I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 382

It seems that someone actually can do this!

Although compared to the protozoa, an adult imitated by an evil path program cannot copy memories, but there is really an evil path program that can easily do this!

Evil program No. 001 Freeze!

This special evil program has the ability to create ice needles to inject into the target's brain, block local memory and tamper with it!

If it was him, then he would definitely be a guy who would be even more difficult to deal with than the protozoa!

However, he probably wouldn't modify his memory on such a large scale. After all, as long as he misses one, there will be flaws, especially this kind of behavior of suddenly ascending to the top.

So Jon still thinks that the other party should come later. After observing the memory and replacing one of the high-level countermeasures team, he successfully intervened in the highest human defense organization.


"Is it 001?"

The evil path program body trembled suddenly, and gave the answer in this way.

Chapter 358 Why Are You Roaring So Loudly?

Jon laughed, and then stomped on the evil path program's head.

If it is 001, then there is no need to continue to search along this clue to transfer the contaminated spiritual liquid.

Absolutely no clues.

In this way, all mysteries are also solved.

People in the countermeasure team have not discovered before that spiritual power can be polluted by human negative emotions and lead to disasters, but the evil program that is longing for human evil thoughts is the most sensitive to this kind of energy. Functional people are not impossible.

Compared with those monsters who only know about destruction, this kind of monsters that can pretend to be humans and have extremely high intelligence are obviously not purely for destruction.

If the time bomb of the paradise system erupts directly and leads to a large number of dragon-level disasters, will it be of any benefit to the evil path program that has almost successfully controlled the countermeasure team?

Not any good!

So he doesn't need to do such a thing, even if he needs this kind of polluted spiritual liquid, he only needs to get what he needs, and Jon believes that the other party will definitely be able to get rid of his suspicion in the next liquidation.

It's hard to deal with, but...

How interesting!

"The Paradise system is undoubtedly a system that human beings decided to develop to protect ordinary people, but even if people with insufficient qualifications barely activate such a system, there will be some problems due to the insufficient spiritualization of the body. It can’t be done, so it is taken for granted that this step will not go wrong, and the monster who has already mixed into the high-level and knows what the result of this system will vigorously promote such a plan.”

Talk to yourself?

No, Jon was talking to the dragon girl.

"Not only can't protect human beings, but it will bring disaster, and in the end, it was used by the monster that wanted to destroy it. Even the bomb was not officially detonated because the monster didn't want the situation to go out of its control. Should humans be grateful to that monster?"

With that said, Jon opened the door.

Just in time, I saw Wuma Youxiang flying upside down and smashing the instrument storing the spirit liquid.


After the heavy acceleration position disappeared, Wuma Youxiang and Guan Qing, who had turned into a Zerg, entered a high-speed state, making it impossible for the fighters of other countermeasure teams to help.

Screaming sirens sounded in the entire base, and after they got out of that dull state, they couldn't even find the enemy's figure, only seeing the terrible destruction that appeared in the base from time to time.

It is completely different from the Zerg we have dealt with before!

This was the thought that appeared in Wuma Youxiang's mind after fighting Guan Qing.

Guan Qing, who borrowed the polluted psychic fluid to temporarily transform her body into a Zerg, was far more powerful than any Zerg she had dealt with before!

This made Wuma Youxiang fall into a passive situation for a while, and soon she discovered that Guan Qing had no intention of fighting her at all, but purposefully headed towards the underground of the countermeasure team's base.

And this kind of behavior made Wuma Youxiang have extremely bad thoughts.

She has already realized what Guan Qing wants to do, this is absolutely something she cannot allow!

This guy is already crazy!

From the moment he came into contact with the polluted spiritual fluid, he no longer belonged to human beings!

Sasword's stinger is pulled up, then pressed down!

[Rider Slash! 】

Accompanied by this figure, the blood toxin in the Sasword Zecter began to mix with the purple tachyons, and then converted into more powerful photons.

Immediately, the blade cut towards Guan Qing.

Faced with Wuma Youxiang's full blow, Guan Qing didn't choose to dodge, but stretched out his hand seemingly irrationally, trying to block Wuma Youxiang's knight slash.

Even if he has turned into a Zerg, such a powerful attack cannot be directly blocked, but the strange thing is that the cyan carapace on his arm turned into dark blue in the next second!

Cut off the blade!

When he came into contact with Wuma Youxiang's decisive blow, the dark blue carapace that appeared on Guan Qing's body began to shatter, but it was not split into two as Wuma Youxiang expected.

And Guan Qing was waiting for this time!

The moment he blocked Wuma Youxiang's attack, he kicked Wuma Youxiang's plastron. The terrifying force caused Wuma Youxiang to fly upside down and smashed through the thick wall. An instrument for storing spiritual fluid.

A large amount of spiritual liquid slanted out from the broken gap, and the moment she came into contact with this polluted spiritual liquid, even though Wuma Yuka was protected by the Kamen Rider system, she still felt a chill that made her hair stand on end.

Terrible malice tried to invade her brain. If she hadn't reacted in time and left the spot, maybe even she wouldn't be able to persist.

【Clock Over】

The CU system was forcibly shut down, and Guan Qing walked in along the wall that Wuma Youxiang smashed through.

"What a powerful attack, Yuxiang."

Guan Qing held his arm that was cut by the knight. At this moment, the upper carapace was still completely broken, exposing the normal human arm below. At this moment, the arm was black and blue, and the wound infected by blood toxin was dripping black blood continuously. .

"Even if it is based on the defense created by that dragon-level centipede, it still can't be perfectly blocked."

Guan Qing looked at his injured arm, in order to resist Wuma Youxiang's ultimate kill, he almost spent all his spiritual energy building this defense.

Although broken, but...

He won!

Guan Qing took a deep breath in the air, and then the polluted spiritual energy began to gather towards his body.

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