I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 410

She clenches herself hard, hoping the man-eating monster won't notice her.

Then, something touched her head, which made her more frightened, but soon she found that the pain did not come to her, which made the little girl carefully open her eyes.

What appeared in front of her was not a man-eating monster, but a big brother with a warm smile.

"Did you get lost with your parents?"

The little girl nodded with a sob.

"But don't be afraid if you encounter such a thing, otherwise your parents will be sad." Wudai Yusuke smiled at her.

"Mom and Dad, will you be sad?" The little girl looked at Yusuke Godai with sobs and asked.

"Yes, if you are sad, you will lose your smile on your face." Yusuke Godai touched his pocket and took out a pack of paper.

"So you must protect the smiles on the faces of the people around you."

She blankly took the handkerchief from Godai Yusuke, the little girl opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but then fear appeared on her face again, because she had already seen the ugly monster that appeared in sight up.

She didn't know how to describe the monster, but she was very scared, and felt fear at the first sight of him.

But then, she saw that the only big brother who saw her did not leave because of the appearance of the monster, but walked towards him step by step.

"If you are afraid, please watch...my transformation!"

Chapter 382 The Arrival Caesar System

With Wudai Yusuke spreading his hands to both sides, the spiritual stone belt that had already been integrated into his body appeared around his waist.

And this scene even made the little girl who showed a frightened expression because of the appearance of the alien beast forget for a moment the monster with a creepy appearance in front of her, and put all her attention on Yusuke Godai.

The light emanating from the spirit stone belt seemed to have a soothing and reassuring effect, making the little girl's body slowly stop trembling.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Wudai Yusuke turned his head and gave her a thumbs up.

"Smile is the most powerful force in this world!"

Following Yusuke Godai's words, the alien beasts who descended here noticed the existence of him and the little girl, and began to growl and walk towards them.

It was obviously such a terrifying appearance and voice, but at this moment, it was suppressed by a sound that seemed to be beating.


It seemed as if the sound of the beating heart was ringing, and the source...was where Yusuke Godai was!

Such a voice dispelled the fear in the little girl's heart, and she stared at Wudai Yusuke who was blocking the way of the monster.

Smile is the most powerful force in this world?

The little girl doesn't understand, she has never learned such knowledge, but now...

She saw it!

The left palm was gathered around the waist, and the right palm of Godai Yusuke was raised towards the alien beast, as if telling the other party that this way was impossible.


Accompanied by Wudai Yusuke's voice, the spiritual stone belt engraved with strange characters on his waist flashed red light!

Rugged but powerful muscles were covered by black biological armor and emerged from Goshiro Yusuke's body, followed by red additional armor.

It was still so rugged, showing on Goshiro Yusuke's forearm and upper body.

Bright red insect compound eyes, golden stag beetle horns.

When all of these appear on one person, it is not surprising even if they are directly recognized as monsters, but now the little girl who is blocked by Godai Yusuke does not have any fear in her eyes, but just stares blankly at this The hero who appears before her when she is in danger.

And this scene was seen by Wuma Youxiang who rushed over.

[Clock Over! 】

After exiting the CU state, she stared blankly at the red and black figure not far away.

Indeed, the style after transformation is very similar to the form of Knight Yingshan Jin she saw in Guishi before, but the difference is that this Kamen Rider who looks like an insect does not bring any fear to people!

Wuma Youxiang also heard what the other party said just now.

Fighting to protect people's smiles?

Who is he?

Wuma Youxiang thought in this way, and then saw that the other party easily dealt with the monster in front of him.

Just a kick!

But after the monster was dealt with, the other party did not choose to leave directly, but prepared to take the little girl to find her parents who were lost with her.

Seeing this scene, Wuma Youxiang hesitated for a while, but in the end she still didn't choose to come forward.

Judging from the other party's words and deeds just now, he is a kind-hearted person, so Wuma Youxiang does not want to have contact with the other party.

Because the kinder you are, the easier it is to be used, just like that idiot Long.

Especially in the current situation where the top management of the countermeasure team has been infiltrated by monsters, she doesn't want the other party to be used.

With this in mind, Wuma Youxiang returned to the station, and then she found that support from other countermeasure teams had arrived one after another, including Li Xiu, whom she was more familiar with.

But what puzzled her was that Li Xiu's expression was a little strange at the moment, and there seemed to be a trace of anger.

Wuma Youxiang went forward to inquire, and then found out what was going on.

Headquarters sent someone.

Of course, the important thing is not that the headquarters sent people, but the weapon system brought by the people from the headquarters!


"So for the sake of their hard work, I helped a little." Shi Dongsun took a sip of the canned coffee, showing a helpless expression.

"Just like when Misora ​​was a child, if you can't get some rewards after hard work, then you will be discouraged, not to mention that your world is still so dangerous, brother manager, so I gave them the Caesar system."

"Is it necessary to tell me this kind of thing?" Jon frowned. He found that the Ishi Dong Soichi in front of him seemed a little different from before, but he couldn't find out what the difference was.

Do you already have feelings?

Jon thought this way, and then got an answer from Ishido Soichi.

"After all, it is to send something to the world where you are, brother manager..." Shi Dongxun shrugged his shoulders, and his tone was sincere, "So I think it is necessary to talk to brother brother, store manager anyway."

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