I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 299

At the beginning, he really wanted to follow the other party with the idea of ​​repaying the other party, but after getting close to the other party and seeing Ying Shanren's heavy appearance just now, Xia Bei saw something.

In the eyes of most people, heroes are radiant and bright, and every time they appear on stage, they will be accompanied by enthusiastic cheers from the audience. Xia Bei also thought this way before.

But today, he felt that he saw a different hero.

A hero who walks in the dark but always yearns for the light.

Looking at Ying Shanren's messy hair and beard, as well as the earrings covered by the hair, Xia Bei couldn't help imagining Ying Shanren's appearance after taking care of his appearance, and then...

He fell asleep.

In his sleep, he vaguely heard Li Xiu's voice calling him, but he was too sleepy to wake up, then felt his body being moved, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

Then he woke up.

Looking at the sunlight shining into the room through the window, Xia Bei was a little taken aback.

It was the best sleep he had ever had after that night.

Since that night, he would wake up in the middle of the night every time, and then hid in bed and shivered. Even if the light was on all night, he felt that he had returned to the one she was currently hiding in the cabinet, listening to the sound coming from outside. The sound of sucking and biting, the night of frightening to the point of going crazy.

but last night...

He didn't wake up!

"Uncle Ren?" Xia Bei subconsciously looked around, but couldn't find Ying Shanren.

Although the appearance of Ying Shanren in the battle yesterday made him feel scared, Xia Bei found that...

It was precisely because Ying Shanren killed the monster that killed his parents in that frightening way that the fear in his heart was completely dispelled!

He remembered that Uncle Ren came back with him yesterday! Xia Bei was suddenly a little nervous, nervous that Ying Shanren would leave without saying goodbye, then he rushed out of the room and kept searching in the room, but what made him gradually become terrified was that he did not find Ying Shanren in any room. The figure of Shan Ren.

Just when he was so frightened that he was about to scream, a curious voice came from outside the window.

"I woke up early in the morning and saw you running around. Did you lose something?"

The familiar voice made Xia Bei feel at ease immediately, and then looked at Ying Shanren who was lying on the edge of the window and watching him.

"I'm just worried about you leaving suddenly, Uncle Ren."

This answer made Ying Shanjin couldn't help but smile.

"Everyone says don't have such thoughts, otherwise you will definitely be disappointed."

Chapter 281: Amazon Reappears

The violent execution of the leech Amazon on Yingshan Rendang Street and the killing of the spider Amazon by Jon cannot be concealed at all. In less than a day, there was a heated discussion on the Internet.

After all, compared to the Kamen Rider Cross-Z and Yeba who were photographed from time to time before, this time there is a new Kamen Rider!

Kamen Rider Kabuto and that wild figure who doesn't even know if he should be called a Kamen Rider.

Compared with Jon who behaved normally, people's attention was mostly focused on Jin Yingshan and the two monsters turned from humans.

Whether it is a leech Amazon or a spider Amazon, judging from their appearance, they definitely belong to the creepy type, and before they become foreign objects, they can perfectly hide in human society! This caused panic among many people.

Although many events of disasters could be heard in the past, those huge and recognizable monsters were far inferior to the fear brought by Zerg and this brand new monster.

After the Zerg incident broke out, the countermeasures team launched a series of new plans, and because the human beings mimicked by the Zergs have the weakness of hypothermia, they gradually suppressed the panic in people's hearts, but they haven't waited for the Zergs to bring them. The influence disappeared completely, and a brand-new monster that could be mixed in human society appeared in front of people, and it broke out together with the previous fear of Zerg!

This situation is very bad, and the countermeasure team was very busy for a while.

Research on the two Amazon calcified corpses has been ongoing, but aside from initially concluding that the cells were infected by some kind of foreign substance, they haven't been able to find any solutions for this monster.

"Because once you die, the cells in your body will instantly lose their activity and die..." Ning Wu put down the report in front of him, his face tired.

It is obviously difficult to find a method against this type of monster from completely dead cells in a short period of time, but right now, it is obviously necessary to have a perfect plan to eliminate the bad effects of this brand new 'worm'.

Simple monsters are not terrible, what is terrible is knowing nothing about them.

"There is also this way of thinking through human beings to find the least revealing way of action." Ning Wu muttered to himself.

He knew that this was the most difficult point.

The monster in the form of a leech was able to hide it for so long because of its special ability, while the monster in the form of a spider escaped the sight of the countermeasure team through a careful plan.

Although they have been dealt with, now is not the time to relax, God knows when such monsters will appear again.

Thinking of this, Ning Wu rubbed his forehead with a headache.


At the same time, discussions about this incident on the Internet are still going on, and there is still a heated trend.

This made Tao Su feel great pressure.

She also saw the swaying image, and she also vomited, and joined the debate after vomiting.

She also knows that this kind of debate is meaningless, no matter which side wins, it is impossible to make that ugly monster disappear completely, but Tao Su also knows that it is precisely because these people feel fear that they want to find it through the Internet. Identity.

In this way, Tao Su, who considers himself the leader of the Kamen Rider Party, who is not afraid of the challenges of keyboard warriors from all walks of life, can never sit idly by!

As an old man on the forum, Tao Su tapped her fingers quickly on the keyboard, arguing with netizens.

"Aren't you ashamed to say that just based on its appearance? That old man killed that monster to protect ordinary people!"

Within seconds of sending the message, she got a response.

"But that monster obviously didn't do anything. It just sat there resting and was killed. Maybe it was just a fight between two monsters? At least from that person, I can't see any Kamen Rider There should be traces."

"Damn it!" After seeing this news, Tao Su slammed the table, even the water glass on the table was blown away.

She couldn't understand why someone would say such a thing!

But before she could refute, someone else did the work for her.

"What are you criticizing? Do you want to see that disgusting monster start killing people before someone comes to stop it? ——Dragon, I didn't kill people."

"Hey, hey! Are you sympathizing with that monster? No, no, no, no!—NTR number one in the world!"

"Are you fishing? The fish is caught, but your horse is gone. Is it really worth all this? I checked your speech record, don't you like Kamen Rider very much? I said before that Kabuto is the world Come first. Another tauren bisi!——squeeze the driver to save my life"

There were many similar messages, which even made Tao Su feel like she couldn't get her hands in. At the same time, she was relieved, and then walked to the window and took a deep breath.

"It's great that so many people like Kamen Rider!" Tao Su jumped for joy, and then saw Jin Yingshan who was about to go out.

At the first sight of the other party, Tao Su's body shrank.

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