I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 513

"But it's very annoying..." Shijima complained, "and Bro Jin and Kerim, they all started to preach to me, I just want to heal my injuries now, and then go to your world, Brother Blood Diving Hide for a while."

Shi Dao just lay on his stomach like this, looking really annoyed, ready to sleep here.

But just as he closed his eyes, the office door was pushed open.

The person who pushed the door and walked in was a young man with hair dyed dark yellow, wearing a floral top, a black leather jacket outside, and a belt with a buckle with a pattern of straight palms around his waist. At the moment, I still hold a paper bag for food in my hand.

It may seem frivolous, but it seems very accessible.

When seeing each other for the first time, Jon's feeling was...

Ah~ The Kamen Rider pool is up again for a limited time!

Fuck Maharuto, a Kamen Rider from the world of Kamen Rider Wizard.

That is Faye.

When he opened the door and walked into the office, he was a little stunned, astonished that he had opened the door of the shadow hall of an antique store and was about to go home, so he suddenly came to such a place.

Could it be that I was thinking about something on my mind, and then went to the wrong door?

This...is a coffee shop?

As if to alleviate the embarrassment of going to the wrong place, Cao Zhenqing held the paper bag containing donuts and pretended that he was just coming in for a cup of coffee, walked to the bar and sat down, and asked: "Hi, please Bring me a cappuccino with more sugar."

Shi Dao just looked at Fuck Zhenqing with admiration on his face, and then urged Jon who was hesitating: "Brother Xueqian, why don't you give it to him!"

Apparently, Shijima was just brooding over the fact that he tasted the most terrifying coffee in the world as soon as he came in.

Hearing this, Cao Zhenqing was a little puzzled.


ps: Should the monster in Fa Ye be called Phantom or Phantom? A little headache.


ps2: Thank you for your blades and rewards.

_(??ω?? ”∠?)_

Chapter 473: Just a Smile

Nexus Ultraman world.

The light blue vacuum shock wave shot out from the energy blasting gun in Ji Yazhun's hand, and with just one shot, the small Pedron that caused the two of the night raid team to fight hard was smashed to pieces.

Under the attack of this vibration wave that killed the alien beast, the ugly body of the small Pedron exploded into light blue dots in an instant, and no tissue cells were left behind.

Such a powerful blow naturally stunned the two members of the Night Raid Team. Among them, the newly promoted member Komon Ikki looked at the small energy blaster in Ji Yazhun's hands in disbelief. He couldn't believe that a single blow could eliminate small alien creatures The beast's attack actually came from such a small weapon.

But before he could ask a question, Ji Yazhun, who was still considered a suspicious person in their eyes, took the initiative to speak.

"Can you tell me what "light" means to you? "

This is a very strange question, especially coming from a stranger.

And while speaking, Ji Yazhun fired another shot, killing the small Pedron hiding in the dark.

However, this seems to be Ji Yazhun's random blow, and the most important thing for him seems to be the answer in the mouth of the two.

But Kodo Kazuki and Saijo Nagi, who were in shock, didn't answer Hime Yasun's question immediately. When the two of them came back to their senses and were about to ask Himesa Jun who he was, Hime Yasun had disappeared in place.


This time, there was no answer.

Ji Yazhun thought so.

During this period of time, he has been fighting alien beasts, and at the same time he is also looking for this answer.

After learning the first answer of ""light" is hope" from Serra, he has been looking for the next answer, but most of the answers given are "do you mean the sun?" It’s uncomfortable if it’s too dazzling’, ‘Does it mean to be famous? I want to perform in the spotlight' kind of answer.

Although Ji Yazhun did not find the real answer, but also no one will take "light" as punishment.

Then he remembered the smile that that person named Godai Yusuke showed him when he strayed into that strange coffee shop.

It was a very warm smile, like sunlight that can bring smiles to people. For Yusuke Goshidai, does "light" represent a smile?

Ji Yazhun suddenly wanted to know the answer, so he came to the office again.

Unfortunately, he didn't meet Goshiro Yusuke, but he met two customers he hadn't seen before, and one of them seemed to have a very good relationship with the store manager.

Then, he saw the owner of the place smiling at him.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Himeya, would you like something?"

"Black tea is fine." Ji Yazhun tried to show a smile, although it looked a little stiff.

Ji Yazhun is very grateful to Jon, and also wants to repay him, but now he hasn't even figured out his real wish.

Going to the bar and sitting down, Ji Yazhun looked curiously at the two young people next to him. The young man who seemed to be familiar with the store manager seemed to be injured, lying on the bar as if asleep, while the other The young man was a little astonished, as if he looked the same as when he came here before.

While Ji Yazhun was looking at Misaka Haruto, Misaka Maharu was also looking at him.

"Hello, my name is Fuck Zhenqing."

"Ji Yazhun."

Ji Yazhun also reported his name, which is considered to be an acquaintance, but that's all. After a brief introduction of himself, Cao Zhenqing turned his head to look at Jon, and said seriously:

"I already understand the situation, and I will try... No, I will do my best to come up with a solution!"

After leaving these words, Cao Zhenqing said goodbye and left, in such a hurry that he even forgot to take the bag containing the donuts.

"It seems that he is a warm-hearted person..." Shidao just looked at the back of Cao Zhenqing who hurriedly left, and sighed, "I thought he would at least hesitate."

"After all, everyone thinks differently." Jon smiled.

Fuck Maharu, the magic-wielding Kamen Rider is the one who risked his life not wanting to see such a tragedy happen again because he has witnessed such a terrible tragedy.

He is a very honest person, but he doesn't like to show his true heart.

Shi Dao just shrugged his shoulders, and he didn't inquire about other people's past thoughts. Then he glanced at Ji Yazhun and thought that this man should have something to do with Jon, so he said, "Brother Xueqian, please open the door, I think Go and see Xiaoxuan."

"Is your body okay?"

"Such a small matter, of course it's okay!" Shijima showed a confident smile on his face, and then left the coffee shop.

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