I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 471

"Very likely." Chase nodded seriously, but was strongly refuted by Tsuyoshi Shijima in the next second.

"My memory has not been rewritten! Brother Xuedi said that I am normal!" Shidao just broke free from Shidao Wuzi's shackles.

He was getting more and more upset seeing Chase, if his memory was really rewritten, how could he still be standing here! I beat this guy up a long time ago!

"And you guys, since you know about this, why didn't you say it earlier?"

The more Shijima thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong with Chase, and he wished he could directly verify Chase's identity with the magic girl evolution bottle.


"Because no one asked me." Chase said seriously.

"Also, since you had such a scar on your body just now, it is very likely that you can't remember which memory was rewritten at all."

This sentence made other people pay attention to Shijima Takeshi again.

"Yeah, just, if the memory has been modified, how can I remember it." Park Shinnosuke said nervously.

"I've said it's okay." Shi Dao just turned his head, refusing to delve into this issue.

He came here this time just to remind others, and left directly after speaking.

He has more important things to do.

Regardless of Shishima Wuzi calling from behind, Shishima just left the special situation class directly.

And almost at the same time as his special class, the voice of Savage Tenjuro rang out from Shijima Go's satchel.

"Just now, do you want to solve the Heart that has entered a super-evolved state?"

"Not yet." Gang Shishima calmly said, "With my current strength, I'm no match for Heart at all."

"It's going to be a bit troublesome in this way." Barbarian Tenjuro seemed to be sighing, "It's obviously the most normal evil path program, but it ended up doing this kind of behavior. Sure enough, evil path programs themselves shouldn't exist. At that time, Kerim and I had a disagreement over whether to inject control programs into each evil program."

Shishima just didn't answer, but walked towards a certain place quietly, and also seemed to be listening to Manno Tenjuro seriously.

"Krim said that since evil programs can have real human emotions, they shouldn't be injected with absolute control programs, but it can't be said that it's Kerim's fault, after all, it's because of me that this happened. Mistake, maybe it’s a bit late to ask this now, but just now, what do you think I should do at that time?”

"As long as there is no evil path program." Shijima said calmly.

"Yeah, as long as there is no evil path program." Barbarian Tenjuro sighed, and after more than a minute of silence, he said again: "Just now, if you really can't deal with Heart, then create a new one." Evil way."

This proposal made Shijima go stiff.

"As long as you inject an absolute control program into the new evil program, plus your ability to make the normal evil program enter a super-evolved state, you will definitely be able to defeat Heart."

"Are you serious? Father." Shijima Tsuyoshi's fingers trembled, pretending to be indifferent, and asked: "The evil path program has caused such serious harm to people, and it will continue to create them. ?”

"Just now, that was just an accident. As long as the control program is injected into the evil program, then such a result will not occur."

Savage Tenjuro tries to convince Takeshi Shishima.

"This is the long-cherished wish of Kerim and me, but unfortunately it failed in the end. I always wanted to leave something for you just now. This kind of battle is too dangerous for you just now."

Shishima subconsciously clenched his fists.

If possible, how much he wished that all this was true, but is it really possible for the father who did those things to Heart to repent?

Shijima was just hesitating.

It has to be said that Manye Tenjuro saw Gang Shijima thoroughly, and it was easy for him to speak to Go Shishima's heart, even if Shishima had been sufficiently vigilant against Manye Tenjuro from the very beginning.

"Just now, your sister Wuzi doesn't know about it yet, if possible, I hope I can do my best to protect you."

Shishima just started to loosen.

"Just now, the super-evolved evil path formula is very strong, and Mokinosuke and Kiriko will be in danger."

Shijima's body began to tremble.

"Just now, we can no longer let the evil path program do whatever it wants."


"I..." Shi Dao's body softened, and he knelt down on the ground, and then he felt his shoulder being patted.

"Gang, I saw you talking to yourself alone and acting strange, what happened?" Jon patted Shishima on the shoulder, "doubtful" said: "And I called you again Just fell."

"Blood...Brother Xuedi..." Shi Dao just grabbed the palm that Jon offered and stood up with difficulty, then forced a smile.

For a moment, he didn't even know whether to tell Jon about the barbaric Tenjuro.

If he uses what Brother Xuedi gave him to create evil path programs, will Brother Xuedi agree?

Just as Shi Dao was hesitating, he was held down by Jon and sat on the edge of the flower bed beside him.

"Your situation is very wrong, just, is it because of Heart?"

Is it because of Heart?

It seemed that was the case, because he couldn't defeat Heart, so he was afraid that the heart that had entered the super-evolved state would bring danger to brother Jin and sister, but before he nodded, he heard Jon continue:

"If that's the case, you shouldn't have to worry." Jon also sat down on the edge of the flower bed and explained: "I went to see Heart last night, he is really a proud guy."

Jon looked very strange.

"After learning that such a strengthening device was commissioned by Kerim to develop for them, he actually proudly said that he didn't even bother to use such a power. It's really inexplicable. It's just a bad way."

Amidst Shi Daogang's puzzled expression, Jon sighed, looking very disappointed.

"In this way, wouldn't my research results be completely in vain? That guy Kerim didn't even tell me what happened, and even his collaborators have no news."

Shi Dao just had a strange look on his face, and he didn't quite understand what Jon said to him, but then he understood.

Because the second Jon spoke, the barbaric Tenjuro broke the silence.

"Gang, can I talk to this gentleman?"

Chapter 436 The Confrontation Between Crumbs and Crumbs (3650 monthly tickets)

Brother Xuedi, did you do it on purpose?

Is this the first thought that popped up in Shishima's mind after hearing the barbarian Tenjuro voluntarily declaring his existence?

The reinforcement device that Kerim asked Blood Diving Brother to develop?

If it wasn't for Shi Dao's knowledge of Jon's matter, maybe he was really deceived.

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