I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 294

Even with such a serious injury, can you still leave as if nothing happened?

Obviously, unlike the technological Kamen Riders that have appeared before, this Kamen Rider who looks more like a monster than a monster is developing in another route!

Bloody fighting methods like beasts, and powerful resilience!

While realizing this, Ning Wu thought of Ying Shanren's eyes and the scar on the bridge of his nose.

He couldn't imagine what kind of battles this man had gone through to make his body into such a tattered appearance!


Xia Bei still chose to keep up. When he saw Ying Shanren hit the street lamp again and fell to the ground, he hurried forward and tried to pull him up from the ground.

"Haven't left yet, little guy..." Ying Shanren was lying on the ground panting heavily, and the wound on his shoulder from the battle just now was exposed in Xia Bei's eyes.

It was obvious that a large piece of flesh was bitten off by that terrifying black monster, but at this moment, the blood no longer flowed from it, and it was slowly healing.

Xia Bei didn't answer, but just looked at Ying Shanren quietly like this. After seeing Ying Shanren groping to get out the eggs in his backpack, he took the initiative to help take the eggs out and peel off the shell.

"It's really helpful..." Ying Shanren reached out and took out the egg that Xia Bei handed over, then stuffed it into his mouth in one gulp, and began to chew.

Xia Bei didn't answer, but continued to help peel the eggs.

But soon he noticed that there were not many eggs in the backpack. He touched his pocket, took out the two eggs that Ying Shanjin had given him before, peeled off the shells and handed them to him.

"Don't follow me..." Ying Shanren, whose mouth was full of eggs, spoke vaguely, but Xia Bei still understood.

"You have avenged me." Xia Bei said earnestly, "As we said before, I will guide you where you want to go, and I will also go to work to buy food for you."

This sentence made Ying Shanren laugh out loud, and then choked on the egg.

He coughed violently several times and spewed out a lot of broken egg yolks before he was able to catch his breath.

"Even if a kid like you goes to work, no one wants it. Go back early."

As he said that, Ying Shanren slowly closed his eyes as if he was going to lie down and sleep, while Xia Bei showed no sign of leaving until Li Xiu's voice sounded behind him.

"There are many ways to say thank you, and it doesn't have to be this way."

Li Xiu walked towards the two of them step by step, and the words he said made Xia Bei show a nervous expression on his face.

Chapter 276 Jon: After all, I am a man who has watched more than a thousand episodes of Conan!

"So, Uncle Blood Diver, do you suspect that the other monster might be transported by way of a truck?" The dragon girl was still following Jon, and asked with a puzzled look on her face, "That means that monster is very Could it be an employee of the factory itself?"

"No... If that's the case, the other party is too stupid." Jon shook his head. He didn't think that the monster that could avoid so many surveillance and bring its prey to that warehouse would be so stupid. The molting zerg in the Amazon knew that it would not cause killing near its own residence to attract the attention of the countermeasures team. It didn't make sense that the Amazon didn't know.

Moreover, there was only one victim's body in that warehouse, and it was because the employees of that factory just needed to sort out the existence in the warehouse that they discovered the existence of the victim.

Rolling up the information in his hand, Jon took the dragon girl to look around in the warehouse where the victim's body was found.

In this city full of cameras, it is not easy to bring prey to a warehouse to eat silently, and since such a thing can be done, why didn't you choose to finish it?

If the spider Amazon ate up all the prey, then the countermeasure team would definitely not be able to detect the existence of the other party so easily.

So what caused this Amazon to leave here without eating its prey clean?

"Long, do you think it's because time doesn't allow it?"

Hearing Jon's words, the dragon girl opened her mouth slightly.

She doesn't know anything!

But in order not to look too stupid in front of Jon, the dragon girl nodded directly and said, "I think so too!"

"So, since time doesn't allow it, why bring the prey here to eat? It feels like deliberately hiding the area where you are active."

While speaking, Jon looked around and found what he was looking for.

A manhole cover!

"Long, let the people in the countermeasure team investigate the sewer system on the route of the trucks going to and from this warehouse, and at the same time list the workers who are responsible for overhauling the sewer. At the same time, I also need to know whether the openings of those sewers were suddenly closed some time ago Opened and never closed."

Although the dragon girl was a little surprised at the meaning of Jon's words, she honestly reported the matter to the countermeasure team.

Soon, this part of the information was delivered to Jon.

"However, I haven't received any complaints that the entrance and exit of the sewer on the road have been opened but not closed." Long Maiden looked puzzled.

"It's okay, as expected." Jon shook his head, without showing any disappointment, but continued, "Screen out the sewer entrances and exits that are just in front of the red street lights on these routes, and then filter the ones that happened to be in front of the red street lights a while ago. The destination was this warehouse and it stopped at the sewer above because of the traffic lights."

Hearing Jon's request, the dragon girl suddenly realized.

After reporting this request to the countermeasure team, she couldn't help asking: "Uncle Blood Dive, do you suspect that the monster came to this warehouse with the victim by hiding under the truck that happened to pass by there?" ?”

"That's right." Jon showed an expression that seemed that your IQ hadn't been squeezed out, and said with a smile: "This monster is very smart, knows how to use its own advantages, and knows how to completely clear the suspicion on itself. clean."

At the same time, the intelligence from the countermeasure team has been screened.

In the intelligence, one of the trucks happened to stay above the sewer entrance and exit because of the traffic lights, and that truck...

It happened to be the truck that brought the goods to this warehouse!

"In this way, isn't the answer obvious?" Jon left the warehouse, "Tell other people to check the destinations of all the large vehicles that stop above the entrance and exit because of the traffic lights, I think it should be possible Find some traces of the victims, and then it's time for us to find the monster responsible for repairing that sewer."

"But..." the dragon girl hurriedly followed Jon, "Isn't it possible that the monster just passed through that sewer?"

"This is not a method that can be implemented perfectly when you think about it." Jon tapped the dragon girl's head with a roll of paper, and said: "Now the countermeasure team has begun to install detection modules in the sewer to prevent zerg. "

The dragon girl nodded.

"In this way, anyone who enters the sewer will be recorded, and the only people who know where these detection modules are installed are the workers who are responsible for maintaining the sewer? If ordinary people enter the sewer rashly, it will cause passers-by to be surprised. , and it is not so easy to bring prey in."

In the mouth of the dragon girl who grew bigger and bigger, Jon expressed his conclusion.

"And if it's a worker in charge of overhauling the sewer, wouldn't he be able to enter with a tool bag without attracting the attention of others? As for how to avoid thermal imaging detection, the victim should have died when it was put in. .”

These words made the dragon girl's body tremble, and she could already imagine that scene in her mind.

A worker in charge of overhauling the sewer was carrying a tool bag as tall as a person, and passed by other people with a normal face, but what no one knew was that the tool bag that seemed to contain maintenance tools was actually containing a tool bag. corpse!

A corpse about to be taken elsewhere to be eaten!

"If you take it home or eat it directly in the sewer, it will be dangerous if your family or others bump into it, so he uses this method to divert himself and his prey."

After finishing speaking, Jon turned his head and glanced at the dull-looking dragon girl, and asked, "Do you understand now?"

"I understand..." The dragon girl lowered her voice several times, and at the same time gave Jon a weak look, and asked, "But why do you know so much, Uncle Blood Potential?"

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