I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 353

Seeing her smug smile when she was entangled by the child, Jon wanted to laugh.

After the delivery of a whole load of toys was not enough, Long Maiden went to make up for it several times, and did not send out all the toys she had prepared until the evening. During the process, she also dealt with a monster that prevented her from delivering the toys.

"Huh~ I'm so tired!"

After sending out all the toys, the dragon girl leaned on her seat and stretched.

"Have you really decided to do this?" Jon asked looking at the undisguised tired expression on the dragon girl's face.

"Sure enough, Uncle Xue Qian already knows about it." Long Maiden showed an embarrassed smile on her face, but said firmly, "Because this is my dream!"

As she spoke, she handed the backpack she had been carrying to Jon.

Jon opened it to find two drivers inside along with the dragon bottle and dragon gel.

"A lot of people remember the name of Kamen Rider Cross-Z today, but starting tomorrow, I won't be Kamen Rider Cross-Z..."

When it came to the end, the dragon girl's voice had become a little choked up.

"I don't know if those people will be disappointed if they don't see Kamen Rider Cross-Z in the future."

"I'll be disappointed." Jon took out the dragon gel from his backpack, fiddled with it in front of him, and replied.

"Actually, at the beginning, I wanted to trouble those who lied to you, but I didn't expect you to choose to accept it."

"Hey hey..." The dragon girl changed from crying to laughing, hugged Jon's neck without any shyness, and rubbed hard on his shoulder.

"That's why I like Uncle Blood Diver the most!"

Jon rolled his eyes.

In the next second, he pinched the dragon gel under the stunned eyes of the dragon girl.

Red flame-like energy flickered on Jon's right hand, and it directly melted the powerful dragon gel, turning it into a black charred mass.

"Since you don't want to keep the complete drive, then accept this broken gel as a souvenir." Under the distressed eyes of the dragon girl, Jon threw the black thing to the she.

"It's so hot!" After taking the thing thrown by Jon, the dragon girl kept tossing it, but she didn't notice that her palm was burned. While using the dragon gel, a smear of red went into her body.

Then she saw Jon get out of the car.

"Wait, Uncle Blood Diver!" The dragon girl wanted to say goodbye to Jon formally, but she saw Jon get out of the car directly, and then tried to stop him.

"Wait me a moment!"

After Jon left these words, he left directly, stunned the dragon girl for a moment, and then sat back in his seat, staring at the warm burnt object in his hand in a daze.

Although it was a pity that the dragon gel was destroyed, even if she took it back, it would truly belong to her.

Returning the drive to Jon this time was the Dragon Maiden's own act, but she felt she was doing the right thing.

"It's warm, and I don't know if I can bring it into the life support device." The dragon girl hugged the charred dragon gel, and began to think about how she could carry private goods when entering the life support device, and then she said Seeing Jon come back, holding two ice creams in his hand.

This scene made her smile happily.

Reaching out to take the ice cream from Jon, the dragon girl took a sip.

"So sweet!"

But it's a pity that I can't taste it anymore.

Taking small bites of ice cream, the dragon girl showed a happy expression on her face, and then she thought of something, and said to Jon: "If there is another matter, I will trouble you, Uncle Xuedi, to tell You Xiang!"

She was referring to the truth about the training program for people with special abilities.

She could accept such a fate without hesitation, but she hoped that Wuma Youxiang and others would know the outcome in advance.

"Don't worry, I'll tell her."

Hearing this, the dragon girl was still a little worried, and she specially told her: "You must tell me the day after tomorrow!"

"Don't worry." Jon lay on the window eating ice cream, "Uncle, I haven't lied since I was a child."

The dragon girl believed it, and gave Jon a high five after eating the ice cream, and before Jon could speak, she clasped her palms and opened them towards Jon.


After speaking, the dragon girl giggled and drove her van away.

Jon sighed, then turned around and dialed Wuma Youxiang's number.

After a while, the breathing on the other end of the phone became heavy.

"I see. I'll be there before she goes in."

Chapter 332: The Lily Blooms (4w8 recommended to add more)

"This guy!"

After Wuma Youxiang hung up the phone, anger appeared on her face.

There is indeed a problem with the training plan for people with special abilities. She also noticed the abnormality by stopping the injection of spiritual liquid, but it is not so serious compared to the situation of the dragon girl.

This means that Wuma Youxiang lost to Dragon Girl, so she was very angry.

Because according to the normal situation, she should be the first person to bear this kind of result!

Even in this kind of thing, she has to be the number one!

But just when she found other people's contact information and was about to tell other students about it, she found that the phone could no longer be dialed.

"Tsk, you don't dare to do anything to Xue Qian, but you don't hesitate to treat me?" Wuma Youxiang showed a disgusted expression on his face.

The next second, there was a knock on her door.

Without thinking too much, Wuma Youxiang knew what the purpose of coming here was.

It's impossible to get them to arrange a flight, so...

It's better to run over.

Pick up the blade.

[Stand By! 】

In the next second, Sasword broke through the wall and jumped into her hands.


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