I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 489

"Where are you now, Brother Blood Diver?"

"I'm warming up to the fire, but don't worry, if your father is in danger, I will save him."

Chapter 452

"Heart, I'm a little surprised why you would do such unnecessary behavior." Brain looked at Heart suspiciously.

Before that, they hadn't noticed what the barbaric Tenjuro was planning, and they didn't even know when 004 mimicked Kerim. They thought they could threaten the barbaric Tenjuro and threaten him to continue creating evil programs. The data core, but now it seems that it is obviously not so easy to threaten the other party.

In other words, this tablet is not as useful as imagined, but it is understandable to bring it back, but it is unnecessary to bring back the body of Dr. Qiao.

He didn't think Heart would do such a nasty thing, and it was exactly as he had imagined, the purpose of bringing the freezer back was to bury Dr. Joe who was killed by 004.

There is no benefit in doing so, and maybe you will be hated by that 109.

"If I didn't take it away, it is estimated that 109 will keep Dr. Qiao's body like this. I think it is a bit disrespectful to the dead, and then brought it back."

Heart smiled, looking at the blazing flames in front of him.

"Compared to us, 109 is just a newborn child, and it's normal for him to act childishly."

"But she killed quite a few of our companions." Brain reminded, grabbing a handkerchief and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Of course I won't ignore this, Brain." Heart patted Brain on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I won't forgive her for my dead companion, but it is undeniable that she is also our companion, so I Wanting to make her understand who exactly caused this."

"It's still the same, Heart, but it's precisely because of this that we gather by your side."

Brain was rubbing his handkerchief, with a somewhat excited expression on his face, but before he could say anything, the figure he saw out of the corner of his eye made him shrink back behind Heart again.

109 is here!


When 109 saw the burning flames, he knew what Heart had done.

But just when she clenched her fists and was about to kill Heart and Brain, the tablet that appeared in Heart's hand made her stop abruptly.

"This thing is very important to you." Heart gently shook the tablet in his hand, and then said as if recalling something: "Tell me an interesting joke. When I first saw him, I also I feel like he will be very important to me."

After finishing speaking, Heart laughed to himself, as if laughing at his own stupidity.

But 109 didn't understand what Heart was talking about at all, and when the tablet containing the brain data of the barbaric Tenjuro appeared in Heart's hands, she didn't dare to act rashly.

"Give it back to me!" 109 yelled at Heart angrily, "Give me back Dr. Savage!"

"That's not okay." Heart shook his head. "If you don't have this thing, you will definitely attack my companions. They are not your opponents. How about a deal? I don't hurt the barbarians, but you can't to hurt my comrades."

Heart's words made 109 freeze in place.

If she agrees to Heart's conditions, then she will no longer be able to guard the dreams of the doctors, but if she does not agree, Dr. Savage will also die.

It's... a choice!

109 began to get scared, because no matter which side she was, she couldn't give up.

Before that, if she encountered doubts, she could ask Dr. Joe, and after Dr. Joe left, she could ask Dr. Savage, but now... there is no one around her who can answer her doubts.

She seemed... to have no one to turn to.

109's body began to tremble, and she found that if no one helped her, she couldn't make a choice at all!

She felt like her data core was about to go down, and she wished someone could tell her what to do now!

109 thought like this, and then seemed to respond to her will, a voice appeared in her data core.

"Calm down, 109."

Such a voice, is it Dr. Qiao? !

During the battle before, 109 thought that the sound he heard when he was close to going berserk might be an illusion, but the sound that appeared again now is obviously not an illusion!

"It's me. When I died before, my brain was converted into data like a barbarian. It happened that you arrived in time at 109 and let my brain enter the strengthening device. However, something went wrong and I only woke up now."

In other words... Dr. Joe, you are not dead?

"The body can be regarded as dead, but now is not the time to worry about it, we must rescue Dr. Savage."

Rescue Dr. Savage?

right! That's right! Save Dr. Savage! Then change back to the original form!

After Jon helped make a decision, 109 changed his previous fear and raised his head to look at Heart.

There was no expression on the face that hadn't been mimicked yet, making it hard for Heart and Brain to guess whether 109 wanted to make a move.

Then to their relief, 109 turned and left, as if accepting Heart's conditions.

"Scared me to death!" Brain, who didn't dare to breathe just now, collapsed and took a few breaths, "Just now I almost thought that guy was going to attack, but as expected, it is Heart, who managed to control it so easily With such a powerful guy, our next plan will definitely go smoother."

Brain showed a grateful smile, but the next second Heart gave an answer that surprised him.

"No, I have no intention of controlling 109."

This answer made Brain's eyes widen, and he looked at Heart in disbelief.

It took a lot of effort to find the hiding place of Barbarian Tenjuro, shouldn't he use it?

As if seeing Brain's doubts, Heart clapped the tablet in his hand, it was just a simple tablet, naturally he couldn't hear the communication between him and room 109 in his hand.

"Didn't I say Brain, I want to make 109... no, maybe it should be called 108, but this is just the previous number, I want her to realize that the savage she admires is What a devil."

"108?" Brain showed a surprised expression.

"Yes, I was a little skeptical before, so I went to investigate." Heart sighed, "If the barbarian had prepared without our knowledge from the beginning, then there should be more than one 109 dealing with us now. That's right, and the fact that 109 evolved to a super-evolved state in just a few days is undoubtedly the work of that Dr. Qiao."

"That is to say, Heart, do you suspect that Manye started his plan ahead of schedule after meeting that Dr. Joe?" Brain showed a puzzled expression after listening to Heart's words.

Then, the puzzled look on his face turned serious.

"In this way, it makes sense. It is precisely because of that power that Barbarian prepared to attack in advance. Then, in order to stabilize Dr. Qiao, he asked 004 to take out 108 that was sealed by us. But why did he How about killing that Dr. Joe?"

"Maybe it's because they also had a disagreement." Heart looked at the back of 109 leaving, then shook his head.

"After all, Barbarian is just a despicable guy. Brain, you should have noticed that 109 has become stronger. Do you think it has something to do with witnessing the death of important people?"

"But what does that have to do with what you do, Heart?"

"Because the existence valued by 109, besides the barbarian, only Shijima Go is left, so our next goal is very clear, and the behavior of 004 ​​leaving early also proves that the barbarian deliberately let 109 thought he was taken away by me."

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