I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 380

"Who the hell are you? Why are you here?" He asked vigilantly.

As he said that, his body slammed towards the alarm on the wall, as if he was an ordinary person who saw a suspicious person breaking into an important place and was about to raise the alarm.

But the gesture he showed when he saw Jon for the first time just now had already exposed him.

"There's no need to do that, other people shouldn't be able to get away and come here now."

Jon tapped on the table, motioning him to stop such meaningless behavior.

"So can you answer my question well now? Why are you scared when you see me? You seem to know me?"

Although he has never had the idea of ​​hiding his identity, there are still a small number of people who know Jon's identity. Only the countermeasure team has such information, and it is not accessible to ordinary members.

The person in front of him may know it, but it is definitely not normal to subconsciously show fear at the first sight of him.

"Answer my question!" The middle-aged man said nervously, "Why did you appear here?! This place is not accessible to ordinary people!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his palm towards the alarm device.

But what stunned him for the next second was that a pen turned into an afterimage and directly pierced the glass cover on the alarm device, activating it before he could.

The ear-piercing siren sounded, but the middle-aged man's face froze.

"If you want to press it so much, I'll help you." Jon said with a smile, "So can you answer my question now? I'm in a hurry."

The other pen was spinning quickly in Jon's hand, and then he sat on the seat with his face propped up, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him whose face became gloomy after the siren sounded.

He seemed to want to escape, but just as his body moved, another pen was shot out, shooting through the water bottle that the middle-aged man was carrying.

The liquid continuously flowed out from the pierced gap, and then vaporized in the air.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Jon's face became even stronger.

"Can you tell me what this is?"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man also knew that he could no longer hide it.

"It's just a delicious drink..." The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The red and black data flow began to flicker on the surface of his body, and then turned into a hideous monster.

The seemingly chaotic body formed by the accumulation of countless mechanical structures is covered with thin red and black tubes, and the hideous skull-like face seems to have no eyes, replaced by a torch-like red substance.

Right hand claws, left hand sharp blade.

Evil program!

"So that's the case. It seems to make sense when you think about it carefully. I thought it was a protozoa..." Seeing the other party revealing his true self, Jon showed a suddenly enlightened expression.

He missed the evil path program that also appeared before. After all, compared with the protozoa that can copy memory, it is much more difficult for a human being mimicked by the evil path program to climb to the top of the countermeasure team.

In this case, the entire top management of the countermeasure team has been rotten? Occupied by weirdos?

Thinking of this, Jon sighed helplessly.

Even if these monsters that can mimic humans are weaker, they can cause no less harm than dragon-level monsters like Elder Centipede.

And the evil program in front of him is just a little guy.

Jon smiled at the evil path in front of him.

"Do you want to chat with me in this way?"

The answer to Jon was heavy acceleration.


When the re-acceleration system was activated, the entire countermeasure team base was affected.

The fighters who were ready to assist Wuma Youxiang to deal with the monsters became extremely stiff at this moment, even if they just wanted to take a step, it was as if the movement was slowed down.

Let alone help in a state like this, you can't even protect yourself!

Wuma Youxiang and Guan Qing who entered the battle state were also affected by this heavy acceleration ability.

Wuma Youxiang, who had already experienced the heavy acceleration stance before this, changed his face, combined with what the researcher who was questioned by Guan Qing said before, it is very likely that there is a problem with the countermeasure team itself!

[Clock Up! 】

The CU state was activated, and at the same time Wuma Youxiang had already made a decision.

She wants to kill this guy in front of her!

At least, she didn't want that idiot to know the terrible truth!

But when the sharp blade in her hand slashed down, Guan Qing, who was affected by the heavy acceleration system, got rid of the dull state just like Wuma Youxiang at this moment.

Cyan ugly carapaces began to emerge on the surface of Guan Qing's body, while reaching out to pinch the blade that was coming towards him, a distorted smile appeared on Guan Qing's face.

"It seems that a monster has sneaked into the countermeasure team, You Xiang, how about we go and get rid of that monster first?"

Wuma Youxiang didn't answer, because when Guan Qing finished speaking, his body had completely lost its human form, and turned into the monster she had dealt with before!

Ladybug Zerg!

"You bastard...is a Zerg?" Wuma Youxiang grabbed the blade of the sword and tried to cut off Guan Qing's palm, but was held firmly by the opponent and couldn't move.

"Zerg? No, I'm still a human, I just borrowed the power of the Zerg."

While speaking, Guan Qing's ugly face that had turned into a zerg began to dissolve, revealing his face below.

"Since the polluted spiritual power can copy all kinds of monsters from other worlds, it is quite normal to use it to transform one's own body."

Not normal at all!

"Coincidentally, I also did a lot of research on Zerg before, so now I use the power of Zerg."

In Guan Qing's eyes, this seemed to be a matter of course, which also made Wuma Youxiang subconsciously glance at the researcher who was also affected by the heavy acceleration position and had lost his sanity because his body was contaminated with the contaminated psychic fluid.

Guan Qing understood Wuma Youxiang's worry, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about him, ordinary people will go crazy immediately when they encounter such a thing, what I say is because I have undergone the spiritualization experiment before you, although Failed, but it seems that because of this reason, I was lucky to bear it."

This sentence made Wuma Youxiang stunned, she didn't expect that Guan Qing had experienced the experiment of spiritualization long before the students like them!

Then, she heard a word that frightened her.

"So, the Paradise Project seems to have failed, but it actually succeeded!" Guan Qing had a happy smile on his face.

"You Xiang, you still have the aptitude of a dragon, which is much stronger than me. If you succeed, even facing a dragon-level disaster is not impossible! In this way, the people who died because of this plan will definitely be gratified Bar."

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