I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 453

At the same time, the battle between the two protozoa has also entered a fierce stage.

After seeing Shen Ping for real, Zhou Boming was sure that what he did was correct.

After using the Evol driver, Shen Ping's molting progress was suddenly increased! And he can no longer control the other party wantonly like before, that is to say...the next chance is very likely to be only one time!

Once the opponent is successfully molted, and with the help of the Evol driver, then he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent.

Evolto may find him interesting and let him go, but Shen Ping, this subordinate will definitely not!

Although the dragon girl started attacking him together, Zhou Boming didn't care at all.

The molting posture of the wasp form gave him a stronger speed than ordinary molting protozoa. Once he fully activated the Clock Up state, even the other two Kamen Riders who used the Zecter system were just sluggish in his eyes. Just a snail.

Although I don't know why the stag beetle Zecter appeared again after Kaga Meixin returned, but it doesn't matter anymore. The coward was so scared that he ran away when he saw him appear.

Facing the ridicule from Shen Ping, Zhou Boming didn't take it seriously at all. If he would really get angry because of such a trivial matter, it would be impossible for him to hide it to this extent.

And to be honest, he is greedy for this weakened version of the Evol drive!

Since it can speed up Shen Ping's shedding, it should also make him stronger!

Coupled with its own CU status...

Zhou Boming took a deep breath, he knew that killing Shen Ping and gaining Evolto's appreciation was his only way out.

It should be that Shen Ping's eager desire for revenge has been appreciated by Evolto, so as long as this kind of script ends early, Evolto will definitely not take a second look at Shen Ping.

Dodging away from the dragon girl's fist that was bursting with magma, the stinger on Zhou Boming's right arm stretched suddenly, from the extent that it was only a small part exposed, it instantly turned into a black spike!

The golden energy flickers on the stinger, making it look fierce!

This was Zhou Boming's strongest attack. Under the blessing of terrifying speed, Shen Ping couldn't even react, and was stabbed in the body by Zhou Boming.

The berserk power continued to wreak havoc on Shen Ping's body, but it only left a deep wound on the armor and failed to really hurt Shen Ping.

And this scene made Shen Ping even more arrogant.

The joy of being able to take revenge soon made him shout loudly, insulting Zhou Boming with words, and the next second, he was directly pierced through the abdomen by Zhou Boming's sting needle.

Zhou Boming was hiding his clumsiness just now? not at all! The blow that hurt Shen Ping did not pierce Shen Ping's armor at all, but before his attack came, Shen Ping's body froze suddenly, and then part of the armor on his abdomen was suddenly lifted.

The terrible venom was injected into Shen Ping's body along the stinger needle, which made it impossible for him to even maintain the mimicry. He exited the transformation state and turned back to the protozoan at the same time.

"How...how is it possible..." Shen Ping's tone was full of disbelief.

Isn't he about to win? Obviously Zhou Boming couldn't even hurt him!

Transform! Transform!

Just keep transforming...

He reached out tremblingly to catch the full bottle that fell out, but...


"It's really thrilling, Shen Ping..." Zhou Boming stepped on Shen Ping's wrist stretching towards the full bottle.

"It's obviously just a larva, but it has the power to resist the leader in an instant, but it's a pity...according to the evaluation method of this world, I should belong to the dragon class... I can only temporarily strengthen it with the Evol driver. You, who can barely reach the 5.0 danger level, are still very weak!"

"The power of the bloodline is absolute. Although I can't completely control you now, as long as I find the right opportunity, I can always find a flaw, especially when you think you have gained a powerful power and are getting more and more relaxed. Even if it's just for a brief moment..."

Zhou Boming sneered, and at the same time, he stepped on Shen Ping's arm with a sudden force.

"Relying on the me who has molted my skin, I can easily catch it! The attack just now was just to make you relax! If you just wanted to control you to remove part of the armor, you will definitely not be able to do it, and it will make you keep vigilant about it. In this way I will never be able to defeat you once you come, but... you seem too arrogant."

Green blood flowed out from Shen Ping's severed arm, making him howl in pain.

"Want to ask for mercy?" Zhou Boming sneered, reached out and grabbed the long green horns on Shen Ping's head, and lifted his body up.

"But how can I let you continue to live."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the weakened version of the Evol driver on Shen Ping's waist.

And this scene also made everyone frown, they knew very well that if the other party took the Evol drive, they would be even less likely to be the opponent of this molting protozoa!

Wuma Youxiang, who was already prepared, slashed at Zhou Boming's arm covered with fine fluff, but the other party easily reacted.

Even if the dragon girl hadn't reacted in time, Wuma Youxiang might have been pierced by Zhou Boming with the same sting!

Even Shen Ping's transformation form using the weakened version of the Evol driver was left with such marks by the opponent's attack, not to mention the more fragile Zecter armor.

The burst magma forced Zhou Boming to dodge to dodge, but...

Useless useless useless!

This speed is not his limit at all!

Clock Up is fully on!

Zhou Boming was at full speed, ready to kill Shen Ping and take away the Evol drive.

But just as he was doing it, a helpless voice rang in his ears.

"Mr. Protozoan, I know your speed is very fast, but can I trouble you to die here? I have to go back quickly to supervise Qianyi and Xiaobei's studies, otherwise sister Qiyu will be angry."

This sentence made Zhou Boming's eyes widen in disbelief. He couldn't believe that someone could keep up with his current speed!

He turned his head abruptly, and then saw Jin Yingshan, who had transformed into a transcendent form, standing behind him with his chest folded and looking at him.

How can it be! Didn't this guy run away from the beginning? ! Why did it appear again, and why did the Kamen Rider armor change so much? !

Isn't the Zecter system only in masked form and knight form? What's going on here? !

In vain, Zhou Boming thought of a very incredible result, that is...

From the very beginning, Ying Shanren didn't disappear, but moved at a speed that he couldn't react to in his previous state! ! !

Then, he heard Takayama Jin sigh.

"Obviously so forbearing, and possesses such terrifying strength, but he was played by the boss to this extent."

What does it mean? Zhou Boming's pupils shrank slightly.

"Please die." Ying Shanren saw the doubt on Zhou Boming's face, and chuckled, "I think you should be able to satisfy me with such a small request."

With that said, Jin Yingshan stretched out his palm towards the sky.

"The boss said, at this time I should say - my evolution is faster than light, and no one in the universe can match my evolution speed."

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