Felicia.

"Hey!" Shenyue Felicia put her hands on her hips, trying to hide her displeasure, "From the very beginning, I have been saying things that Felicia doesn't understand, what do you mean? What do you mean when you come? The opponent is planning!"

Although it sounds like a question, it is also a proof that Felicia Shenyue is trying hard to integrate into the two of them. She is very unhappy with the current situation.

This kind of situation where Jon and Ba Mamei didn't avoid her communication but she couldn't understand it made her very uncomfortable, as if there was some invisible wall blocking her.

Seeing the serious expression on Felicia's face, Jon couldn't help but smile, and his expression relaxed a lot.

He was not worried about QB's conspiracy, but worried about those magical girls, both the magical girls he already knew and the magical girls he didn't know.

"Felicia, what would you do if you found out that the world you know is a lie carefully woven by people?"

Although she still couldn't understand the meaning of Jon's words, Deep Moon Felicia was able to give the answer.

Showing her cute little canine teeth, Shenyue Felicia said without hesitation: "Of course it was a hammer that smashed this world into pieces!"

"But what if after smashing, what you get is despair? Will you miss the false world that you smashed?"

This question is difficult for Deep Moon Felicia.

In Jon's eyes, Deep Moon Felicia is the victim of this lie.

What caused the death of Felicia's parents was not the witch with eyelid elements in her mouth, but Felicia herself, or what she saw at the time, the witch with eyelid elements was her becoming a witch Transformed appearance.

Because of a mischievous prank, a fire broke out at home, and he met QB at a critical moment, so he made a wish that 'nothing happened'.

To be honest, the wish that Felicia Shenyue made was not appropriate, but considering her young age and fear of dressing up, it was understandable to think of such a wish.

QB will not tamper with the wishes of the wisher. If the wish that Felicia Shenyue made at that time was to revive her parents, then such a wish could be easily realized, but what she made was "everything" Didn't happen' such a wish.

To put it simply, such a wish has been involved in time, but the karma of Deep Moon Felicia itself is not enough to pay the price of this wish, so this wish is presented in another way.

The memories of Felicia Shenyue and her neighbors were modified. She lost the memory of killing her parents because of her naughtiness. She mistakenly thought that the witch killed her parents, and others also lost this memory. Memory can be understood as the things you don't want to see and you can't see them when you close your eyes, and by the way, you also cover other people's eyes.

It is much easier to realize such a wish to reverse time so that the fire does not appear. In the case of insufficient karma in Shenyue Felicia, it can only be achieved to this extent.

But is it really okay to let this little girl know about such things?

She hated the witch extremely because of her parents' death, but forgot that it was her own naughtiness that caused the death of her parents.

If it were her parents to make a choice, which side would they choose?

Maybe either side is possible.

I want Felicia Shenyue to wake up, or I want Felicia Shenyue to indulge in such illusions forever, so that I won't fall into a lifetime of self-blame for killing my parents.

"Would you like to forget everything and hide?"

The serious tone made Deep Moon Felicia understand that Jon was not joking, and then she began to think seriously about her answer.

Live in a world of carefully woven lies, and once you break through this world, will you see real despair?

If it was her, would she regret it, would she cry bitterly and want to hide?

Isn't the answer to this question simple?

"so stupid!"

Deep Moon Felicia patted Jon on the forehead, and then showed a sunny smile.

"You have said that this is a lie carefully woven by others, that is to say, whether you continue to indulge in such a falsehood or choose to accept it with painful tears, there will be a guy watching my ugly performance."

Saying that, Shenyue Felicia rubbed her nose with her thumb, and said carelessly: "If it were Master Felicia, then even if you want to cry, you have to smash the guy who made the lie first, and then leave alone." Secretly cry!"

This answer made Jon a little surprised, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"As expected of Lady Felicia."

"That's natural, Lord Felicia is the strongest mercenary in Kamihama City!"


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