I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 388

"Cast Off."

【Cast Off! 】

Chapter 363 Pedron who started to fit together

After evacuating the citizens in the nearby area, the fighters of the countermeasure team returned here, but looking at the scene in front of them, they subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

Is such a monster really something they can deal with?

They could see these disgusting soft-bodied creatures crumble before the reinforcements from Gui City, but...

Even if the body was shattered into pieces by the explosion, even if the body was burnt to coke by magma, as long as some body tissues were still alive, then such a monster seemed to be able to recover quickly.

At the same time, the attacks by these combatants began.

Obviously, ordinary bullets and firepower have no effect on this special monster in front of them. Even if they are replaced with special spiritual bullets, the wounds left on these monsters will heal quickly in a short time, and it will also allow these monsters to move Eyes fixed on them.


Pure, creepy horror!

Even though the monster in front of them seemed to have no eyes, the fighters in the countermeasures team could still feel that the monster was watching them.

Just being looked at like this, they found that their bodies were shaking, and they couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands.


The Pedron in front of him moved.

The structure like a snail's abdomen opened suddenly, revealing a large number of tentacles that rushed towards the crowd, ready to swallow them up.


"Rider Kick."

[Rider Kick! 】

A stream of red and blue particles suddenly landed on Pedron's body, wreaking havoc on its body. As if aware of the restraint of this attack, Pedron let out a sharp howl, and then exploded. Come.

[Clock Over! 】

Seeing Jon's figure in the form of a knight appearing in front of him, some fighters who hadn't completely shaken off their fear even sat down on the ground.

Compared with ordinary people, the will of these fighters is already very good, but when facing the alien beasts, they are still very embarrassed.

"Have you confirmed how many targets there are?" Jon turned to look at the commander of the combat team.

"A total of...a total of ninety-three..." The commander of the combat team moved his throat and told Jon an accurate number, "So far, they have been locked."

Jon nodded, and was about to go back to fight, but when he just turned around, he was stopped.


Jon turned around curiously, only to find that he was stopped by a combatant who was paralyzed on the ground in fear.

At this moment, his head was covered by a helmet, so he couldn't see clearly, but his body still seemed to be shaking.

Then, Jon heard an answer that surprised him.

"I want to fight too!"


"Preliminary judgment shows that these monsters feed on fear and have amazing evolutionary abilities..." Jon reminded, then turned and left, "If you want to kill it, you must completely kill all the cells in its body. If you can do it, try it."

After speaking, Jon disappeared in place.



The dragon girl punched through Pedron's liquid body again.

A single monster is not strong, she can use magma to burn the bodies of these monsters, but the terrible thing is...

She found that these monsters are slowly evolving!

These monsters seem to be single, but to some extent they are a whole!

After she completely killed a monster with magma, the other individuals seemed to have received some signal, and they began to evolve!

If these monsters were still a little vulnerable to magma before, then after being killed by the dragon girl, their body's tolerance to magma attacks has increased!

"What kind of monster is this!"

Up to now, the dragon girl has also noticed the abnormality of these monsters.

These individual monsters don't look strong, but they seem to be in common in spirit!

"You can call them alien beasts." Jon's voice sounded in the dragon girl's ears, "It means that they do not belong to any ecosystem, and the meaning of existence is to prey on other life, and the purpose of preying on humans is not only to satisfy The desire to eat is to eat up the darkness, hatred, and fear in the human heart, and then transform it into a powerful force for oneself, it is a real "alien beast".

Even Jon had to sigh, this time the countermeasure team really did a big death.

If such a monster were to descend into this world without any countermeasures, the result would be unimaginable.

It may be better if it is replaced by other alien beasts, because the huge size may make the countermeasures team determined to carry out a devastating blow to this area, but Pedron, who is active in multiple individuals, is somewhat special, a single individual There is no strong destructive power, but it can make the people in the countermeasure team relax their vigilance, thinking that conventional forces can kill these monsters.

But once it is dragged on, Pedron will become stronger and stronger, and then lead to disastrous consequences.

"You should have noticed the dragons, they are evolving, and if one is released, they will also start to proliferate slowly."

The dragon girl clenched her fists.

"So, this is a real dragon-level disaster, a monster that can destroy several cities."

As Jon's words fell, these Pedrons seemed to realize that they would definitely lose if they continued to fight with such a split body, and then began to gather.


In the base of the countermeasure team, the fight between Wuma Youxiang and Guan Qing is still going on.

But in front of Guan Qing who had become stronger, Wuma Youxiang seemed a little powerless, and could only resist reluctantly.

Sasword's stinger was pulled up again, then pressed down.

The stream of blood toxin and purple particles began to mix again, and then cut towards Guan Qing's position.

Two purple shock waves cut towards Guan Qing in an X shape, but Guan Qing directly avoided it.

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