I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 418

【Gear Engine! 】

On the way to the alien beast, the high-speed rotating energy gear continued to expand in size, and then cut the alien beast continuously.

The powerful destructive force directly cut off the body of the alien beast, and at the same time allowed this force to penetrate into the body of the alien beast.


With one blow, this tiger-level alien beast immediately lost its ability to move, but judging from the information collected so far, now is definitely not the time to relax its vigilance.

The team that accompanied Ji Ming rushed forward immediately, using special equipment to eliminate the cell activity of the corpse of the alien beast, and began to search for nearby cells and tissues that were splashed out by the explosion.

This step is especially important, otherwise it is likely to cause such monsters to appear again!

It was because of such negligence before that the exterminated alien beast reappeared. Although its strength dropped a lot after reappearing, it was already terrifying enough.

After the transformation was lifted, Ji Ming continued to contact the fighters in charge of evacuating ordinary people, and was going to tell them that the disaster had been extinguished. After the inactivation procedure, the news would return to normal here, but when the radio was connected, the first The voice that appeared in Jiming's ears was not a team member's inquiry, but a quarrel.

The content of the quarrel made Ji Ming silent.

After a long time, he spoke, but instead of telling them that the disaster had been extinguished, he was apologizing.

"Sorry for bothering you."

"Ah... this kind of thing, who...forget it..."

The team member communicating with Ji Ming sighed.

This is not the first time that such a situation has occurred. Frequent disasters have made the citizens of Lujiang City no longer able to bear the anger in their hearts. Every time Ji Ming's team starts to act, they will more or less encounter such troubles. .

No one wants to live in constant fear.

Similarly, because of the particularity of the alien beasts, Lujiang City has been blocked, even if some people want to leave the city, they cannot do so.

It is precisely because of the fear of alien beasts that such monsters continue to descend, and once such fear spreads, it will also cause terrible results to other places.

This time, the Lujiang City countermeasure team made the right choice, but such a choice would naturally cause dissatisfaction among others.

Ordinary people will only see that the countermeasure team has caused terrible disasters to befall the city, and then block them in this terrible city where monsters keep appearing.

The dissatisfaction was building, and it showed well in them, the combatants.

Even though the countermeasure team in Lujiang City tried their best to appease the restless citizens, the effect was obviously not great.

After finally dealing with such matters, Ji Ming and other fighters returned to the base.

He could tell that the team members who fought with him were not in a good mood, but he didn't know how to comfort them.

He is fighting with hatred for monsters and a sense of atonement, so why are they fighting?

Obviously the cause of this situation has nothing to do with them, but it needs to be borne by them.

Ji Ming sat with his eyes closed thinking about this question, and then sat beside him alone.

Without opening his eyes, Ji Ming knew who the person sitting next to him was.

"Brother Li, what are you fighting for?"

Ji Ming had heard of the character Li Xiu, but he didn't know that much about him before, and the only thing he cared about was the transformation smoke system in his hand.

But now, he wants to know why Li Xiu is fighting.

"Is there a reason for the fight?" Li Xiu was taken aback for a moment, then thought for a few seconds before giving an answer.

"I don't want to see children who have lost their parents in a facility like an orphanage."

"Are you fighting for someone else?" Ji Ming opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling above his head, then he seemed to think of something, turned to Li Xiu and asked, "Brother Li, since you are working in the same city as Long , then can you tell me, what kind of person is the dragon in your eyes?"

In Ji Ming's own impression, Long Maiden is still the girl who looks out of tune with the other students, as if she can never see troubles on her face. He used to not care about the other party's existence at all, but she has become unconsciously. Did what he couldn't do.

"A dragon?" Li Xiu pondered for two seconds, "She can be said to be fighting for everyone."

"I understand, this should be the gap between me and her."

Chapter 390 Titan Form (5W7 Recommended Ticket)

Ji Ming already understood the gap between himself and Long.

It is precisely because he has been fighting for himself that disaster has befallen the city.

The original intention of the paradise system is not wrong, the only problem is the mentality of their users.

Ji Ming clearly remembered that when he was using the Paradise system, the distorted pleasure in his heart was growing as he killed monsters.

Although it was unbearable to be in that dark space consciously, he found that he could bear it when he thought that as long as he woke up again, he would be able to tear those monsters that had taken countless lives to pieces with his own hands.

Then, he began to long for disasters to appear, longing for himself to tear those monsters apart one by one!

During that process, he didn't realize that he was abnormal at all, and he didn't realize why disasters happened frequently, and when he really woke up, it was too late.

He has committed horribly wrong and made others suffer more than they should have.

It was too late to wake up at this time.

The time he had left was not enough for him to make changes, so he agreed to use the Caesar system.

He wanted to make up for some mistakes before he died.

Ji Ming shook his head, and then realized that he had been in a daze for a long time, and even Li Xiu had left.

Sighing, Ji Ming was about to go back to rest, but the next second a bleak siren sounded.

"A disaster has been detected, the level is ghost level, Ji Ming's team, please get ready to attack! The location..."

The sound of the siren made Ji Ming stunned for a moment, and then he was ready to set off immediately.


"Alert! Alert! Disasters in this area are about to come. Citizens are requested to leave this moment quickly. The level of disaster—ghost level! Alert! Alert! This..."

The patrol robot kept sounding the alarm and began to evacuate the citizens in this area.

It was fulfilling its mission dutifully, but in the process of warning, it was kicked directly, and then fell directly to the ground.

"Damn! If it weren't for you idiots, how could this place be like this!"

Even though he knew that his cursing was meaningless, a young man with a broken mind still yelled at the patrol robot.

This approach seemed to ease the fear in his heart, and then he ran away at a faster speed.

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