I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 612

Mizorogi couldn't figure it out either, he could only watch the light cone composed of pure white energy break through the killing light of the dark Mephisto II.

How powerful the special attack from the second generation of Dark Mephistopheles is, as a former dark fit person, Mizo Lu Muzhen can't understand it all too well, not to mention that the strength of this new dark fit person is much stronger than his previous one. Even stronger, but even such a dark light is constantly shattering!

Terrifying dark particles of light spewed out from the ground, trying to tear this small figure apart, but even if the second generation of Dark Mephisto tried their best, it only slowed down the speed of the white light cone, and it was even more terrifying what is...

The pure white light cone that was only the size of a person is gradually expanding! From the appearance of only a few meters high, it turned into a huge energy body of nearly a hundred meters, and this is far from over!

With this energy constantly breaking through the dark particle light, even the sky has been gradually occupied by such pure white!

If hit by such terrifying energy, even the second generation of Dark Mephisto...

It will die too!

This was the answer that Mizorogi Shinya got subconsciously, so he felt confused.

He found that all the clues he knew now were so confusing!

Because of the fear of being occupied before, Mizoroki also thought that the other party was going to put the next target on Nagi Saijo, so he wanted to resist, but...

If the other party really intends to do this, wouldn't it be enough to just possess Nagi Saijo? He is just a "doll" controlled by darkness, and after the appearance of the second generation of Dark Mephisto, apparently what happened to him has been known by the man behind the scenes! So why do such things? !

This time, Mizo Lu Muzhen did not choose to resist and interfere with the battle of the alien life form occupying his body, but questioned loudly in the consciousness space, asking why the other party did such a thing.

Mizorogi also thought that he would be ridiculed mercilessly by the other party, but...

"It's just a pity."

When these words rang in Mizoroki Shinya's ears, a confused expression appeared on his face.

Just feel a little pity?

Mizoroki didn't think of himself, because even in his own eyes, he was nothing more than a scum that even death couldn't make up for the mistakes he had made. Naturally, there would be nothing to be sorry about. but...

"Mizorogi, you've dreamed about that place before, right?"

Ever dreamed of that place?

A trace of doubt flashed across Mizorogi's face, and then he remembered something.

In the past period of time, he did have the same dream several times. He dreamed that he appeared in a forest and could see strange ruins in the distance.

At that time, he felt fear, and the hesitation in his heart made him stop at the spot and dare not move towards the ruins, and then such dreams no longer appeared after he merged with Dark Mephisto.

He didn't think much about it before, but after hearing Jon take the initiative to bring it up, he noticed something was wrong.

He knew that this alien life form had read his memory, but if it was just an ordinary dream, there was no need to bring it up.

Vaguely, Mizolu Muzhen also realized that he seemed to have missed something very important because of his cowardice.

Before he could come up with an answer, that voice rang in his ears again, and the content in it made his mind go blank for an instant.

"That ruin is where the Light is, Mizorogi. "Jon, who was constantly breaking through the second-generation light technology of the dark Mephistopheles, said.

He could feel that the power of this dark Mephisto was still getting stronger, and even if he was fighting against him, the meta field was gradually being eroded by darkness.

There is no doubt that Dark Zaki definitely spent a lot of effort in making this second generation of Dark Mephisto. It is very likely that the plan to manipulate this "doll" to be interrupted will continue, so that "Light" "Pass it to the next able person, but unfortunately he is ready to cut off his beard again! And next time, Dark Zaki won't have any chance!

In other words, it's time to separate from Mizorogi.

Before the separation, Jon didn't mind telling Mizo Luki the truth of the matter, because in his original plan, he was going to temporarily seal the memory of Mizo Luki when he was possessed before leaving, although the other party had successfully found him. He has returned to himself, but it is not suitable for him to continue to participate in the next thing.

So Jon did not hesitate to tell the other party what Mizorogi had missed.

Mizorogi Shinya's silence did not exceed Jon's expectation, but what he said immediately after that surprised Jon a little.

"That is to say, the purpose of you deceiving me is to let me find myself?" Mizo Lu Muzhen also said bitterly.

He thought of Saitian Riko who had been recalled by the other party. If it hadn't been for the bond between Saitian Riko and Koto Kakki at the last moment that made her briefly overcome the darkness, it would definitely not be so easy to be rescued.

What about him? Who is he bound to?

Nagi Saijo!

Apart from Nagi Saijo, Mizoroki couldn't think of other candidates, and then he really understood why he woke up.

It's remorse!

Regret for the mistakes I have made will bring danger to Nagi Saijo! It is precisely because of the importance of Nagi Saijo in his heart that he realizes how weak he is in losing to the darkness! Mizo Lu Muzhen also knew that he had been deceived.

But this kind of deception made him unable to feel angry at all, because...

A scum like him, a toy "doll" deserves to be deceived!

If just being deceived can redeem the mistakes he once committed, then Mizoroki is even willing to be deceived forever in the future!

But this is also painful for him. Unlike Saitian Riko, is he really qualified to be saved?

Even Mizo Lu Muzhen didn't think he was qualified to be saved! He lost to the darkness because of his weakness, and then made a mistake that he regrets now.

If death can make up for such a mistake, then Mizoroki really doesn't mind making up for it with his own life, but...

Just his life, nothing can make up for it!

He finally conquered his fear of death, but at such a price.

Then Mizoroki also got an answer.

"That's right, Mizorogi, you are not eligible to be saved."

This answer made Mizo Lu Muzhen very agreeable, but then Jon changed the subject, and Mizo Lu Muzhen also fell into silence.

"But since you have overcome the fear of death, such beliefs are not for you to escape from."

These words caused a trace of confusion to appear in Mizoroki Shinya's eyes.

He is no longer afraid of death, so is it really appropriate to use this belief that he has dreamed of to escape?

He can see the outside situation through the eyes of this body, and what he can see now is the "light" that is constantly breaking through the darkness, and he seems to be able to see the second generation of dark Mephisto that is almost oozing out. With bloody scarlet eyes, the person who also lost to the darkness is staring fiercely at this side, as if he wanted to take away the power of "light" just like him before.

Then, Mizo Luki really understood!

If this Mr. Kamen Rider just wants to defeat such darkness, there is no need to take such an approach! In other words, even if it is another person who lost to the darkness, this Mr. Kamen Rider wants to save him!

Perhaps in the eyes of this Mr. Kamen Rider, there is nothing special about him. He was chosen only because he lost to the darkness, but it is completely different for him.

After realizing what he had missed, Mizoroki also found that he himself began to yearn for "light"!

If you choose to escape with death after being pulled out of the darkness, then you will simply fail the efforts of this Mr. Kamen Rider!

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