I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 363

This line of words and Inubosaki's serious expression made everyone else relax.

"That's right! As long as you work hard, you will succeed! But at the same time, you must also eat and sleep well!" Yuuki Yuna stood up from her seat, took the lead in picking up the terminal, and said energetically.

"And try not to give up!" Inubo Saikaze picked up the terminal, and said to himself: "It's just Batik, you can come here at any time, and our five brave men will be your opponents!"

"Ah...uh..." Miyoshi Xia Lin also picked up the terminal, and then secretly glanced at the five clauses of the brave department hanging in the activity room, and hurriedly said: "Say hello too!"

After speaking, they set their sights on Dongxiang Meisen at the end.

"If...if you have any troubles, let's discuss together." Dongxiang Meisen said the last sentence left for her, and then picked up the terminal.

I hope she thinks too much, Dongxiang Meisen thinks so.

The second after touching the terminal with her fingertips, Dongxiang Meisen suddenly remembered the story of the second brave man that the store manager told her.

The brave man who was concealed and set foot on the battlefield finally chose to accept his fate, but hurt the people around him.

Dongxiang Meisen didn't think that the store manager was doing useless work.

Could it be that one of these two stories is a metaphor for their hero department?

Batik, who has made a comeback, and the combat records of his predecessors that have never been recorded, and the sequelae that appeared after the full opening.

Are they being lied to?

If so, who was it that deceived them?

Dongxiang Meisen felt that he needed to clarify this matter.

On the fourth day, the tree-sea enchantment reappeared, but what appeared in front of everyone in the Brave...

Virgo Batik, who had already been defeated before, and Scorpio Cancer Sagittarius who appeared in the second battle.

Such a scene seemed to tell them that no matter how many times they killed these monsters, these monsters would appear again.

Chapter 341 Coffee for the Strong and Black Tea for the Weak

Very happy, because I saw Xiaoxuan and Uncle Xue Qian again.

The dragon girl in the darkness thought so.

I don't know how long it has been since the last dispatch, and the dragon girl is now observing the outside world through Jon's perspective.

Although the screen will be interrupted intermittently from time to time, but when the outside world can be seen, it is already the happiest time for the current dragon girl.

She could see Uncle Blood Diving leading Xiaoxuan all over the city looking for her, and she could see Uncle Blood Diving playing with Mami-senpai and Kyoko Sakura.

This kind of immersive feeling made the dragon girl subconsciously want to join, and then suddenly realized that she couldn't even control her body now.

She can only watch.

Even if she wanted to say hello to the worried Xiaoxuan and tell Xiaoxuan that she had no problems now, she couldn't do it.

She can only watch.

Also, she felt ashamed.

Because she made Xiaoxuan and other people sad, she even had the bad idea of ​​wanting to see Xiaoxuan and hoping that the disaster would come soon.

If it were her before, it would be impossible for her to have such an idea in her heart!

The dragon girl suddenly became a little scared.

Because it's not the same as what was said!

After joining the training program for people with special abilities, she already knew that there was no turning back.

Although Uncle Blood Potential is willing to help her, what reason does he have to help others?

Wouldn't it be too selfish if she was the only one saved? Obviously she had agreed to work together before, but she was the only one who chose to escape in the end.

Then, she was a little scared again.

If it wasn't because she could suddenly see the perspective of Uncle Blood Potential, I'm afraid her previous thoughts would have become deeper and deeper, so that she would choose to give up the fight and go to Xiaoxuan at the end, just to say the last sentence talk?

Will she be like this, and will everyone else be like this?

If You Xiang, will it be the same?

The dragon girl suddenly became a little scared. She was afraid that everyone else would eventually become like her... no, not the same! will be worse than her!

She has the help of Uncle Blood Dive, but no one else has it!

Dragon Girl suddenly wanted to speak, she wanted to tell Uncle Xue Qian and You Xiang that this plan would never succeed! It is impossible to protect everyone!


She can't do anything.

She can only watch.

Then, she saw Jon come to a special place.

coffee shop? Has Uncle Blood Diver returned to his own world?

This was Long Maiden's first thought after seeing the decoration of the coffee shop, and then she became a little excited.

In this way, won't we be able to see Kiryu War Rabbit and Manjo Ryuga?

The dragon girl thought so, but what surprised her immediately was that the first person who opened the door and walked in was not Kiryu Zhantu or Wanzhang Ryuga as she imagined, but disappeared since the last time we fought together. , It seems to be Shijima Goshi who has returned to his own world.


"Just now?" Jon looked at Shidao Gang who opened the door in surprise, although he was a little surprised that Shidao Gang came, but Jon thought it would be good for Dragon Girl to take a look.

Unlike the agitated look before, Shijima seemed to have untied his knots, with a hearty smile on his face.

"Yo! Brother Xueqian!" After greeting Jon, Shidao greeted Matou Ying, and said helplessly, "Brother Xueqian, you are still so deserted here."

"It's normal. After all, everyone has something to do." Jon poured Shidao a cup of black tea and asked, "So what about you? Have you solved your previous troubles?"

"Well, I've already figured it out." Shi Dao just took a sip of black tea, and the expression on his face did not seem to be fake, "Because I am already strong enough."

"Congratulations." Jon poured himself a cup of black tea.

But before he and Shidao had just chatted a few words, the door of the office was opened again.

The person who pushed the door in was Yuna Yuki. After she pushed Dongxiang Meisen in, she greeted Jon happily.

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