I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 395

In this way, everyone will die!

Yuuki Yuna is afraid, but it's not that if she continues to fight, she will lose most of her body functions like that Nogi-senpai, but she is afraid that even if she becomes like that, she will not be able to save the world!

"Youna!" Miyoshi Xia Lin shouted again, "Tell me where the enemy is!"

Yuuki Yuna clenched her left fist, but just as she was about to enter the full-open state again, a palm lightly patted her shoulder.

"If you feel powerless, seek help."

The person who spoke was Ba Mami, and she looked extremely embarrassed at the moment. Even the power brought by the witch transformation was useless in the face of enemies of this level.

"Help?" Yuuki Yuna's tone trembled.

"Yeah." Asami rubbed Yuuki Yuna's head, smiled and said: "Jon has been waiting for you to speak, if it was Yuna you spoke directly before, then the person who came here should not be Me."

This sentence reminded Yuuki Yuna of the scene when she strayed into that place for the first time.

Brave House? Proof of the brave?

Is it a gift prepared by the world for the brave?

"Really?" There was a glimmer of hope in the only remaining left eye of Yuna Yuki, and then she stared at Ba Mami, trembling as if grasping the last straw: "The store manager can really help Is this world? Can it really protect everyone?"

"Shouldn't Yuna have already guessed it? Mami-san, I am the 'brave' who was once deceived and used by the enemy."

Hearing this, Inubo Saikaze raised her head, she tried to speak, but no sound came out of her throat.

Inubosaki tried his best to get up from the ground, but fell back to the ground in embarrassment.

She could no longer hear anything, nor could she see anything.

She groped around in fear, until Inubo Saikaze struggled to come to her and grabbed her palm, the cute little girl showed a reassuring smile on her face.

"Yuna..." Togo Mimori, who had lost the function of both arms, stared blankly at Yuuki Yuna, and then a smile appeared on her face.

"If it's Yuna, then it must be successful."

As she spoke, the petals on her chest lit up again.

"Until you come back, Yuna, I will protect everyone."

"Togo..." Yuuki Yuna bit her lip, and then made a decision, "I'll be right back!"

Saying that, Yuuki Yuna disappeared in place.

Ba Mamei showed a smile, and then told Jon about it.


It is still this familiar place, which left a lot of memories for Yuna Yuki.

But to Yuki Yuna's horror, the store manager is not here now.

Is there something else important?

Will the store manager come back?

Will it disappear for several days like before and not come back?

Every second spent here was so long for Yuna Yuki, and she couldn't help but feel the idea of ​​going back to fight with Dongxiang and the others.


The door is open!

"Hello, Lord Brave, is there anything I can do for you?"

When these words came out of Jon's mouth, the tears in Yuuki Yuna's left eye could no longer be suppressed and burst out, but even so, she still tried her best to smile at Jon.

"Shop manager, can the certificate of the brave really help me realize my wish?"


Chapter 369: Sheath Warriors Never Give Up!

When she saw Yuuki Yuna's dirty, dusty body, and blood bleeding from the wound on her face, the dragon girl's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable.

She had seen this girl named Yuna Yuuki through the perspective of Uncle Xuedi before.

But at that time, she looked so lively, as if no difficulty in this world could defeat her.

Then when they met again, she had already turned into what she is now.

What happened to make this lively girl become like this?

Also, is this the real job of Uncle Blood Diver?

The dragon girl subconsciously looked at Jon, waiting for his response.

"I want to protect ordinary people, and I want to restore everyone in the Brave Club to their original state! I don't want to be separated from everyone!! I want everyone to live!!!" Yuna Yuki said loudly wishes.

"Then, the contract is concluded." Jon moved his palm and a smile appeared on his face.

"Recently, I just feel a little uncomfortable because of an idiot around me, so I want to move my body."

Fool? Could it be that Xingzi made Uncle Xue Qian angry again? This was the first thought that came to Dragon Girl's mind after hearing Jon's words.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Jon following Yuuki Yuna about to leave here, so she hurried to follow.

"I'm here to help too!"


The dragon girl felt like she saw hell.


"It's an uncomfortable environment."

After following Yuuki Yuna to her world, the first thing Jon saw was the burning world.

He was not in a hurry to make a move, but squatted down under the strange gaze of others, and put his palm on the root that was slowly being burned.

Accompanied by his action, Yuuki Yuna's elf bull ghost appeared beside her.

A golden energy thread stretched out from behind it and wrapped around Jon, as if communicating with Jon.

After a few seconds.

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