I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 330

Gui City, Orphanage.

Although it was strange that Ying Shanren had changed so much, Li Xiu still didn't ask more questions, after all...

"Are you done~? I'm going to forget Li Xiu's taste of your craftsmanship!" Ying Shanren asked while lying on the dining table and watching Li Xiu who was busy in the kitchen. While speaking, his ten fingers kept tapping on the table Then, a series of noises were produced.

This kind of tone made Li Xiu not doubt Ying Shanren's identity at all, but he also didn't pay attention to the man who was older than him but spoke in such a coquettish tone.

Seeing this, Ying Shanren felt even more bored, and put his tongue on the roof of his mouth and said in a weird tone: "I said, can you respond to me."

Li Xiu took a deep breath and began to think about the success rate of driving this old man out of here.

Fortunately, Quan Qiyu appeared in time.

"Ren, Xiaobei still hasn't come out." Quan Qiyu looked worried.

Although she was shocked to suddenly come to a new world, being able to live a stable life with Qian Yi is very attractive to Quan Qiyu.

But after learning what happened to her husband, she was also silent.

Quan Qiyu never thought that in the original trajectory, her own fate would be like this. She felt distressed for Ying Shanren and Qian Yi, and at the same time was happy that such a fate had been changed, but...

Because of them, misfortune is also transferred to the people of this world.

Hearing this sentence, Jin Yingshan stopped his fingers tapping on the table, and then stood up.

"Let me go and have a look."

With that said, Ying Shanren came to the door of Xia Bei's room and knocked.

But got no response.


ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.

_(??ω?? 」∠****)_

Chapter 310 Dismantling CP is not advisable

In the dark room, Xia Bei sat on the floor against the wall.

He didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this.

Did Uncle Ren cause the death of his parents?

Xia Bei thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

It was Qian Yi who caused him to become what he is now, but it wasn't Qian Yi who was only five years old and still wanted him to play with him with his fingers in his mouth.

He doesn't hate Ying Shanren, if it weren't for this uncle, his parents' revenge would not even be avenged.

Xia Bei just didn't know how he should face this man.

The monster that ate his parents had already been killed by Uncle Ren, but the truth of the matter made him extremely uncomfortable.

Then, he heard a knock on the door, but he had no intention of opening it, nor of responding.

Soon, Xia Bei heard the knock on the door disappear, and the room became calm again.

But just when he was about to sleep against the wall like this, the window of his room was opened, and then he saw Jin Yingshan crawling in.

With a bang, Ying Shanren's feet landed on the ground, and then looked at Xia Bei who was huddled together.

"If you don't go out, everyone will be worried."

Xia Bei just glanced at him and said nothing.

Ying Shanren sighed at this appearance, and then walked to Xia Bei and sat down.

"Didn't I say that it doesn't matter if you put all your hatred on me, but at least you have to cherish your body. If you don't even eat, you won't have the strength to take revenge on me."

Hearing this, Xia Bei raised his head subconsciously, then looked at Ying Shanren, shook his head and said, "I don't hate Uncle Ren, if it wasn't for Uncle Ren, I wouldn't even know who killed my parents Know."

This appearance made Ying Shanren a little distressed.

It's not that he hasn't thought about using the Hyper Zecter to go back to the past to help Xia Bei, but it's not easy. When using this kind of power in his own world, Ying Shanren already knew the price of doing so.

Once the normal historical trend is changed, the user will merge into his past self.

Ying Shanren is not afraid of death, but the difference is that the Amazon that killed Xia Bei's parents came to this world earlier than him, that is to say, if he wants to do this, he will go back to a time when he never lived. The past of the existence of 'Yayama Jin'.

If it is normal, there may be no problem, but don't forget that...

The original body Qianyi and Quan Qiyu no longer existed in his world, so what kind of monster would be copied into this world?

Jin Yingshan asked Jon, and then got the answer of an unnamed proto-body Amazon who may have lost his mind, because the disasters suffered by this world did not change with him changing the history of his own world, because the history here is In this way, this made him think that as long as the history of the world he was in was changed, no monster like Amazon would appear in any world.

There are no protozoa in his world, but there is still a protozoa whose name can't be remembered in this world.

And in this way, if he plans to go back to the past, more innocent people may die under the rampage of the protozoa, and the center of the outbreak is likely to be the center of a densely populated city.

That's the price you have to pay to change the past.

Ying Shanren couldn't make such a choice, he would rather die by himself than this, so he wanted to atone for his sins by his own actions.

Even if the past has been changed, he is still making atonement, but the target of atonement has become Xia Bei in front of him and other people who died because of the original body Qianyi.

"Then, do you hate Qianyi?"

Xia Bei shook his head again.

He didn't think these two Qianyi were the same person, they just had the same name.

"In this case, isn't the answer obvious?" Ying Shanren pulled Xia Bei up and pushed him out of the room.

"At least before you think it through, you must ensure your health, at least you must have a body that can kill me! In this regard, I will teach you."

This time, Xia Bei did not refuse.

However, after Ying Shanren took Xia Bei out of the room, he unexpectedly found a stranger in the orphanage, and greeted him respectfully after seeing him.

"Nice meeting, Mr. Yingshan Jin."


the other side.

"The test is over!"

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