I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 392

She always felt that after waking up, the dragon's attitude towards that blood...Evolto changed a lot.

This made her even more upset.

"Uncle Blood Dive!" The dragon girl waved her arms at Jon.

After experiencing such a terrifying explosion, all the surrounding equipment has been destroyed, so naturally there is no need to worry about being seen.

"Uncle Blood Potential is going to help the 'brave' who was also deceived, right? Then can you take me with you?"

"Are you sure you want to follow?"

After throwing the knight belt to Wuma Youxiang, Jon looked at the dragon girl curiously.

He felt that the idiot was swollen, and the next battle was not something she could participate in.

Although this idiot has no problem dealing with Constellation Batik, Constellation Batik is just a soldier.

If he keeps up, this idiot will definitely be hit hard again.

So Jon is hesitating.

"Don't worry, Uncle Blood Diver!" The dragon girl said, "I'm super strong!" ’ posture, the stinky fart said: "Don't worry about leaving the problem to me to solve it! Extremely hot muscles are invincible!"

Jon: "..."

Forget it, let's take this girl who has never seen the world to see what is called the real hell.

"Don't regret it."

Grabbing the idiot's shoulder, Jon opened the wormhole and left.

Of course, this was just a cover. After taking the dragon girl out of here, he brought this idiot into the office.

He had let this idiot see the situation here a long time ago, so naturally he had nothing to hide.

After returning to the office, Jon saw Yuna Yuki who was already waiting here.

"Hello, Lord Brave, is there anything I can do for you?"

Her right eye was already blind, and she couldn't see the once lively colors, and her right arm was also hanging powerlessly to the side.

But even so, she was still trying to show a smile to Jon.

"Shop manager, can the certificate of the brave really help me realize my wish?"

Jon nodded.

"Then..." Tears continued to flow from Yuuki Yuna's left eye, "I want to protect ordinary people, I want to restore everyone in the Brave Club to their original state! I don't want to be separated from everyone!! I want to Let everyone live!!!"


Back in time not long ago, Yuuki Yuna's world.

"The first thing is to say hello!!!"

Miyoshi Xia Lin in the fully opened state showed amazing strength. The shock wave from the mechanical arm swept away the small Baticks around, exposing the Capricorn Batik, which can trigger earthquakes, to her blade before.

The four mechanical arms crossed in front of them, and then they chopped off!

Even Constellation Batik is not an enemy with the power here!

In just an instant, Batik the Capricorn's body was split into two.

Then the next target is Libra!

"The five clauses of the Brave Division, the second one!"

This is a golden body, it seems to have a human face, holding a horizontal bar with both hands, as if turning itself into a Batik of Libra.

Facing the sprinting Miyoshi Xia Lin, its body began to spin, and then set off a terrible tornado.


"Try—don't give up!"

Miyoshi Xia Lin's body also started to spin, and the tornado brought up by the blade directly tore through Libra's attack, cutting its body into countless pieces.

But in the next second, an ablation mark appeared on her side, and then a scorpion tail composed of a series of golden balls pierced out of it, stabbing the sting like a red-hot iron on Miyoshi Xia Lin's body on the mechanical arm.

This blow obviously failed to pierce Miyoshi Xia Lin's mechanical arm, but it caused traces of burning and melting to appear on the mechanical arm!

Such traces quickly spread on Miyoshi Xia Lin's mechanical arm, and even directly hit Miyoshi Xia Lin to the full state.

Seeing this scene, Yuna Yuki showed a flustered expression.

Obviously such Batik was wiped out by Mami-san just now, did it reappear within a few minutes?

If this continues, can they really win?

Yuuki Yuna immediately rushed to the place where Miyoshi Xia Lin fell, but at the same time, Scorpio had passed through the burnt barrier and entered the interior, followed by the same shooter who had been dealt with by Ba Mami before. Batik!

It has opened its huge mouth, and aimed the golden energy arrow at Yuna Yuki.

With a buzzing sound, the arrow shot out.

Although Yuna Yuki tried her best to avoid it, she was still thrown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

"Xia Lin! Be careful!" She anxiously shouted at Miyoshi Xia Lin in the sky.

Batik, who had been dealt with, reappeared in front of them.

She can no longer hesitate!

full bloom!


When Miyoshi Xia Lin was hit to the full state, she had already discovered the abnormality.

The petals appeared on her right arm with white energy, sealing her right arm like some kind of seal, making it impossible to even feel the existence of the right arm!

Is this why Yuna and Togo started to hesitate?

To be honest, when Miyoshi Xia Lin found out that she lost the function of her right arm after the full opening, and the physical sequelae of the brave people, she already understood a little.

Scorpio Batik's sting had already stabbed towards her again, causing Miyoshi Xia Lin's remaining left arm to clenched the blade tightly.

But now is not the time to hesitate!

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