I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 407

Chapter 379 Who is the next person who wants women's clothing? (3150 monthly pass)

In the office.

"Magical Girl Bottle..."

A black evolution bottle with a white diamond-shaped gem on the front was placed on the table.

"Stand-in bottle."

This is a black evolution bottle with a golden arrow.

"The Brave Bottle."

A gift from the sacred tree, with pink cherry blossoms on the front.

"And then the last..."

The knight system bottle with gears and rockers was placed in front of Jon.

A total of four evolution bottles.

If you ask Jon which one he likes to use the most at present, it will naturally be the knight system bottle, but if you ask which one is the strongest, it will naturally be the magic girl bottle.

As the power from the source of his soul, the magical girl bottle is the most suitable power for him, and the upper limit is definitely higher than the knight system bottle.

It's like the real E always relies on swallowing stars to increase his strength, and Jon can also strengthen his strength through magic power in addition to the choice of swallowing stars.


Jon's face was full of dark lines when he thought of the photo that was still saved in Ba Mamei's phone.

He wanted to delete the black history photo several times, but every time Ba Mamei stuffed the phone into his chest quickly and looked at him expectantly.

It seems that we can only ask Sakura to be the breakthrough point!

Also, I don't know if such an evolutionary bottle can be embedded in Pandora's black or white metal plate. When putting away the four evolutionary bottles in front of him, this idea suddenly popped up in Jon's mind.

But before he got to the bottom of this issue, the door of the firm was opened.

It was Tsuyoshi Shishima who pushed the door and walked in.

Obviously, the last time he came to see Yuuki Yuna, his mood had returned to normal, but now he showed his previous appearance again, or in other words, it was even more serious.

"Brother Blood Diver, I saw evil path program No. 007 in Minecraft."

"Well, I knew it a long time ago." Jon poured Shidao a cup of black tea, "I didn't know much about it at the time, but then I found out that the monsters that appeared in my world should all be replicas."

"It's disgusting, isn't it!" Shidao Gang seemed to want to get a sense of approval from Jon, and said, "They are all monsters that can hurt people, and they should all be cleared out without leaving them!"

"That's right, but just now, did something happen to you?"

"The evil path program has become a Kamen Rider." Shijima Tsuyoshi's tone was full of dissatisfaction, "How can the evil path program become a Kamen Rider! It is obvious that it has caused so many people before! Even where are you, Blood Diving Brother? The world is in danger!"

"Calm down, Gang, don't get carried away by anger." Jon said calmly.

After being told by Jon, Shijima Gang also realized his gaffe.

"Sorry, I got a little excited." Shi Dao just took a sip from the black tea cup.

The warm and sweet black tea stabilized his mood a lot.

"I'm just a little uncomfortable why people trust a evil program that has hurt many people so much."

"This kind of question is indeed a bit complicated." Jon poured himself a cup of coffee, and then asked, "But just now, did you hate the program as a whole, or the individual who became the Kamen Rider?"

"What's the difference? Chase is the evil path program! As long as it is an evil path program, then it is the enemy of mankind!" Shijima said without hesitation.

"Then if someone like Tao Su appeared in your world, would you kill her directly?" Jon asked calmly.

This question stopped Shishima Gang.

There was a hesitant look on his face, and he didn't speak until several seconds later.

"Miss Tao Su's situation is different from that of the evil path program."

But for this reason, it seems that even he can't convince him directly.

"Gang, you hesitated." Jon sighed. Although he already knew the reason, he still hoped Shidao Gang could say it himself.

"And I'm too anxious, can you tell me why?"

Shi Dao just hesitated a little, as if he was hesitating whether to say the next thing or not.

For a while, the office was extremely quiet.

"I told you before." Jon put down the coffee cup in his hand and said calmly, "If you need my help, I will definitely help you."

This sentence made Shijima Gang make up his mind.

After Jon used Tao Su as an example, he also knew that he was purely hating existences like the evil program, not Chase alone.

"It's my father..." When he said these words, Shidao just remembered the nightmare memory in his heart.

He covered his face in pain, his voice trembling slightly.

"The one who created the evil program, was my father... My father made them spin out of control, causing a global standstill... and taking a lot of lives..."

It can be seen that Shijima blamed himself very much for this matter, to the point where he put all the responsibility on himself.

"Then the son of the man who created those terrible demons is still a Kamen Rider..."

Shijima hated those evil programs that took people's lives, and he also felt that he was not qualified to be a hero in people's eyes, but he had to borrow the power of Kamen Rider if he wanted to destroy the evil programs!

After speaking, Shijima fell into silence.

And Jon didn't speak, but was analyzing the message brought by Shidao Gang's words.

If he remembered correctly, not long after Chase became a Kamen Rider, Shijima saw the tablet containing his father's brain in the hands of the No. 003 evil program brain.

At this point in time Shijima Gang is still in the stage of atonement, and the Evil Rouji is indeed a weirdo that needs to be eliminated, but Shijima put all his hatred on Evil Rouge, and neglected his father is what caused all this The culprit that happened.

After seeing the brain of the barbaric Tenjuro, he still chose to trust the other party, hoping to use the power of the barbaric Tenjuro to eliminate all the evil programs, and then be used, which led to the following series of things.

This is human nature. After all, in Shijima’s eyes, the global freeze was caused by a mistake. In this mistake, his father also died. It is not known that the real purpose of the barbarian Tenjuro is to dominate worldwide.

"So, do you need my help?" Jon asked, putting down the coffee cup in his hand.

"If you want to solve the evil program, I can help you."

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