I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 265

"Hahahaha——! Tohsaka Tokiomi..." Matou Kariya laughed while clutching his stomach, but with a smile...

Matou Kariya cried.

Tears dripped down his face and onto the ground.

"I really want to kill you, Tohsaka Tokiomi...I really want to kill you! I sent Sakura to that devil's lair without knowing anything..."

The painful voice gave Tohsaka Tokiomi a bad premonition, but before he could say anything, Matou Kariya tightly clenched the magical girl evolution bottle in his hand.

"If you want to know, just beat me, or...let me beat you, and let you taste the pain that Sakura once suffered!"

Pure white magic power continuously poured into Matou Kariya's body from the magical girl evolution bottle, and at the same time made Matou Kariya feel terrible pain.

He could feel the bugs in his body struggling, struggling under this white magic power! Then die!

With a bang, Matou Kariya's facial muscles exploded, and several ugly engraved worms fell to the ground along with his blood, wriggling and making disgusting hissing sounds.

The engraving worm that emerged from Matou Kariya's body and his appearance made Tohsaka Tokiomi finally understand what he did wrong.

But Matou Kariya's tone at this time had a hint of joy in it.

After being taken away by that man, Sakura will definitely be happy! This kind of magical power, which even the bugs in his body are afraid to avoid, can definitely bring happiness to Sakura!

So, the next thing he has to do is revenge!

After fully waking up, he will not choose to kill Tohsaka Tokiomi, it will only make Rin and Aoi miserable, but...

He wants this man to bear the guilt for Sakura from today until he dies!

"Matou Kariya..." Tohsaka Tokiomi's face was full of pain, the uglier Matou Kariya looked at this moment, the angrier he was.

There is anger against myself! There is also anger at Matou Zouken for cheating!

"What's the matter? I can't bear to watch it at this level?" Matou Kariya taunted. After continuously driving this force, he could feel the engraving worms all over his body howling and trying to escape from his body. If he did, he would die directly, but his dilapidated body continued to heal under this strange force.

"Sakura is much stronger than me. She endured countless times more pain than me, and she didn't give up to these bugs."

While speaking, Matou Kariya coughed up a large puddle of blood, but this time, no insects could be seen in the blood spit out.

Before this, he was so painful that he almost fainted just trying to infuse some of this magic power into himself, but now he is holding on.

After seeing the painful expression on Tohsaka Tokiomi's face, Matou Kariya felt that the pain in his body had eased a lot.

"You who trampled on Sakura and Aoi's happiness, I will never forgive you!" Looking at Tohsaka Tokiomi who had closed his eyes in pain and did not dare to look at the mountain of bugs at his feet, Matou Kariya Showed a carefree smile.

He reached out and wiped the blood around his mouth, and was shocked to find that...

At some point, his arms were covered with a pair of white hollowed-out lace tulle gloves.

Chapter 249 An Alternative Banquet


Artoria blocked Jon's fist with the blade of the sword, but the next moment, she flew backwards because of this terrifying force.

The trees with the thickness of an adult's waist were torn apart in front of Artoria's body, and after leaving a long gully on the ground, she finally stopped.

Although the injuries on his body were quickly recovered with Avalon's help, the exhausted physical strength and magic power were not so easy to recover.

But just as Artoria got up from the ground and was about to continue the challenge, a voice sounded from behind her.

"What a mess, Saber."

"Rider?" Artoria turned around subconsciously, and then saw the figure of Iskandar.

Until then, she never realized that she had returned to the original point at some point.

Even this is under the control of the other party?

Thinking of this, Arturia clenched the blade in her hand.

Even Avalon only prevented her from being directly defeated by the opponent's blow, but if she wanted to defeat the opponent, she couldn't think of any other way except to release the treasure!

Heavy footsteps sounded.

In the next second, Jon, who had turned towards a nightmare in almost everyone's mind, appeared in everyone's eyes.

Compared with Arturia's embarrassed appearance, Jon looked as if he had just finished warming up.

Then, he turned his gaze to Iskandar.

This action made Weber's calf start to cramp, while Iskandar stroked the beard on his chin in distress.

"I said Berserker, you don't want to end this war tonight, do you? This is really nerve-wracking... I was planning to gather everyone to hold a banquet, since you think so, Berserker There might be no chance."

Saying that, Iskandar got off his horse.

Although he looks like just a rough man, this man who has left his reputation as a conquering king in history has a unique personal charm.

Even in the face of the enemy, and in the eyes of others, Jon, who was suppressed because of his madness, he showed his demeanor.

"Saber..." Iskandar suddenly turned the topic on Arturia, "Before I met you, I never thought that the real body of the famous Knight King was actually a woman. When I saw your treasure, I was really taken aback!"

Saying that, Iskandar laughed out loud.

Then, before Artoria spoke, he looked up at Vimana in the air again.

"Archer, since you are also the king, how about joining this feast?"

"Banquet? Do you want to hold a banquet in this kind of place? You really deserve to be a bastard." Gilgamesh fell from the sky, shaking the golden wine glass in his hand, and looked at everyone present with contempt, then he smiled lightly, Get off the vimana.

"However, he is an interesting bastard who actually wants to hold a banquet during the Holy Grail War. Do you want to invite this mad dog as an audience?"

The provocative words made everyone present focus on Gilgamesh, but Iskandar smiled heartily.

"Berserker is not the audience, but the protagonist in this banquet."

Under the surprised eyes of others, Iskandar waved his arms and said: "Everyone has seen Berserker's bravery. It is undeniable that no matter what era he is in, he is a famous hero! If If he was in my time and joined Darius, I am afraid that I, Iskandar, would have already become a dust in history."

"Rider, what exactly are you trying to say?" Arturia frowned.

She acknowledged the bravery of the Berserker in front of her, but what Iskandar said had nothing to do with the moment.

"Don't you understand me yet? Saber." Iskandar smiled, "If I say that no matter what era the king is, as long as he surrenders a brave man like Berserker, then he will definitely be able to remain in history." Make a more dazzling stroke, do you agree with my words?"

Although Arturia was still somewhat puzzled by what Iskandar meant, she still nodded.

"So, what about you, Archer?"

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