I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 335

"Huh?" Yuna Yuki looked at Jon cutely while holding the spoon.

"Since she is the chosen one, Dongxiang must also have the qualifications to become a hero. Maybe she is worried."


"Yeah, watching my friend suddenly transform from an ordinary middle school student into a hero fighting monsters, I must be worried."

Yuuki Yuna was stunned.

Then she remembered the words that Dongxiang told her not to worry about her escape in the sea of ​​trees enchantment.

If Dongxiang was really afraid, he wouldn't have said such a thing.

"Dongxiang, are you angry with me?"

"That's right, because Yuna was in danger to protect her." Jon said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Yuuki Yuna also smiled again, "Then I will go and thank Dongxiang! And..."

Yuna Yuki suddenly remembered something and looked at Jon seriously.

"Shop Manager, am I considered a brave man now?"

"You have been from the beginning." Jon poured himself a cup of coffee, and then continued under Yuuki Yuna's curious gaze on what it tasted like, "But being a brave man is not an easy job."

"Well! I know! There will be danger, but I want to be a hero!" Yuuki Yuna said without hesitation.

If she doesn't stand up at this time, then everyone's daily life will be destroyed!


She was rewarded with a piece of cake again, which made her squint her eyes happily.

"It's really a good will..." Jon looked at Yuna Yuki who was sipping a cake, "But since he has become a brave man, he will naturally bear some unimaginable things."

Although the full-open system will take away part of the body's functions after use, it is better than dying directly in the hands of the enemy.

The only bad thing is probably that Amnesty concealed this part of the information from them, or...

Putting some 13- or 14-year-old girl on their shoulders to save the world sucks.

After thinking for a while, Jon continued: "I have been to a world where brave men stepped onto the battlefield because the truth of the matter was concealed."

Yuuki Yuna looked curious, but still listened carefully.

"In that world, the brave embarked on the road of protecting mankind with love and justice to fight against the dragon, but in the end the brave would be deceived and despaired and turned into a dragon, and then the subsequent brave would go to destroy it..."

Jon began to magically change the story of the magical girl Madoka.

Then there was a ding, and Jon heard a crisp sound, and then saw the sound of the spoon in Yuna Yuki's hand falling on the enamel plate.

"It's too much! How can you deceive the brave and put the brave into a desperate situation." Yuuki Yuna bit her lip and said.

"Yeah, it's really too much." Jon wiped the cup, and then continued: "Since the brave chooses to risk his life to fight for ordinary people, then ordinary people should let the brave let go of everything instead of hiding it." .”

The previous sentence refers to magical girls, but the latter sentence is a vague reminder to Yuki Yuna.

Jon felt that if he told the fate of this energetic girl magical girl, she would probably cry on the spot.

Even if it was just a description like this, he could see the unhappy expression on Yuuki Yuna's face.

"After all, if you are a real brave man, you won't stop even if you know the road ahead is full of thorns, right?"

Hearing Jon's words, Yuuki Yuna once again burst into vitality.

"That's right! That's it!"

"So, don't hide anything from your friends!"

"Definitely not! Because the fourth article of the Sanzhou Brave Department's terms is——If you have any troubles, let's discuss together!"

"Then let's go! Newly promoted Mr. Brave."

Chapter 315 Dragon: It's just a battle of wits, I can do it myself! (2650 monthly pass)

In the end, Wuma Youxiang still had to accept the order of the countermeasure team and leave Guishi.

No matter how much reluctance she has in her heart, she must leave.

Just like what she once thought, she embarked on this path to protect human beings! If she stopped like this, she would not be herself!

"Don't worry, even if I go to other cities, I will be the number one in fighting disasters." When saying goodbye, Wuma Youxiang said coolly to the dragon girl.

But what she didn't expect was that her words made the dragon girl show a disappointed expression.

"In this way, You Xiang will definitely become the same as before, and will not take the initiative to contact me."

The dragon girl was very disappointed. She felt that after Wuma Yuka became Kamen Rider Sasword, she became the same as before.


She will be happy for each other!

"But it's okay, You Xiang, just... eh? What's wrong with you, You Xiang, are you feeling unwell?"

The dragon girl raised her head and was about to say it's okay, but then she saw Wuma Youxiang's distorted expression.

"It's okay." Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath, trying not to let go of the phrase in her heart, "I will answer whenever you call!" ’ After the words came out, he pretended to be calm and said: "Don't be stupid, I won't call you just because I have nothing to do."

These words made Long Maiden even more disappointed, and Wuma Youxiang became even more panicked.

She wanted to give herself a punch, obviously what she wanted to express was not what she meant.

"Cough, cough, cough!" She coughed twice, drawing the dragon girl's attention back, "I mean, every time I call, it's to check your grades."

Ahhhhh-! How did it get weirder? ! Wuma Youxiang covered her face in her heart.

"As expected of Youxiang." Long Maiden smiled foolishly, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Wuma Youxiang talking like this, the other party used to be like this.

"If it's You Xiang, he can definitely become the real No. 1."

"You don't need to admit it." Wuma Youxiang said coolly, and then...

Damn blood dive!

Even Wuma Youxiang didn't know why she suddenly blamed that guy at this moment, and she found a very suitable reason.

It must be the blood dive that turned the dragon into what it is now!

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