I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 457


"Eh?! Apology? Why do you have to apologize?" After hearing Wuma Youxiang's words, the dragon girl showed a surprised expression.

In her eyes, Wuma Youxiang did nothing wrong, so why should she apologize.

Seeing the reaction of the dragon girl, Wuma Yuxiang suddenly blushed a little, especially when she remembered what the dragon girl had said when she appeared and said before because of Kamen Rider MadRogue, she became even more red, and then stammered road:

"I just feel... I feel uncomfortable about being misunderstood by everyone even though Blood Diver is trying so hard to dispel the fear in the hearts of the people in this city. I want to apologize."

This sentence made the dragon girl's eyes widen.

"Wait! Dispel the fear in people's hearts? Isn't it to catch the protozoa?"

Wuma Youxiang was taken aback.

"Didn't you know the dragon from the beginning?"

In Wuma Youxiang's eyes, since the dragon girl trusted the blood diver so much from the beginning, she should have known about it a long time ago.

The dragon girl moved her eyeballs left and right, looking guilty.

"Ah...I see, You Xiang, you must want to say that Uncle Blood Diver dispelled people's fear of the protozoa during the process of catching the protozoa, right? Hahaha! I have known about this for a long time!"

Saying that, Long Maiden patted Wuma Youxiang's shoulder, saying, 'I understand! ’ appearance.

This appearance made Wuma Youxiang sigh, and explained helplessly: "I mean, as long as all the fear in people's hearts is dispelled, then such monsters will not come."

Wuma Youxiang felt that she had overestimated the other party's IQ, but it was in line with the character of this idiot that he believed in Xue Qian without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Wuma Youxiang couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"As for catching the protozoa, it should be a matter of passing."

"Hahaha! That's exactly what I thought! You Xiang, you were actually tricked by me!" The dragon girl laughed and said shamelessly.


in the office.

"Aren't you really going to show up again? In this way, they will definitely smile again." Jon asked Wudai Yusuke, pouring a cup of black tea.

"No need." Yusuke Godai rubbed his palms, then picked up the cup and took a sip, "I hope that since it has been passed down, there is no need for me to show up."

Although it was a pity that he hadn't had time to visit other places, Yusuke Godai gave up because he felt that his goal in Jon's world had been achieved, and...

Aren't there still many opportunities in the future?

After all, he has come to such an interesting place, and he will definitely meet other people who need help here in the future, and it is time for him to embark on a new adventure.

After drinking all the black tea in the cup, Yusuke Godai bid farewell to Jon and prepared to return to his own world.

But just when he was about to open the door, he bumped into someone.

The person who opened the door and walked in seemed to be in a bad mood, wearing a gray shirt and black jacket, with a hint of vicissitudes on his face.

After seeing Wudai Yusuke also intending to open the door, he originally planned to get out of the way, but Wudai Yusuke directly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't mind, don't mind! It would be bad if you can't come back after closing the door." Wudai Yusuke smiled at the other party, and then handed out a business card to the other party.


Ji Yazhun was a little strange, he was obviously just going to find something to eat in a random restaurant, but when he opened the door, he saw a strange young man.

The smile on his face is very pure, even if he is treating a stranger, he can show such a smile.

Ji Yazhun was going to let the other party go out first, but the other party grabbed his wrist and handed him a business card.

A man who pursues dreams, Godai Yusuke?

A man with 2001 skills?

It was the first time for Ji Yazhun to see a business card without any contact information on it, but he had a deep memory of this young man. It was not this business card, but the smile on his face.

"If you need my help with anything, you can come here to find me. If I'm not here, the store manager will definitely be willing to help you."

Godai Yusuke gave Hime Yasun a thumbs up, and then left.

If you need help with anything, you can come to him?

Ji Yazhun was a little puzzled, he thought this store was a bit strange.

He raised his head and saw Jon smiling at him.

"Hello, Mr. Ji Ya."

"We met before? If so, I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten." Ji Yazhun was even more puzzled, and at the same time, there was a trace of apology in his tone.

"No need to apologize." Jon smiled, and then took out a set of tea sets again, "Mr. Ji Ya can understand that "light" guided you to this place. "

"Light" guided me to this place?

Could it be the new punishment from "Light"?

Ji Yazhun frowned slightly, but in the end he didn't choose to leave directly.

Chapter 423 No turning around in four episodes, great! (6w2 recommended)

"Brother Li Xiu, are you ready to go back?" Ji Ming looked at Li Xiu who was packing up, and asked.

"Yes, after all, the matter here has been settled, and there are still children in the orphanage who need to be taken care of." Li Xiu nodded and replied.

"I'm sorry, I said such exaggerated words to you before." Ji Ming apologized earnestly, but Li Xiu shook his head with a smile.

"It's okay, after all, my previous actions were pretty bad no matter how you look at them."

Li Xiu didn't care about this kind of thing at all. To him, sacrificing himself was not a big deal, not to mention that it didn't cause any problems for him.

He obviously wanted to help Jon bear some burdens, but now he has become the image of an undercover agent lurking beside Evolto.

Although it seems a bit wrong, judging from Li Xiu's previous performance and using the transformation smoke system when fighting Ji Ming, this label was easily recognized.


The person Ji Ming should apologize to is not him at all, it's just that the person he should apologize to doesn't even care.

If it was that person's bad taste, I guess I would still be very happy now.

"But..." Ji Ming still blamed himself a little, of course he didn't feel that he had exerted much strength in the previous battle.

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