I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 373

another world.

Ka Ka Ka...

The two made such a sound as they stepped on the thick withered and yellow tree roots on the ground.

In the distance, there are layers of undulating mountains and clear sea water.

Although the scenery looked beautiful, neither Ba Mamei nor Dongxiang Meisen had any intention of admiring it at the moment.

Ba Mami was still immersed in the shock that Nogi Sonoko had already opened twenty times, while Dongxiang Meisen felt uneasy when he was about to see the truth.

She, who has already used the Brave System, walks forward with the help of the hair band used to assist her walking, and the same is true for Asami.

Immediately afterwards, they seemed to have bumped into something, purple-red energy flickered in their eyes, but strangely there was no resistance.

It's an enchantment!

Such a thought came to Ba Mamei's mind.

And then, they saw the world engulfed in flames...

?ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.

?ps2: sorry! Because I feel that writing the plot of Yuuki Yuna's world alone is a bit weak, so I want to compare it with the plot of the real world and write it together, and then solve it together, but it seems a bit watery in this way! Soon this plot will end, and this way of writing will no longer be used in the future.

??Bang bang bang! sorry!


ps3: push the book "The Black Album"

Brief introduction: Anlegang Xiasheng, a third-year student attached to Fengcheng University.

Originally, I just wanted to save Touma and Sasa, why did it become like this.

Chapter 350: A City About to Collapse

"Have you found the problem over there..."

Jon wandered aimlessly in Lujiang City, and then analyzed the information from Ba Mamei.

Dongxiang Meisen has contacted Nogi Sonoko again, and has come outside the wall, and learned the truth about the world she lives in.

If things went according to the normal situation, she should have fallen into a state of mental breakdown by now, and then blasted the wall to introduce Batik into the wall.

But now she didn't do that, but was going to go directly to Amnesty.

"They're all terrible adults." Jon sighed, and then looked at the patrol robot that had started to raise an alarm not far away.

The disaster that came this time was of the tiger rank, and it looked like a beetle.

The citizens began to flee in all directions, and then the disaster came and began to destroy the surrounding area.

Soon, the monster set its sights on Jon who didn't choose to leave, and roared and rushed towards him.

Obviously, this was a monster without much sense, and Jon didn't make a move. He just stood there and watched, as if waiting for something.

In the next second, a figure rushed out from the side, and punched the tiger-level monster with a bold posture.

The terrifying force bombarded the monster's black carapace, creating a large number of cracks directly on it, and then even more terrifying power was transmitted to the inside of the monster's fragile body, making it let out a painful howl, and then fell to the ground Slowly lost his voice.

Immediately, the figure that appeared suddenly disappeared in place.

"Judging from this performance, it's really a very good defense system, but..." Jon glanced at the disaster that had been resolved, turned and left the place.

For a moment just now, he could see the distorted pleasure of the users of the city's paradise system with vengeance.

This male student is different from the dragon girl. If the dragon girl chose to turn the pain she had suffered into a motivation to protect others from disasters, then this male student should have joined such a plan for revenge from beginning to end.

Jon has no intention of evaluating the other party's choice, he just wants to see when these people will wake up.

Then, he chose to upload the files in the phone he picked up earlier.


another world.

Ba Mamei looked at Dongxiang Meisen who was panting heavily and seemed to have not recovered yet.

The sea of ​​flames seen after passing through the barrier just now has surpassed Ba Mamei's cognition.

Only after seeing it with your own eyes, can you understand what kind of world the people in this world live in. If you put her into Dongxiang Meisen, I am afraid that you will collapse directly at the first sight!

Maybe she will make a decision to destroy the sacred tree that is struggling to protect human beings in the sea of ​​fire.

"Are you okay?" Ba Mamei asked worriedly as she helped Dongxiang Meisen up.

"It's okay." Dongxiang Mason's eyes were full of horror. At that moment just now, she did have the urge to destroy the wall, but at that moment she remembered what Jon had said to her again.

Used by the enemy? Or is it used by your own people?

Obviously, she and everyone in the Brave Department were used by their own people, but...

If she chooses to destroy the wall now, isn't she helping the enemy?

So, she decided to go to Amnesty!

For such a thing, it would be okay if she was the sacrifice alone, but it is absolutely unforgivable to make Yuna and the others into sacrifices!

She wants to talk to the Divine Tree in person!

"I've made a decision. I will protect everyone." Dongxiang Meisen took a deep breath, and then looked at the brave men who had appeared on the road at the end of his sight.


main world.

The video Jon uploaded to the Internet quickly caused an uproar.

In the eyes of normal people, the paradise system is obviously successful, successfully protecting the safety of Gui City, but the message revealed in this video also makes people feel terrified.

The owner of the mobile phone who took this video seems to have experienced the ghost-level disaster in Guishi. He happened to be filming at the time, and then the mobile phone fell to the ground when the disaster struck.

Although the complete battle process could not be photographed due to the angle, the figures of the King of Cutting and the Dragon Maiden were still captured.

The terrible battle made people understand what fear is, and the communication between the dragon girl and Wuma Youxiang after the battle made them feel distressed, and at the same time, they noticed something was wrong.

Will the users of the paradise system go crazy?

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