I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 480

His father made mistakes, but he also tried his best to make up for the mistakes he made!

The 109 in front of you is the evidence!

Different from other evil path programs, this is a evil path program that is really used to protect human beings!

【Thanks for your hard work! 】

After the transformation was released, Shijima took a deep breath, and then looked at 109 who was still floating in mid-air.

"Thank you very much."

When saying these words, Shishima Gang was stunned for a second, and then immediately showed a relieved expression.

Did you still start to thank the evil path program? How could he show such an expression before?

When did the change occur?

After knowing what happened to Heart?

Shishima was just wondering, and then got a 109 response.

"This is the responsibility of 109." 109 said to Shijima Gang, "The goal of Dr. Qiao and Dr. Savage is to eliminate the evil program. For this goal, 109 will..."

109 was about to explain her mission, but when the name Barbarian came out of her mouth, it immediately drew a strong reaction from Kerim.


Kerim was so surprised that an almost angry voice came out from the belt, and then hurriedly asked Shijima Tsuyoshi: "Gang! Didn't you say that 109 was transformed by Dr. Joe using an unfinished evil path program?"

Shishima just hesitated for a moment, and then was about to explain, but 109 was one step ahead of him.

"109 is an evil program jointly created by Dr. Qiao and Dr. Savage. The goal is to eliminate all evil programs."

109 obviously didn't know what to hide. After hearing Kerim's question, he revealed the existence of Barbarian Tenjuro without even thinking about it.

"Just now!" Kerim's voice became more anxious, and even the expression on the monitor in the middle of the belt became serious, "What's going on here?"

Obviously, things can't be kept secret anymore, even Shijima Kiriko showed a surprised expression after hearing the name Manno Tenjuro, which should have died in her memory.

Shishima just scratched his head and explained: "Father said that he has no face to see you now, so he wants to come to Kerim to apologize after completing 109 to make up for the mistakes he once let go."

Shijima thought that such an explanation would convince Kerim, but he didn’t expect Kerim to say without thinking, “Just now you and that Dr. Joe must have been deceived by Ye Ye! If there is any involvement, I can't believe any of his nonsense! Since he is still alive, it is very likely that he stole my belt system!"

It has to be said that Kerim has a deep enough understanding of the barbarian Tenjuro. If it were someone else, after seeing the appearance of 109, he would definitely choose to believe that the barbarian Tenjuro has repented and is now trying to solve the crime he once committed. Trying to make mistakes, but Kerim didn't believe in such a possibility at all!

"Ordinary people may have the possibility of repentance! But the wild devil is absolutely impossible, not even one percent...wrong! Not even one ten thousandth possibility!"

Kerim's voice became extremely serious.

He remembered what he had been used by Barbarian Tenjuro, and then his tone became extremely tense.

"Just now, that friend of yours may be being used by the barbarians now!"

Kerim's words made Shijima Takeshi's face a little ugly, after all, the devil that Kerim is talking about now is his father.

"Kerim, you are just getting angry on one side right now." Shishima pointed to 109 who was looking at them curiously, "As long as there is 109, the evil programs will be wiped out, and this is considered complete Kerim, your long-cherished wish, isn’t the original intention of creating evil path programs to lead human society to progress?”

Even Tomari Shinnosuke showed an expression of approval.

From the fact that 109 did not hesitate to attack the opponent in the previous fight with Heart, Shinnosuke Pakino realized the difference in the formula of this evil path.

There is also the reluctant gaze when looking at the dim sum in the base.

After Shi Dao Gang came back, he accidentally saw the snack in Shi Dao Gang's pocket.

It should be given to him by 109. In this way, taking five is not greedy, but to share it with important people?

This looks like a really good boy.

Thinking of this, Pakino Shinnosuke couldn't help but said, "Mr. Belt, 109 just helped us a lot."

"I'm not suspicious of 109, but of wildness!" Kerim replied directly.

He has no ill feeling towards the Evil Route Program itself, and he wants to destroy the Evil Route Program because they have become such monsters because of the barbaric Tenjuro!

When seeing 109 appear before, even Kerim felt as if the angel he saw was descending.

109 is exactly the same as the evil path he originally envisioned... No! It was far beyond his estimate!

But it was precisely because of this that he became even angrier after hearing the name of Barbarian Tenjuro!

002Heart is also a normal evil program. Originally, his mission was to benefit mankind, but he turned into this appearance in the hands of that devil, Barbarian Tenjuro!

So will this angelic villain become the same as Heart?

"Mr. Belt..." Mokinosuke, who didn't know Kerim's past, was a little taken aback. It was the first time he saw Kerim so angry, but just when he was about to say something.

"A heavy acceleration reaction was detected, and 109 began to dispatch."

109, who was still watching everyone curiously, detected a heavy acceleration reaction again.

In the next second, the light wings spread out again, piercing into the air.

This scene made the others subconsciously stop the quarrel, and stared blankly at the data flow wrapped around 109 light wings, and then watched her disappear in place.

Then Moto Shinnosuke's phone rang, and after it was connected, Moto Shinnosuke heard a request for support from the Special Cases Section.

"Mr. Park, there is a 'cloudy' reaction in the C5 area, request... request..."

When it came to the end, the voice of the person asking for support became stammered, as if he had seen something terrible, which made Mokinosuke eagerly ask: "What happened?"

"Evil program... was defeated by an angel..."

Shinnosuke Tomakura and Kerim fell silent.

Chapter 445

109 is very happy, because in her first official dispatch, she solved two evil programs and protected the safety of many people.

In this way, those evil programs should be solved soon, and the wishes of Dr. Qiao and Dr. Savage will be fulfilled soon!

Being able to freely come and go on the Internet, she can naturally know the reaction she caused after her appearance. Although it has not fully spread, this feeling of being thanked makes 109 very happy.

After solving the second evil program, 109 returned to the laboratory.

She gave Dr. Joe a snack before, and she got a box of toffee as a gift. Now that she has completed the task, she should be praised by Dr. Joe and Dr. Savage!

109 is full of expectations.

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