I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 297

"To be soft on a monster like this is to be cruel to the other victims, and..."

Lifting the red horn on Kabuto's waist with the palm of his hand, the purple current began to flicker on the armor, making the thick armor in the mask form gradually begin to bulge.

"It can't restore the other party to its original state."

After speaking, Jon pulled Kabuto's horn to the right under the complicated eyes of the dragon girl.

"Cast Off."

【Cast Off! 】

An even brighter red light flickered on Kabuto Zecter's extended back, causing the armor on his body to catapult out.

The red horns were lifted from Jon's chin, and then fixed on his forehead, while splitting the blue visor into two, like insect-like compound eyes.

[Change Beetle! 】

"But..." the dragon girl bit her lips tightly, she knew how cowardly she looked now.

What the other party said just now made her understand that the person who turned into a spider monster in front of her was completely different from Bai An. If Bai An wanted to become a monster and transformed other human beings into monsters, she would be able to do so without any hesitation. If he hesitates to kill the other party, then the person in front of him is of another kind.

He really deserves to be damned! But the existence of the other party also made the dragon girl feel self-blame. She felt that if she could find the source of the problem earlier, then this person would not become such a monster.

Then, she heard a sentence that made her unbelievable.

"This man did nothing wrong. He chose to devour other people's lives in order to survive."

[One! 】

"But you didn't do anything wrong by killing him either..."

[Two! 】

"Because in the beginning, we were on different grounds."

[Three! 】

"Rider Kick."

[Rider Kick! 】

Chapter 279 The Knight's Cabin is Under Construction (2350 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Following Jon's knight kick, the man who was unfortunately transformed into a spider Amazon completely lost his ability to move. His body began to turn black, and then calcified into a stiff corpse lying motionless on the ground.

He didn't think he could get any information from this person, and instead of letting him face death in a waking state, it would be better to give him a good time now.

Looking at the dragon girl who was also standing motionless, Jon released the transformation state, and then threw the transformation belt into her hand.

"Instead of continuing to hesitate, it's better to find out the real culprit who turned him into this kind of monster. In this way, he will definitely thank you."

This sentence made the dragon girl stunned again.

"But... Uncle Blood Diver, didn't you say that he did nothing wrong?"

"Yeah, he did nothing wrong in eating people in order to survive in the monster stage, but..." Jon turned his head and looked at the dragon girl, "don't forget Before he became a monster, he was just an ordinary person who wanted to live a peaceful life."

This answer stunned the dragon girl, but when she came to her senses, she saw that Jon had gone far away and waved her back.

"Since he chooses not to bring the prey home to use, it means that his family should be fine. In other words, the reason why the other party became like this is likely to be related to his place of work."



Soon, the bodies of the two Amazons and the complete information were placed in front of Ning Wu.

This time, it made Ning Wu feel powerless again.

Being able to perfectly integrate into human society, and hunting humans in such a covert way, apart from not having the high-speed speed of the molting insects, the harm they can cause to human society is also very terrifying!

This time, if it weren't for the help of the Kamen Rider and Blood Diver who just came to this world, it would definitely take a long time for their countermeasure team to find these two monsters. More people were killed.

The middle-aged man who looked like a tramp had a keen sense of smell, and seemed to be able to accurately find the traces of these monsters. This was something that Ning Wu valued extremely, so he wanted to get this man's help.

And Blood Potential's performance in this operation is also very good, just through some details and reasoning, he can figure out the action method of the spider monster.

Thinking of the spider-shaped monster, Ning Wu couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Since the Bai'an incident, the countermeasure team has been guarding against the plan of the protozoa that is still hidden behind the scenes to transform human beings into protozoa, but they did not expect that a similar incident occurred again before the protozoa showed its feet !

Judging from the information of this man named Zheng Zhiyong, he was just a very ordinary person before being transformed into a monster, and then suddenly turned into this terrible monster.

Ning Wu didn't think that the other party was being disguised, because judging from the information provided by the other party's wife, he was very normal at the beginning, but one day he came back in a daze, and then he just ate a little while eating. Spit it all out.

At that time, his wife thought he was sick, and took him to the hospital for a look, but nothing abnormal was found.

Two days later, Zheng Zhiyong returned to normal, and then his wife didn't care.

That is to say, he started eating people at that time.

Ning Wu's expression was solemn, he saw every word in the information clearly in his eyes, and then...

He got the test reports of the two bodies.

"You mean they're infected?"

Shocked, Ning Wu subconsciously stood up from his seat, leaned over and stared at the researcher.

The word infection made him think of some kind of bad consequences. Once this phenomenon spreads on a large scale, then...

His throat moved, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, their cells have completely changed into another existence." The researcher passed the photo in his hand to Ning Wu.

The dead cells in the photo didn't look like normal cells at all. Instead, they looked like inseparable lumps of flesh entangled with countless tiny black bugs.

This photo made Ning Wu a little distracted, but immediately after, he got an answer from the other party that made him heave a sigh of relief.

"However, from the current point of view, this phenomenon does not seem to be easy to infect other people. At least according to our physical examination of the target wife and colleagues, they did not show any abnormalities, but we need to observe them in isolation for the sake of insurance. .”

This is good news, but we still cannot relax our vigilance.

"In other words, do you suspect that this weird phenomenon will only spread through one source?"

"That's right, from the current point of view, this result is the most likely, and since the target is not infected at home, then by analyzing the other party's living habits and performance when infected at the time and then conducting investigations, it is very likely that the other party is in the sewer Infected and the body mutated into a monster like that."

"I see..." Ning Wu nodded seriously.

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