I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1260

Very strange English accent, but Mizono Hana Rin didn't dare to refute at all, and then Alina seemed to be tired of cursing at last.

"Forget it, even if you turn your head around like this, you will forget it. After I find a way to go out, I will take you to the QB. Maybe you can turn back into a magical girl again."

This sentence made Nanami Yachiyo narrow her eyes, but before she could think about it, Jon who pushed the door in attracted everyone's attention, and made her stunned as soon as he opened his mouth .

"Miss Nanami, you said on the phone that what the other party asked for was the most important thing, but judging from the current situation, it seems that the most important thing is not the power of the magical girl."

Going to the sofa and sitting down, Jon looked around at the crowd and continued: "From the moment the two of them gave up their power and chose to save their friends, the importance of friends has surpassed the power of magical girls."

"Such a statement does make sense." Nanami Yachiyo nodded and said calmly, "But that's what the other party answered me at that time."

"I can't rule out the possibility that the other party lied. It's a pity that even though I knew the method to attract the other party to appear, he didn't appear in front of me. Maybe the other party appeared to target the magical girl."

Nanami Yachiyo nodded in agreement, and then pretended to inadvertently ask Alina who could only communicate with them by phone.

"So Alina, do you have any clues?"

"How do I know what that guy is?" Alina said impatiently, "At that time, I don't have time to observe the other party, and even QB doesn't know what that guy is."

A certain word that appeared again in the words gave Nanami Yachiyo the answer he wanted.

"Did the QB show up? Where is it now?"

"No idea, after I jumped off the radio tower, the QB disappeared." The QB appeared, then disappeared.

This is the information that Alina revealed unintentionally, and it also confused Nanami Yachiyo extremely.

At the beginning, she regarded the 'rumor' that could easily take away the power of the magical girl as QB's handwriting, but whether it was the result of divination or the reaction of the clown before, it was telling her that the truth of the matter was not like this.

Even if the magical girl chooses to resist, the price is only to be locked up in a small dark room for a few days after being deprived of power, and the most important thing is...

The soul gem is gone!

After becoming magical girls, their souls were stripped out of their bodies by QB and turned into soul gems.

As long as the soul gem is not destroyed, no matter how serious their injuries are, they will recover, but there is also a price.

The soul gem is the core, and their bodies are just shells manipulated by the soul gem. Once the two are separated by a certain distance, their body will become like a corpse.

And now...

The soul seems to have returned to their bodies.

That clown is definitely not a simple 'rumor', and there is no need for QB to do this.

Even if the QB reappears now, it may not have anything to do with this strange 'rumor', or even...

Possibly standing on the opposite side?

But if this is the case, what is the essence of the 'rumor'?

If you look at it together, once a large number of magical girls are deprived of their power by this strange 'ballad', then ordinary people in Kamihama City and even other cities will not be protected by magical girls when they are attacked by the 'ballot'. Looking at these two points, it seems that the clown can be classified as an enemy, but...

Is this really the case?

What is the so-called trial?

Nanami Yachiyo's eyes flickered, and then he looked at Jon who was sitting on the sofa.

Now the changes in Kamihama City have far exceeded her expectations, and as the first participant to deal with 'Uyo', Nanami Yachiyo really wants to know the role played by the foreign combination of Jon and Asami in this incident. what kind of role.

If Jon showed only the mentality of ordinary people from the beginning, then Nanami Yachiyo would not think much about it, but Jon has already shown an attitude of doubting the truth of magical girls before, so at this moment there has appeared a person who can make magical girls What choice will he make when he returns to the 'Yao' of a normal person?

Thinking of this, Nanami Yachiyo looked at Asami again.

Her movements were very subtle and were not noticed by others.

After coughing twice, Nanami Yachiyo attracted all the attention of the others to her, and at the same time interrupted Alina's rambling about Mizono Hana Rin.

"Whether Mizono Hana Rin can become a magical girl again can be put aside, at least I don't think there is such a big loophole." Nanami Yachiyo said calmly: "If you can go to QB and make a wish to become a magical girl after turning back into an ordinary person , then it means that such a process can continue to cycle, and I don’t think there will be such a good thing.”

This sentence made Alina calm down a lot, and asked:

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to know the purpose of the other party's collection of magical girl power." Nanami Yachiyo replied, but Alina felt baffled by such an answer.

"Huh? Do you need to care about this kind of thing? That guy is our enemy!"

Nanami Yachiyo shook her head, she didn't think it was that simple.

Not everyone can become a magical girl, but must have a certain quality. Nanami Yachiyo doesn't know what this quality is, but it is very likely that it has been taken away by the clown. Finding the reason why QB can turn back into a magical girl again, not to mention that she doesn't want to see these ignorant juniors embark on this path again after getting rid of the sea of ​​suffering.

But what if that Joker's controller has a similar purpose to the QB? QB needs to extract some needed substance from the time when the magical girl fell into despair and became a witch, so she needs to use the witch to achieve a certain balance with the magical girl, but the controller of the clown is not necessarily like this.

Could it be that the opponent's purpose is to reduce the number of magical girls and make it easier for Utai to flex its fists in this world?

Thinking of this, Nanami Yachiyo's face became extremely ugly.

She knew very well that if all the magical girls disappeared, then Utai would become the most terrifying enemy in this world!

Only magical girls can deal with Utai, and Nanami Yachiyo also believes that other magical girls will not lose their ability easily after knowing the ability of the clown, but...

What if the truth about magical girls is revealed?

Once the other magical girls learn the desperate truth, and there's a chance for them to become normal again, they...

Can you refuse?

Nanami Yachiyo's breathing stagnated suddenly, and even a lot of sweat oozed from his forehead.

At this moment, she felt that an invisible net had appeared in the dark sky, covering the world and the magical girl.

This indescribable fear made Nanami Yachiyo breathless for a while, until Jon couldn't help but speak after noticing her appearance, and pulled her out of such darkness.

"But in general, things haven't reached the worst point yet, hasn't QB already appeared?" Jon said with a relaxed face, "Perhaps other magical girls who encounter QB can get useful information from it. "

This is the worst case scenario! Nanami Yachiyo secretly said.

If the position of QB and the unknown black hand is hostile, then it will definitely not want the magical girls to return to ordinary people. After all, even if their soul gems will not become filthy again, there may not be no chance. If they can return to ordinary people There is really no chance!

And if the standpoint of QB and the unknown black hand is the same, then she can't even stop this matter!

I was deceived and played with at the beginning, and it is still the same now! I can even wait desperately to see if QB will reveal the truth about the magical girl on his own initiative!

Even Nanami Yachiyo didn't notice that the backs of her hands were completely white, losing any color.

But in the end, she still didn't express the worries in her heart, just like she learned the cruel truth from the death of her two companions, but she never had the courage to speak out.

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