I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 464

After returning, Ji Yazhun immediately summoned Stone Wing to return to this small village that once left him in despair.

The existence that was exactly the same as in memory made him feel like he was dreaming.

Then he meets Serra.

Sera didn't know him anymore, and when she saw him for the first time, she didn't show a familiar expression, but a vigilant look, as if she was a little wary of him, a stranger who suddenly appeared in the village.

Ji Yazhun was taken aback by this appearance, and then immediately showed a relieved smile.

He asked about what happened in this village before, and then learned that the people here were rescued by a man wearing red armor like a unicorn fairy. After saving them, the other party did not ask for any reward. , just took a photo and left.

"It turned out to be like this... so lucky." Ji Yazhun looked at Sera in front of him calmly. Although he was very happy when he saw this girl for the first time, the heaviness in his heart did not decrease at all.

Could it be that, as the store manager said, his wish is not to revive Xila at all?

In this way, isn't he a cold-blooded and ruthless person?

The expression on Ji Yazhun's face became extremely complicated, and this appearance also made Sierra more nervous, as if she wanted to escape from the appearance in front of Ji Yazhun.

Fortunately, Ji Yazhun reacted in time, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I'm not here to inquire about the clues of the person who saved you."

He could see the reason for Sera's vigilance at a glance. Before he arrived, many people must have come here to inquire about the store manager.

This sentence reassured Sierra a lot, but she was still very vigilant. However, after seeing Ji Yazhun take out the photo that Jon gave him, the expression on Serra's face changed to surprise again, but then because of Ji Yazhun Words become lost.

"Sorry, I'm not the one who saved you, I was just suggested by him to ask a question."

In Ji Yazhun's eyes, this is still "light"'s punishment for him.

Sera was resurrected, but she no longer remembered him.

But Ji Yazhun didn't mind, in his eyes Sera was still alive, that was enough.

Even if the other party doesn't know him anymore, he will try his best to protect the other party.

"Serra..." Ji Yazhun looked at Sera seriously, and asked under her curious gaze, "In your eyes, what is "light"? "

"Light"? " Sera was a little puzzled why Ji Yazhun would ask this question, but after seeing the photo Ji Yazhun took out, she chose to believe him.

Sera remembered the scene when Jon appeared in front of her before.

The colorful streamer turned into the opponent's wings, appeared in front of everyone like a god, and then saved everyone.

If that is "light", then...

"For me, "light" should be hope. When I was accidentally drawn into the battlefield before, I was praying that someone would come to save me, and then "light" appeared. "

"That's right." Ji Yazhun showed a smile, judging from his understanding of Serra, when the other party showed this expression, it meant that she was answering the question very seriously.

Does "light" represent hope?

He pulled out a cell phone and handed it to Sierra.

"Thank you very much, if you encounter any problems in the future, you can come to me, and I will protect you like a "light". "

After leaving these words, Ji Yazhun left directly.

He got the first answer from Sierra, and next, he wants to get more answers from other people...


The world of Kamen Rider Drive.

It was already dark, and Shi Daogang was walking alone on the river bank.

Behind him are flashing neon lights and a beautiful bridge across the river. The speeding cars on the bridge seem to tell people that this bustling city has just entered a bustling nightlife.

But none of this seems to have anything to do with Tsuyoshi Shishima, who looks as if he has been abandoned by the whole world.


Shishima just seemed to hear Tomari Shinnosuke calling him, making him subconsciously turn his head to look to the left, but all he saw was the slowly flowing river.


This time, it was the voice of his older sister Shishima Kiriko who made him look to the right, but what he saw was only a deserted slope.

After that...


This time, it was the voice of his father Tenjuro Manno.

Shishima just subconsciously turned around, but there was no one behind him.

A series of auditory hallucinations made Shijima Gang's palms tremble slightly, and then he suddenly remembered something and put his palms into his pockets. When his fingers touched the dark body of the evolution bottle, he immediately felt a lot better.

When his cold fingers touched the evolution bottle, he could feel the warm breath coming from it, which made his mental state normal.

Are you going to find Brother Blood Diver? Shijima just had this idea in his mind, but the next second, another auditory hallucination rang in his mind.

"Give you a place to stay."

Chapter 429 Gang: Brother Blood Diver! Have you betrayed too? ! (6w3 recommended)

"My... shelter?"

When this auditory hallucination appeared in his mind, a wave of fluctuation flashed in Shijima Go's somewhat dull eyes.

Where will his shelter be?

As the son of Barbarian Tenjuro, is there any place for him in this world?

Just as Shi Dao turned around, he was about to continue walking aimlessly, but the second he turned around, he instantly raised his vigilance!

He saw a person walking towards him, it was evil program No. 003——Brain (brain)!

"Being taken away by the newcomer, I feel very uncomfortable." Brain smiled at Shidao Gang, "How about it, do you want to come with me? Come to 001's side."

"I refuse!" Shishima refused without even thinking about it.

What a joke!

Even if they were robbed of their shelter! Even if it becomes a bereaved dog! It is also impossible for him to be with the evil program!

Such decisiveness surprised Brain a little.

"Don't you hesitate?"

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