I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 386

"The disaster level is dragon level!"

Even the alarm system seems to be incoherent because of the power of fear, which is so pleasing to Guan Qing's eyes.

"Look, this is the power of the Paradise System." The old face once again appeared from under the insect armor, fascinated.

"The power of a dragon-level disaster, so even if there is a dragon-level disaster, there will be no problems."

At this time, the dragon girl finally understood how to use the new toy.

A full bottle of obsidian-like Dragon Lava is inserted into the Cross-Z Lava Fist.

【Bottle Burn! 】

"No! This is not your power!"

The handle was pulled up, and the Dragon Maiden inserted the Build Driver at her waist.

The moment the Lava Fist is inserted into the driver, the strike-break assembly on the front of the glove separates, revealing the Dragon Lava refill bottle inserted into the center slot.

The original obsidian-like body of the bottle began to glow red, as if the unsolidified lava had been knocked out of the uppermost obsidian layer, exposing the magma below.

[Cross-Z Magma! 】

Is this... the new power of the dragon?

Wuma Youxiang stared blankly at the dragon girl turning the joystick of the Build driver.

What frightened her immediately was that what appeared with the dragon girl turning the joystick this time was not the previous transformation device, but...

A melting pot!

Wuma Youxiang could clearly hear something slowly flowing inside the furnace, and the moment the furnace appeared, she could feel the temperature of the surrounding air rising sharply! And the source is the furnace that appeared behind the dragon girl!

Could it be that you want to pour the contents on the dragon?

Will die!

The dragon just woke up!

Wuma Youxiang subconsciously wanted to reach out to stop it, but it was already too late!

【Are You Ready? 】


The furnace turned over, and under Wuma Youxiang's fearful eyes, the magma inside was exposed, and then poured down towards the dragon girl's body, submerging the dragon girl who was still wearing a hospital gown.

The magma began to spread towards the surroundings, and the continuously distorted air due to the high temperature proved that these were genuine magma, which made Wuma Youxiang couldn't help but worry about whether the dragon girl could withstand such a terrifying force.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Guan Qing roared, and then rushed towards the location of the dragon girl.

Although the carapace imitated from the elder centipede showed strong tolerance when facing the magma, Guan Qing still felt the pain as if his body was being burned.

Impossible, this must be his illusion! Now he may have the power to fight against dragon-level disasters!

When Clock Up was turned on, Guan Qing's figure instantly disappeared in place.

But at the same time, eight wandering dragons made of magma drilled out of the magma layer, and their huge mouths covered with ferocious fangs opened, revealing the inside like the hearth of a furnace where the magma is constantly flowing.

Guan Qing's attack started, but his attack couldn't even break through the magma covering Dragon Girl's body!

The magma splashed, and then strangely began to cool down.

Would normal magma cool down in such a short time?

Obviously not!

So the answer is...

All the heat is absorbed by the dragon girl!

The furnace that had been drained of magma retreated, and then slammed into the dragon girl's body!

The hard obsidian layer shattered and flew towards the surroundings. At the same time, Guan Qing, who was constantly attacking the dragon girl, was clocked up.

【Extremely hot muscles! 】

[Cross-Z Magma! 】


Accompanied by this voice, the dragon girl transformed into a brand new posture appeared in front of Wuma Youxiang.

Hot magma flowed slowly on the obsidian armor, completely distorting the air around her.

The dragon girl stood there motionless, but just standing like this, Wuma Youxiang could feel the terrifying power from the dragon girl!

At this moment, it seems that even the piercing dragon-level disaster warning has lost its voice at this moment.

"This is...Cross-Z...Magma?" Wuma Youxiang's lips trembled slightly.

"Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma... Start the mission!" The dragon girl's body that was constantly flowing with magma was trembling slightly, as if she couldn't bear the hot magma that was constantly flowing on the armor.

But apparently not.

Then she raised her palm and pointed at Guan Qing.

It was obviously just a simple movement, but after the dragon girl made it, it gave people a heavy feeling, as if standing in front of everyone at this moment was a volcano about to erupt!

"As the culprit who caused the dragon-level disaster, I will never spare you!"

The imposing words came from the dragon girl's mouth, but Guan Qing seemed to have not heard it, looking at his hands tremblingly.

"Why...why...Obviously I have gained enough power to fight against dragon-level disasters!"

He couldn't believe that the power enough to destroy a city couldn't even break the dragon's defense!

Then, he heard a shocking answer from the dragon girl.

"Haven't you discovered it yet? The so-called dragon-level disaster didn't refer to you in the first place! It was..." the dragon girl pointed to the sky and said angrily, "Because of your fault, the monsters that are about to befall this city Ah! I'm angry!"


ps: Thank you for your blades and rewards.


ps: I'm sorry, I messed up (T_T), and I will never write like that again in the future. After writing the real world side, the brave world will be marked, and then it will be finished soon.

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