I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 316

Self-taught, Wuma Youxiang put the Sasword on the blade, then held the hilt and turned the blade around.

Thick knight armor began to appear on her body, wrapping her in a body that looked like she was wearing a diving helmet, but with a scorpion claw-like decoration on the face, a scorpion sting structure on the top of the head, and various yellow ducts on the surface of the body. Within the heavy armor.

"Can you use venom to attack?"

After the transformation was completed, Wuma Youxiang had a clear understanding of the performance of this armor.


She stretched out her hand and pressed Sasword's tail, and when the sting structure touched the blade, purple current began to flash continuously on the blade.

Then, the thick armor began to disintegrate and bulge.

"Cast Off!"

【Cast Off! 】

The thick armor and power cables with special functions were disassembled, and then ejected towards the surroundings, revealing the overall purple streamlined knight armor inside.

[Change Scorpion! 】

Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath.

"Next, please take care of me, Sasword!"

"Clock Up!"

[Clock Up! 】

After entering the CU state, the feeling that everything around me has come to a standstill has returned. The burning flames are no longer moving, and the gravel that was lifted up by the terrible battle in the distance has already been frozen in place. out of the air.

The only ones who were still moving were Qianyi and Jon, but even so, every movement seemed slow in Wuma Youxiang's eyes.

Clenching the hands holding the Sasword blade and hilt tightly, Wuma Youxiang also rushed towards Qianyi's position.

She sympathizes with this child named Qianyi, who obviously just wants to live, but...

If the source of infection like him is allowed to continue to live, then more people will die!

It's pathetic, but...

For the righteousness of mankind, I can only ask you to die!

The sharp blade in Wuma Youxiang's hand kept dancing, cutting off the tentacles that were rolling towards the dragon girl and Jon and the others one by one.

While swinging the blade to slash, Wuma Youxiang pulled up the Sasword's sting on the blade, and then pressed it down again!

Although it was the first time to fight in this way, Wuma Youxiang didn't feel any rigidity.

The purple electric current flickered again, spreading from the blade to the scorpion sting structure on Wuma Youxiang's head, and then transformed into a more powerful particle flow, returning to the blade.

At the same time, Wuma Youxiang had rushed in front of Qianyi.

"Rider Slash!"

[Rider Slash! 】

While the purple stream of particles flickered on Sasword's blade, black venom also began to appear on the sword, and then chopped towards Qianyi's body.

The blade with the effect of atomic collapse slashed at Qianyi's body. Even though the opponent had terrifying power, he had no ability to resist Wuma Youxiang who had entered the CU state.


[Clock Over! 】

The CU state is over, and the world in Wuma Youxiang's eyes has returned to normal. At the same time...

[Hazard Finish! 】

[Scrap Break! 】

【Violent Slash】

【Steam Break! 】

After Wuma Youxiang cut off all the tentacles that entangled everyone in one go and applied her killing blow to Qianyi in CU state, the attacks from Jon, Ying Shanren, Dragon Maiden and Li Xiu also came at the same time.

The atomic collapse effect brought about by the particle flow on Sasword Knight made Qianyi's terrifying body tremble continuously, but even so, he was able to endure the pain and waved his six arms towards Jon and Eagle. Shan Ren smashed it away.

The light bullet from Li Xiu broke off the tentacles that grew out of Qian Yi's body again.

The right shoulder with three arms was completely wiped out by Jon's knight kick, while the other side was cut by the blade on Ying Shanjin's arm, and most of the body was separated from Qianyi's body and hit the ground.

Then, the dragon girl's knight kicked her in the middle of her chest, causing her entire chest to sag.

Chapter 297 Since it's a bad ending, delete the file and start over (2500 months)

After suffering such a severe injury, no matter how strong Qianyi's resilience is, it is impossible to act again in a short period of time.

A painful roar came from Qianyi's throat, and under the vigilant eyes of others, Qianyi, who was still in the Amazon Neo body, slowly raised his head, staring at Yingshan with his scarlet compound eyes Benevolence.

Ying Shanjin raised his arm again, but just when he was about to end Qian Yi's life completely, Qian Yi spoke.

And not a threatening roar.

Maybe it was because of enough weakness, or maybe it was because his will finally defeated the wildness of Amazonization. He looked at Jin Jin's compound eyes that had changed from white to green with his eyes that had gradually dimmed.

"This is the first time you have seen me clearly...Father..."

This sentence made Yingshan Jin's arms tremble.

"I listened to my mother carefully...I didn't kill anyone...I want to live..." Qianyi said weakly as she struggled and squirmed her body to escape from Ying Shanren's side.

"I feel I'm alive...so I want to live..."

Blood continuously dripped from Qianyi's wound, leaving bright red trails on the ground, and then dried under the continuously burning fire.

The three pairs of wings on his back were also constantly wriggling, trying to take Qianyi's body away from here, but the wings that were also in a weak state could only wave slowly.

"If you want to kill me...why do you want me to feel that I'm alive..." Qian Yi realized that his head hit something, he raised his head, and continued to look at Jin Yingshan.

"So...why did you give birth to me?"


The terrifying force pierced through Qianyi's body directly, and the sharp blade chopped off Qianyi's head, but...

"I'm the one who's wrong—! Qianyi, sister Qiyu!"

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