I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I want to be a hero who can connect dimensions Chapter 3

In other words, the power of the magical girl is suppressed in this strange room!

Is it a witch type that I have never seen before? Or a prank by other magical girls? Various possibilities flashed through Ba Mamei's mind, and at the same time she reached out to grab the doorknob behind her, preparing to leave this strange place first.

But in the next second, Ba Mamei felt an opposite force in the palm of her hand grabbing the doorknob.

The door was pushed open again!

"Dangerous! Get out of here!" Ba Mamei subconsciously thought that ordinary people accidentally entered the witch's enchantment here, but the next second she turned her head, what she saw made her a little dazed.

If she remembers correctly, when she pushed the door and came in, the sky outside had already completely entered the night, but now...

"Oh, it's so dazzling!" Ba Mamei subconsciously covered her eyes and took a few steps back.

Not only because the eyes that had just adapted to the darkness were stimulated by the sun, but also because...

The opponent's shiny bald head looks too dazzling!

How to maintain it so that the bald head can reflect the light in the sun! Ba Mami complained secretly in her heart, and at the same time realized that her posture at the moment was too flawed. It would be very dangerous to show such a posture in the battle against the witch!

The weird environment, the disappearing Kewpie, the suppressed magic power, and the sudden appearance of the bald man, all these factors add up to make Ba Mami feel nervous, but the expected attack does not appear, instead, she hears a sentence that sounds very ordinary voice.

"Eh? Is the sun too dazzling? Sure enough, you shouldn't go out in such hot weather, but if you don't go out, you won't be able to catch up with the promotional activities in the supermarket next door. But then again, are you a new customer?"

The calm voice reassured Ba Mami a little, and she also noticed a strange word in the bald man's mouth, and the other party didn't seem to be controlled by the witch.

"A new guest?" Ba Mamei couldn't help asking after getting used to the glare from behind the door.

However, she didn't get the bald man's answer immediately. Instead, she saw the bald man carrying a plastic bag walk over her body into the dark room.

"Hold on."

Then soon, she heard a strange sound, like the sound of lifting the quilt.

as well as...

"Hey! Jon, there are new guests coming, it's time to get up to pick them up, and...the air conditioner temperature has been turned up a bit."

"Guests? How could there be guests? As long as I turn off the lights and can't see them, there will be no guests..."

"Even if you try to escape, this kind of thing... don't rummage through my bag! There are discounted eggs I just snatched in it!"

Ba Mami: "..."

Is the coolness I feel just the reason why the temperature of the air conditioner is too low?


What the hell is going on!

Obviously at the beginning, it was a dangerous place that made her feel nervous and mistaken it for a witch's enchantment, but why did it suddenly start to develop in a strange direction after the voices of these two people sounded!

Wouldn't it be better for her to turn around and leave here immediately?

Waiting online, it's urgent!

Chapter 3 In this life, I am the owner of the clubhouse!

After a while, Ba Mami sat in front of the bar similar to a bar with a look of astonishment, carefully looking at the surrounding environment.

Different from the darkness that opened the door to enter this side before, this room has been lit by soft light at this moment.

But the strange thing is that there is no light in the room, there are no windows on the wooden walls, and the door is closed tightly.

Theoretically, the room should be in darkness, but it seems that there is some invisible light source, dispelling the darkness in this room.

Although there was an air conditioner hanging on the wall, and it was still whining, but Ba Mami didn't hear such a sound when she opened the door to come in just now. Obviously, this air conditioner is very likely to be the same as the light source that suddenly appeared, not A real air conditioner, more of an ornament.

The bald man who led her to resolve the misunderstanding was standing under the air conditioner with his arms outstretched, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Sure enough, it is the happiest thing to be able to enjoy the cold air of the air conditioner after going out for a trip in summer."

Ordinary facial features, ordinary attire, except for the shiny bald head that impressed her deeply, this man gave Ba Mamei the feeling that there was no special feature, as if he was just a normal person.

In addition to the vegetables and eggs exposed from the plastic bags, he looks like a housewife who rushed to the supermarket to buy discounted ingredients at the high temperature, and the young man who was woken up by him to pick up the customers looks like yes...

Cough cough cough! Thinking of something abnormal, Ba Mamei coughed twice, and drove these thoughts out of her mind.

After realizing that this place is strange but not dangerous, the chill I felt just now was only caused by the low temperature of the air conditioner, and the strange bald man and the handsome young man in front of me were very harmless, so Mami did not Choose the first time to leave here.

And after she calmed down, she became more and more aware of the weirdness here. Just staying here, she felt that her body and soul became extremely comfortable, and even the soul gem seemed to become much brighter.

This made her even more curious about this strange room, especially the marble bar in front of her and the exquisite drinks on the wine rack beside it, which did not exist when the room became brighter, but the young man named Jon in front of her It was conjured with a wave of her hand, and the way was very similar to how she would habitually use magic power to conjure a cup of black tea after each battle, so Ba Mami couldn't help but have a little expectation for Jon's identity.

Of course, the most important reason is...

This guy! This guy named Jon! After just saying hello to her, he ignored her, as if waiting for her to leave voluntarily.

No matter how gentle her personality is, she will still get angry when faced with such unreasonable play!

In addition, even if she goes back, no one will talk to her, and the only person she can confide in is Chubby, who has no feelings at all. Although Mami still looks gentle and elegant, she has actually begun to talk to Joe. Gradually compete.

The motivation for her to do so was naturally the special ability that Jon, who looked like the owner of this weird room, had just shown.

But now it was obvious that the other party didn't want to focus on her, but turned to look at the bald man who was about to close his eyes.

"I said Saitama, there is no need for you to run to my side to blow the air conditioner, don't you have an air conditioner at home?"

"Of course there is, but in the rigorous exercise I have planned, I will not turn on the air conditioner at home no matter whether it is cold or hot!"

Ba Mami still maintains a ladylike sitting posture, smiling, and seems to be enjoying this kind of game called idle play, but at the moment, her heart is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface of the front of the index finger tapping lightly on the bar.

"But if you come to my place to blow on the air conditioner, won't you break the training plan?"

"No, because it's not in my own home, so it doesn't matter."

"So, you are just reluctant to turn on the air conditioner."

"There's nothing I can do about it. Electricity bills are so expensive where I live. I've thought about selling the air conditioner to others, but it doesn't seem like the air conditioner, which is second-hand, is worth much."

Ba Mami: "..."

Is this where two housewives and men are communicating?

Unable to resist clenching her fists, Ba Mamei took a deep breath to calm herself down, but the fingers that kept tapping on the bar had turned into an afterimage, tapping on the marble bar continuously, as if wanting to Use this method to attract the attention of the two men in front of her to her.

But it was still useless. The two men in front of her were still discussing how much they would be fined if they were caught pulling wires privately, without any intention of paying attention to her.


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