I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 455

Damn Evolto! ! !


People don't know about the high-speed battle on the protozoan side, because this kind of battle has exceeded their comprehension ability, so most of the attention is placed on the dragon-level disaster that is coming.

Even though the body of this alien beast was already broken, it still displayed terrifying destructive power!

With its movement, the ground trembled violently, and only Li Xiu and Ji Ming faced this terrifying monster.

Ji Ming in his newborn form could not play any role in such a battle, and this situation also made him feel very self-blame.

He wanted to help, and subconsciously looked at the nebula smoke gun, but...

"Forget about that!" Li Xiu said seriously, "If you want to protect the smiles on people's faces, face up to your own strength!"

Squeezing the driver wrench was depressed, and the purple energy once again filled the component conversion device on the driver.

【Crack Up Finish! 】

Accompanied by this sound, the green energy spray exploded behind Li Xiu, as if a terrifying purple crocodile leaped out of the water, and then turned into pure energy to wrap around the feet of the leaping Li Xiu, turning into A huge crocodile-shaped energy body!

The tentacles that emerged from the body of the alien beast shattered under Li Xiu's sure-killing blow, and then the body was clamped by such an alligator snout!

At this moment, people seemed to see another monster appearing, biting the alien beast with its giant jaws.

Just like the death tumbling shown by a real crocodile when hunting, the crocodile-shaped energy body covering Li Xiu's feet continued to wreak havoc on the alien beast, trying to tear it into pieces. Roaring continuously, a large number of tentacles emerged from the body and attacked Li Xiu's body.


This was the first thought that came to Ji Ming's mind when he saw this scene, but what surprised him the next second was that the dragon girl also joined the battlefield here.

【Bottle Burn! 】

The Dragon Lava Full Bottle can is withdrawn, then reinserted into the Lava Fist.

The scorching magma that shot out from her body turned into a dragon's head on her right fist, and then bombarded the alien beast.

A more terrifying force than Li Xiu caused the huge alien beast to tilt its body, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Ji Ming was a little astonished, but what made him even more astonished was that the dragon girl turned around and yelled at him: "Why are you still hesitating? Get rid of him with your killing blow!"

Let him get rid of this dragon-level monster? How could he do it!

Ji Ming was extremely astonished, and then he found that there was an extra note in his hand at some point, which said...

"Come on, pass on hope to everyone's hearts, and restore smiles to their faces!"

Seeing this line, Ji Ming was silent, and then he took a deep breath, he knew what he should do.

He assumed a run-up posture, and then ran towards the strange beast that was trying to stand up.

His speed is not fast, and his size is so insignificant compared to the huge alien beast, but after possessing the same power as Yusuke Godai, Jiming attracts people's attention more than anyone else on the field.

Under the cover of others, he ran towards the alien beast, then jumped high and kicked towards the alien beast.

The golden energy of the seal began to gather on his right foot

"Although I don't have the ability to protect everyone yet, at least... I will try my best to protect everyone's smiles from now on!!!"

【Maximum Hyper Typhoon! 】

The final blow, drop.

Chapter 421 Trophy, Zecter System

With the complete death of the alien beast, it seemed to be announcing that the terrible disaster in Lujiang City had come to an end, but no one showed any sign of letting go.

The wall of the sky has not disappeared, proving that the battle that is now being fought on Mars is not over.

They have no way of knowing the situation on Mars at this moment, they can only wait anxiously, and at the same time hope to get the current information on Mars from the countermeasure team.

But the countermeasure team kept a strange silence about it, and didn't have the idea of ​​explaining it.

They are also forced to do so. Are they really required to say that sparks are ignited and become real sparks?

Tell them Mars was chipped away by Evolto?

If the truth of the matter is told, the fear that was finally dispelled by that black hero will definitely be rekindled again!

So they can only pray! Pray that black Kamen Rider has the power to defeat Evolto!

At this moment, all the probes launched into the orbit of Mars are out of contact, and maybe they don't even have a chance to be turned into garbage in space.

They can only watch through the astronomical telescope and observe the planet that has turned into a small sun.

The flames covering the entire planet are still burning, and it seems that the dark energy erupting from Mars can still be seen.

It wasn't until this moment that they really realized what a real monster would be like when they fought against each other.

If they are allowed to do their best on the earth, I am afraid that there will be no living things on the earth now.

They thought this way, and then prayed for Godai Yusuke.


The wall of the sky disappeared.


When the wall of the sky and Pandora's Box turned into dots and disappeared completely into the air, everyone in Lujiang City was stunned for a moment, and then excited cheers resounded throughout the city instantly!

Mr. Five Generations won!

He successfully defeated the alien life form Evolto!

People are celebrating, people are cheering, celebrating the world being saved from the brink of destruction by Godai Yusuke.

But soon, the sudden words of a person silenced the people.

Mr. Five Dynasties defeated Evolto, so how should he come back?

This seemingly unintentional sentence possessed quite terrifying power, and it spread like a virus throughout the city in a short period of time, causing the excited expressions on people's faces to freeze.

that hero...

Can I come back?

It must be possible!

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