I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 415

Jon's voice sounded behind Wuma Youxiang, interrupting her thoughts.

"Evolto..." Wuma Youxiang turned around and looked at Jon who was walking towards her, with a puzzled expression on her face, as if wondering why Jon was still here.

But what Jon said was exactly what she thought.

Now that it has been confirmed that the experiment of copying the Caesar system from another world is successful, then the high-level countermeasures team will definitely try to obtain more Caesar systems.

But in this case, the one who restricts the Caesar system from being put into use becomes the user.

Requires Hazard Level 4.0!

This is definitely a very demanding requirement!

Even if there is a sufficient amount of nebula gas in the current countermeasure team, it is impossible to cultivate those capable of using the Caesar system in a short time!

And once the able-bodied had to use psychic liquid to temporarily increase the danger level, wouldn't the fate of these students not change?

Thinking of this, a little haze appeared in Wuma Youxiang's eyes.

Then, Wuma Youxiang saw a scene that surprised her.

Ji Ming, who was still sitting in a wheelchair and couldn't even stand up, came out, but relied on his own strength!

This scene made her feel incredible, and then subconsciously looked at Jon.

In her eyes, only Jon has the ability to make a person with a whole body of spiritual son stand up.

"Surprised?" Jon raised his eyebrows.

This is indeed what he did, but he didn't use the genetic factors and the power of the magical girl, he just used the brave bottle to briefly give the opponent's body a recovery function.

"What's the reason?" Wuma Youxiang couldn't help asking.

"I'm just a little curious about what you humans can do." Jon shrugged and smiled: "Haven't you discovered yet why all the disasters that appear in Lujiang City are the kind of people with terrible characteristics?" Regenerative powers, and monsters capable of feeding on human fear?"

"Is it because people's fear of these monsters keeps them appearing?" Wuma Youxiang tremblingly asked.

Under normal circumstances, even if disasters occur frequently, such a single type of monster should not appear, but the current situation in Lujiang City has broken everyone's perception.

"I don't think there is any other explanation besides this reason." Jon glanced at Jiming whose face was already ecstatic, and said calmly, "After all, those monsters also have the power of evolution. If the fear continues to spread like this, I'm curious what kind of monster will appear, so..."

Jon patted Wuma Youxiang on the shoulder and said, "The race is about to start now. Will you humans be able to dispel this fear completely, or will you be swallowed by it? Help that person named Jiming." Let’s add some chips to you humans, after all, compared to those monsters, you humans are still very interesting, how about it? I’m a good person to help those who are hostile to me, right?”

After finishing speaking, Jon turned and left under Wuma Youxiang's complicated eyes.


Chapter 387 Werewolf Killing Will Add Werewolves

"If so, what price can you pay?"

Ji Ming, who has regained his ability to move, still clearly remembers what the blood potential ward said to him before, and his answer at that time was...


Then, his body regained the ability to move.

Ji Ming didn't know what Xue Qian had done to him, but he knew that the other party used a black bottle, and then his body regained its ability to move!

And the strange thing is, after inspection, his body's spiritualization showed no signs of decreasing!

That is to say, according to the normal situation, Ji Ming's body should not be able to move now, but he managed to stand up and use the Caesar system to transform!

Ji Ming didn't tell anyone about getting help from the blood latent. Of course, those people might have already guessed it, but it's not important to Ji Ming anymore.

He has regained his strength!

Even if such power is only temporary, it is enough!

He wants revenge! He wants redemption!

While exercising his body that hadn't been moved for a long time in the training room, Ji Ming's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Then, he heard words from behind him.

"If you continue to fight, can your body hold it?"

The person who spoke was Li Xiu. After knowing that Jon was also in Lujiang City, he already realized that it was Jon's credit that Ji Ming was able to stand up again.

Li Xiu didn't care about what happened between Ji Ming and Qiao En, what he cared about was why Ji Ming wanted to continue fighting.

"Maybe he will die directly." Ji Ming said calmly.

From the moment his body was able to stand up again, he already understood what the price would be.

What made him stand up again was not his own strength.

His body is still slowly resonating, and the power that allows him to stand up again will deepen this situation to some extent.

After getting this answer, Li Xiu couldn't help shaking his head.

"You shouldn't keep fighting."

In his eyes, these students who were selected to be part of the training program for people with special abilities were undoubtedly unfortunate.

He himself encountered misfortune when he was a child, and then most of the people failed to get out of the hatred and became people similar to Ji Ming.

The hatred for those monsters has already become something that goes deep into their bones, which is why they will accept the paradise system without hesitation.

But unfortunately, the park system fails, and it wreaks terrible disaster.

This seems to be telling these students that their hard work has become meaningless, and with the battle, their bodies will gradually degenerate, and eventually they will not even be able to stand up.

Li Xiu knew that it was impossible for these students to turn their hatred of disasters into the belief of protecting others like Long, but if possible, he hoped that these students would not be overwhelmed by hatred.

Then, he got Ji Ming's answer.

"If I don't continue to fight, what's the point of my existence?"

Ji Ming glanced at Li Xiu and gave such an answer.

"Because of me, the people of this city have suffered such a terrible disaster, so I must atone for it."

He got off the treadmill covered in sweat, wiped his face with a towel, and then continued: "If you let me continue to sit in the wheelchair, it would be better to die directly, even if I die, I will die." I hope to be able to do something before I die."

After speaking, he ignored Li Xiu's complicated eyes and left directly.


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